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Posts posted by Ghost_Bass

  1. My first ever amp (Trace Elliot Boxer 15) has a hole in the middle of the cone, probably also a screwdriver or similar. It's been held together with scotch tape ever since i can remember and it never teared or put out farty sounds. If i were you i would try the toilet/kitchen paper + art attack glue (50-50 wood glue and water :D ) solution first but the result will be a stiff zone in the fix, you can also try to see if you can use contact glue or gasket silicone mixed with the TP/Kitchen paper for the repair as both are flexible so, in theory, will last longer.

    As the damage is in the suspension of the cone it may not last forever but it's cheap and easy to try before spending on a re-cone or new driver.

    Good luck!

  2. [quote name='D'AddarioUK' timestamp='1488208512' post='3246783']
    (...) We're always looking at our product range to ensure that the lineup makes sense to our consumers (...)

    In all honesty, being a Prosteels user practicly since they were released, i didn't find that the Flexsteels brought that much to the table to justify keeping both ranges. They were too similar, for me, and that extra little bit of zing from the Flex's just didn't justify spending the extra money. I also prefered the core tone of the Pro's, the highs are more balanced with the rest of the tones.

  3. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1489097487' post='3254440']
    A new band job means that I am taking random gear items to rehearsals and of course gigs. I am joining the masses of travelling light and have found that with my bass, cab and a suitable case I can almost carry all my kit in one journey from the motor.

    Last night I used a suitcase (I think it's the maximum sized for carry-on aircraft luggage) and managed to get everything I need in, just. Thing is though, it's not built for bass gear. I'll probably tear it to shreds. So I am looking for a similar size case, if not a bit bigger, that I can get all this kit in that is designed for us musos. Actually like that this case has wheels and a pull handle too, that would be a bonus.

    Suggestions please and thank you :)

    I'm using an airplain cabin case with trolley for the past 5-6 years and it's still going strong even though it's made of fabric. Something like this:

    I can carry my amp, all the cables, spare battery, strap, mic, music sheets and pen, gaffa tape, guitar stand, my pedalboard (5 pedals) and even a micro mic stand if needed. All fit inside, and it has wheels so i don't have to carry it's weight! :)

  4. You can replace one head from one combo for anther head of another combo. I've done this in the past as i had a GP12 head in a 1x15" cab and wanted to use it in a 2x12+H cab so i bought a GP7 SMX 2x10 combo and swapped heads, they fit perfectly. I ended using the empty 1x15" combo as an extension speaker too.

    If you want to use a rack head i'm affraid it'll only fit in the combo with some woodwork involved as they are shorter in width. There are some standalone head models that are higher than the standard combo heads also.

    Of course you have to keep in mind that putting the AH500 in the GP11 combo you may be overpowering the speakers as thay are designed to run the 150W head. Check all the wattages and impedances from cabs and drivers first.

  5. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1489162595' post='3254884']
    i dont post anything, but it would be good if you could set it so only people you allow can see your page not just anyone, the privacy settings do seem a bit vague.

    It's possible to make sure that only a group of friens that you mark as "close friends" are allowed to see the info in your page (pics, video, about information, publications, etc.). You just need to tick the right boxes in the definitions. If you don't know how to do it ask helf from your kids, they know how to do everything on a computer these days.

  6. I was a late join on facebook, after about 2 years existance, and my main use for it is to advertise my band and to get in contact with bars. It's been very usefull as we get a lot of bookings from it and have a lot of followers that like to know where the band is playing and show up at the gigs.

    I use it mainly for professional reasons and it's been great, i can't fault it but i also use it to keep in touch with friends that are away from the country or to keep group conversations with the band (and friends) through messenger and it makes everything easier as we can share pics, videos, recordings and even make conference calls or facetime.

    FB is a tool like any other, if used properly it works very well and can make things easier. I don't have time to be there sharing every cat video or posting selfies of myself in the gym (i do own two cats but i don't exercise) i leave that to the rest of the users and just filter the contents that interest me, mostly music related.

  7. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1489063004' post='3254046']
    Everything about them says 'isobaric', so while the response to size ratio will be good, the output won't be. Watts don't matter, decibels do. The manufacturer won't reveal any details about them, while their lead spokesman seems to be seriously lacking in the knowledge department. I doubt he can spell 'isobaric', let alone know what it means. :unsure:

    Is the design Isobaric then? I thought it had the other driver pointing at the bottom for sub-lows reinforcement (forgot the name of that, is it "radiator"?!). Either way nothing beats having both drivers pumping SPL at one's ears ;)

  8. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1488541755' post='3249793']
    That's a pleasingly clear set of drawings, and it looks like you should be able to get a pair of them out of a standard sized sheet of ply too. Is there a typo in the side panel size though? It looks like it says 510mm while the baffle and back are 540mm, or is it a combination of the image resolution and me not having my glasses on?

    Good eye! ;) After Stevie's double-check and my triple-check to the drawings that missed us. I've sent a new file to Stevie with the correction. If any of you spot any other mistake please tell me or Stevie about it. A PM would be great as i get a e-mail notification instantly.

    Hope you're saving up for this build, this cab looks lovely in the specs, i allready have a clear idea of how i'm going to build mine, i'm just waiting for the rain season to stop ;)


  9. The specs look good but with a box that small?!! I believe that they may consume 1k+ watts but i don't think that'll be translated to SPL. Give me drivers pointing directly to my ears any day, i work too hard to get rid of the sub-bass boom on stage. :)

  10. I use very low action and play very soft, i get better dynamic control over my sound and tone and i don't get tired while playing even playing faster lines but i must say that this depends a lot on the bass in question.

    Basses considered "hi-fi" or "boutique" 'esque like my TRB or many similar (and better) can have a very low action and retain the note punch and definition (i use medium gauge strings .045/.065/.080/.100/.130 to be able to attack a bit harder without fret buzz) but if you pick up a standard J or P you'll find out that you need to dig in a bit more to get that classic tone that we all love to hear and that needs a action that's just a tad higher.

    Good for you to have made the move, it will make you a better player as you'll learn to have more control over attack, dynamics and right hand placement (tone). Enjoy ;)

  11. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1488836843' post='3252314']
    (...) [b]sell a bass you like the tone of, playability etc.[/b] (...)

    If that's true then that's the bass you should be using. I never sold a bass i liked the sound/feel unless it was a move for something i liked even more. Regrets happen when we sell a bass in wich we can't find a fault.

    Ask yourself these questions: "Will the new bass sound better than this one?" ; "Will the new bass be more comfortable to play than this?" ; "Will i be using it a lot more than this?" ; "Have i really tried the new bass and know for sure the answer to all the previous questions or is this jus GAS driving me???"

    Good luck

  12. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1488893342' post='3252691']
    I'd vote for Sadowsky. If you want to dip a toe in the water their Metro's are a good place to start.

    Not cheap, but you could still call them "entry level".

    For me "entry level" is a cheap bass that's affordable enough for someone without much money to buy it and start learning the chops. I would put Sadowsky's Metros in the "re-entry level" for players that already own one bass (or more) and know how to play and are looking for a high-end bass without breaking the bank.

    Exceptions apply, obviously ;)

  13. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1488820903' post='3252079']
    So is this one any good?


    or this?


    Ohhh!!! So lovely. Too bad i only saw your post today, the 5-stringer's auction has ended. For £35 it's the steal of the year for a bass like that! The BB300 has some very nice looking pickups and as they're inverted P's the bass should sound very balanced. Pure bargains, trust me ;)

  14. This is why i try to leave my bass's EQ on the mixer as flat as possible only correcting for the room here here or there and i allways push the 80Hz HPF in all instruments appart from the kick drum, even the bass. It makes everything sound cleaner and i don't have my bass strugling with the KD for the sub-bass region. I don't scoop mids, that's where the note definition is and allows me to mix the bass at a lower volume without overpowering the rest.

  15. ...and google just keeps on giving:

    ...and as much as i try the forum doesn't allow me to embed this pics so you either have to trust me or open the links to see the horror:

  16. I did some dep jobs, mostly for my previous band (wich i had to leave) as i already know most of the current setlist and they're great guys to hang with. I get the same as the rest of them plus some extra to cover fuel costs. I have a minimal value in my mind to get payed for a gig, if someone ofeers me less than that i wouldn't take it. My band ocasionaly brings in a keyboard player to do some gigs, a great friend of ours and excelent musician, only problem is that he lives a bit far from us so we usualy pay him a bit more than the rest when the cache is low.

  17. I don't think there's a headstock shape i really like except for the Ibanez Musician style (but that only works with 4 strings) or the Stingray types without that big ball of wood in the top like Fenders (i do love 4+1 configs and really hate the Fender 5-in-line style). But i just posted to remind all you folks of this one:

  18. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1488208425' post='3246782']
    Its a 250Watt amp. I think that is what the OP was getting at. There was no such thing as Dynamic Output watts.

    So, basicly they rebadged the original Reidmar? :D

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