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Everything posted by Ghost_Bass
[quote name='blind pilot' post='1105162' date='Jan 27 2011, 03:32 PM']I will give ya £50.00 for it! lol[/quote] It's on, sir! I'll make it £55
I have the 9.0 and tried the 6.0, they're very diferent!. The 9 puts out more lows, i run mine completely flat and all the tone shaping i ever need comes from my pu balance knob. I keep my EQ with Highs in the middle, a little (and i mean little +/- 2º to 5º) scoop on the mid and again the same little boost on the lows and finally blend in another little bit of piezzo. I used the same EQ with my trace and now my sound is more defined and has more attack! The shuttle can do all those higher freqs... i like a HiFi'ish sound and was forced to roll off the tweeter control to 9 o'clock because it screamed too much (in a very musical way). Never tried EBS gear extensively but from quick contacts with them i got the impression they had a very defined sound, were punchy yet fat but it still sounded too artificial to my ears hence me going for the shuttle combination. It realy puts out what it recieves. I tried mine with my guitarist guitar and muting the amp you could still hear the same timbre coming out of the guitar! I can't recomend Genz enough but i'm fully aware that's just because i own one and probably am trying to excuse the big investment... but don't we all do that?
They don't ship abroad... I think i'll have to wait until they start popping up in the sales section... I would realy like a J but it seems they only do P's!
[quote name='bubinga5' post='1105775' date='Jan 28 2011, 12:51 AM']AAGH.. nooo...damn you over seas person.. ok you got pics?[/quote] I'll take some this weekend if the sun decides to apear but only to keep your GAS running. I seriously doubt you would be willing to pay what i'm asking for... it's almost the price of a new one over there! In a local store there's one priced at 2300€!!! (=£1980!!!) Of course i've sent mine in from UK (new) for a lot less I have it for little less than two years and it's been sitting on it's case ever since i bought the TRB (8 months ago) hence me selling... Rough math adds something like £1150 if i were to ship you this boy... so i think you won't be doing business with me I'll try not to forget the pics, keep that SR5 GAS, they're realy amazing basses. The best B string i heard and the fastest and more comfortable neck i've played. Only selling mine because i think it deserves to be played and it's sound is not suited for what i'm playing at the moment. Cheers
...and here i am overseas trying to sell this pretty thing on my avatar... <----
I'll never be happy with any bass i have but i'll always take advantage of it's personality - GAS is a terrible thing! When i finally got my SR5 i said to everybody i know it was the bass for a life! Less than one year later i've bought the TRB. A couple of days after receiving it i went to a friends house and AB'd it against a Smith... i have Smith GAS ever since but i'm perfectly happy with my Yammy. Don't think on selling it and it does every sound i want ( from P to J but not MM and i hate Warwick sound!!!). My bass Gas is put aside for a long time unless a great deal on the Smith pops up. In the end a very similar bass in tone but with just an extra sweetness in sound but not a 2K extra sweetness... The fault of this buying and selling is only due to BassChat and theire GASing members. Since i registered i've lost count on the amount of pedal i've bought and sold... On the topic: I'm not planing in buying a custom bass but i would if that's the only way i'll have the specs i wanted on a bass. After trying it it wouldn't surprise me if i found out it still lacked something... market place with it and new project on the horizon
The 5ers don't exist JUST to add that extra 5 steps down in tone! They exist to make life easyer to the bass player that, at any given time, could be asked to change the tone in a song. With a fiver you just need to change your hand placement on the fretboard and play the same drawings... and that's it! The 5er isn't a weird beast like many stated, in fact i find a 5er easyer to play and more confortable - smaller string spacing and usualy thinner necks, even though larger - and had no problems apart from hammering the B string thinking it was the E on the first couple of days! I find slapping easyer on the 5er too, almost every 4's i've tried had too much spacing or string height and slowed down my... err... technique. People who say they don't need more than 4 strings or that a bass doesn't need the extra ones must be used to play up and down the neck in the same string or don't now the difference in the tension created on a song by hitting a low B intead of climbing up the E string and giving one in the 7th fret! I remember seeing a Morphine concert (probably the last one before he died) and noticing he played with a jazz bass with only two strings! And he played every song with it! If he was still alive he could drop up here and say: "Hey! I only need two string on a bass! Don't need the extra neck width and if i have to hit a lower note i'll just buy bigger strings and tune them down! A Bass only needs two strings and the rest should be named differently" - of course i'm exagerating! I can only imagine the kind of replyies he would be getting...
[quote name='cheddatom' post='1104783' date='Jan 27 2011, 09:34 AM']When you say it's cutting out, do you mean it keeps turning off? You can tell by the power light. If it's not turning off, there's no reason to think it would be the PSU. Is it related to movement at all IE does this happen when you're rocking the whammy?[/quote] ^What he sayd plus is your input/output jacks (both the cable and pedal) in good condition? In many pedals if you unplug the jack the power gets shutted out. Get a good tech to have a look at it or you can always sell me that faulty pedal for £20 and get rid of the trouble!
I don't know the Blogger and i can't try one at the moment. All i know is that the Misrosynth works in a chain. If i ever manage to get my paws on a Blogger i'll try it and post my results.
[quote name='DanOwens' post='1103897' date='Jan 26 2011, 03:54 PM']This is what every purchaser of this amp expects. I'm sorry to say, it may not actually happen. [/quote] That's very incorrect! He turns the amp and volumes all the way up and only then he plugs in the jack!!! It should had blown him away then!... this is the kind of blockbuster that made milions...
Don't buy an expensive one! First find out why your current one is noisy - maybe wrong power supply or grounding isues with it, try it with batteries for troubleshooting. If it's realy a fault of the unit then get a used Boss or something similar. Use it extensively until you find the fx's you like more and realy use then start buying good (and often expensive) stompboxes! My 2 cents...
[quote name='Mog' post='1103859' date='Jan 26 2011, 03:31 PM']Anyways, I've been scaling back the pedalboard lately as I dont use half the crap on there. What I'm left with is: TU-2. Ibanez Phat head. (OD/Distortion) Visual Sounds Angry Fuzz. PSK Chorus. Crybaby. Boss ME 20b Should I put the multi fx last in the chain to avoid crappy digital decay/tracking or at the start? Suggestions?[/quote] I would use the signal chain like you posted it but trade places betwen the chorus and the crybaby! I would just simply take the multifx out of the board. What fx do you use on it? Can't you get decent stompboxes to do that? Cheers
[quote name='fxpedal.co.uk' post='1103794' date='Jan 26 2011, 03:08 PM']That's one of our own power supplies so I'm pleased to hear you're happy with it. I've not tried the BMS on it recently though a member of staff did demo the standard EHX Guitar Synth recently and they didn't know about the daisy chain issue and it worked fine. It could be that EHX have upgraded the pedal but I'll need to find time to test them to be sure. If anyone else is interested in the Stompbox 8 power supply, they're available direct from our website here: [url="http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/stompbox-8-3000ma-power-supply-with-8-way-daisy-chain-696-p.asp"]http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/stompbo...chain-696-p.asp[/url][/quote] If i knew this back then i would have dealt with you directly (and maybe benefit from a BC'er discount?! ) I take the oportunity to say it was a nice and smooth deal and both the PSU and the cable (very important!) are realy good quality. Thanks edit: i also love the "L" shaped tips, very usefull on a pedal board!
[quote name='icastle' post='1103188' date='Jan 26 2011, 09:13 AM']The GP7 delivers 300W into 4Ω. So, 2 x 8Ω speakers wired in parallel would do the job nicely... [/quote] But doing so you won't be able to add an extension cab! The combos come with 8ohm load from factory to alow adding another 8ohm cab. The original speakers are Celestion C10H-100 @ 16Ohm, not easy to find though... a lot of the 8Ohm type usualy show up here and there from guys who managed to blow up their 4x10's, if you don't think in adding an ext cab then you could go for it and get the full power of that great amp (but who is crazy enough to do that!!!) - Yes! I used to have one Is the horn still there? It's a Fostex, very great sounding thing!
My XO Bass Microsynth arived today. I had a quick go at him at my lunch hour and tried it on my pedalboard fed by mt daisy-chain. IT WORKED OK! No problems even though someone sugested it has the same problems as the blogger. In EHX manual they say not to use this pedal with a daisy-chain but i guess they're just trying to sell a few more PSU's... I think the problem with EHX powering pedals mus have something to do with the mA needed to power them. My PSU is a 3000mA (or 3A if you prefer) that i got from evilbay: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-STOMPBOX-8-3000mA-9V-DC-EFFECT-PEDAL-POWER-SUPPLY-/220678494225?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item3361769811"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-STOMPBOX-8-3000m...=item3361769811[/url] It always worked fine and the cable is very long. I recomend it to everybody Maybe the Blogger problem could be as simple as this?
Oh! Ok, we also use the fuses inside the amp's plug (we have a 230V grid). The last post just got mr confused, i got the idea that your fuses were mounted on the lead itself and not on the amp! It was a "Lost in Translation" moment!
Sorry if this sounds silly, do you mean that the the fuse is inside the lead or did i misunderstood the english?
This may be a stupid observation but if the Blogger/Microsynth won't work because of a positive center why don't you just open the pedal, desolder the wires on the DC input and resolder them to get the negative center? would this work? After seing some close pics of both the blogger and the m/s i see they have a negative center like the bass big muff! I'm confused again...
[quote name='fxpedal.co.uk' post='1100035' date='Jan 23 2011, 08:01 PM']We have reserved most of the pedals from the first shipment. The price will be lower than that quoted above, however, there are some discrepancies in the 2011 trade price list and we are awaiting confirmation on the exact price of this pedal before we put it on the site. The first units are due to arrive in June and, judging by the reaction at NAMM, we expect to pre-sell most if not all of what we have coming in. If I get more news, I'll let you know.[/quote] Good to hear they haven't completely lost their minds. Keep us posted when you get the final quotes. Cheers
[quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1097972' date='Jan 21 2011, 07:12 PM']I used to have one. The 'XO' series of pedals do indeed need isolated power supplies. Daisy chaining either cuts the power or it whines depending on which power supply you use. If I recall correctly it's a centre positive rather than negative (don't quote me on it though). You can get around the issue by buying a gigrig virtual battery, which will then allow you to daisy chain it with your other pedals (as it fools it into thinking the power supply is isolated). At around £30 each though it may work out cheaper to just run it on batteries for a few years! Shep[/quote] Isn't the Bass Big Muff an XO series? I have it daisy-chained on my board and working! I'm waiting for the arival of a Bass Microsynth, is that one daisy-chainable, anyone? Sorry for derailing but this is the first time i've heard of this question with EHX pedals. Any tech explanation why the Blogger doesn't work with a shared psu?
having the sansamp for what are you using the odb? i would put drive-overdrive-fuzz-limiter so the sansamp vs odb would depend on each effect.
You can't complaint much... since i remember VAT has been 20% over here, a couple of years ago it climbed to 21% and this year we have a very nice and brand new 23% VAT tax... all due to the economical crisis that no one realy sees...
I would realy love to try a Supertwelve T not just due to all the great compliments it has been recieving from most BC'ers but also because i believe it's the only 2x12" in the world able to get the full power out of my amp! And it's light!!! If Alex would ever consider an international tour i'll be first on the list! If not i'll have to go mad and order one blindfolded! I have to agree with Musicman20 on the looks though. A nice old school tolex cover to go with that silver grill cloth would look awesome. This is from the pics i've been seeing on the web, nowadays Alex could have a refined paint job and fittings on them and got them to look more like the big manufacturer ones - some up-to-date pics would be helpfull! Of course the sound will always be the main thing that mathers... but don't forget that we also buy with our eyes!
The look counts a lot! One of the best sounding basses i had in my hands was a Kubicki ex-factor but i simply hate it's looks and won't get caught with one... The order: Looks - the first thing every body does is to look at the bass even before it's in your hands. Weird looks put's me off but i've changed my mind in the past about certain looks and started to like them, eventualy, due to the basses sound; Weight - the first thing everybody notices when it reaches your hands; neck/scale/feel/tone - that first play you give it before pluggint it in to an amp can decide if it goes back on the shelf. The neck has to be comfortable and feel right in your hands, no fret buzzing (a setup should have been made by the shop or no sale for them), no neck dive, nice string spacing and support for the right hand. I'll give it some slaps and pops to see if it's easy to achieve without changing any right hand techniques; Sound - Plug it on the amp (everything flat) and see if it sounds like what i'm looking. Fidle the knobs and see if it is capable of a wide tonal range and if that sound i was looking for is there; Finish - If it reches this stage that bass is almost a keeper. I'll unplug it and take a very close look at it's hardware, pickups, fittings, finishes. Basicly look for any signs of sloppy construction or cheap materials.
I think it all depends on what you are playing. In my old acoustic band (5 piece: drum, bass, vocals, rithm guitar, solo guitar) i had to keep it simple and throw in some fills where it was possible. Now i'm in a four piece funk band (drum, bass, vocal, guitar) where the guitarist keeps it simple and plays at lows volumes (he just fills the sound with some nice lines) so i was forced to make the bass line more "interesting"! However every time i can i try to play simple lines along with the drums... I like the simple bass lines with lots of groove. Just keep those fills for where they sound great and make your bass stand out of the music, if you use them all the time nobody will pay attention to what you're doing