Hey everyone im looking to move this pedal on, ive had it for a month and feel its not going to get used in my set up.
It has a great punchy envelope filter setting which includes and octave filter as a separate setting, some really cool synth wah sounds and some really deep 'eye' and 'yeah' settings. The only setting I used was the envelope filter setting but I already have 3 different pedals to choose from.
This is a great pedal for people who want to have fun with their sound and want to know what envelope filters are all about, the synth settings are great for dubstep like bass and with the control setting you can modify how long it takes for the synth to reach its top range, pretty cool for hitting the last note of an epic song or prog rock..
The pedal is in perfect condition, if you would like photos of the pedal, by all means ask.
Would consider trades, only really interested in octave pedals st the moment
Thanks for your time, Jamie