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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. It's for smuggling a single Rolo.
  2. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='66100' date='Sep 26 2007, 08:21 PM']EH! I have a bunch of Warwicks (and owned a whole bunch more) not one less than 16 years old and I can assure you that you'd be hard pushed to find many chips/knocks on any of them... and that's not because they've had one careful owner. Warwicks stand up to 'neglect' as good as any bass if not better due to there being no paint/lacquer to chip. When you do get a bit of damage you can sand or steam it out and Robert is your father's brother. No, damage to Warwicks is not a reason to put anyone off.[/quote] Well I'm only talking about my personal experience with second hand Warwicks, you obviously take care of yours well! As for steaming/sanding damage off, I'm sure you do that but there's plenty of people who can't be ar*sed doing so unfortunatly. Funnily enough, I was going to mention damaged Warwicks in sound control but someone already has
  3. Waldo


    [quote]I guess the lack of consistency was something I found a bit odd, but perhaps I'm used to forums that are more "aggressively" (is that the word) moderated but with explanations for the moderation.[/quote] I know what you mean about aggressiveness, some other forums I've been on have very tight rules, especially with classifieds. On an Ibanez site I look at, you *must* put a price on any classified ad, you're not allowed to link to ebay or have the item on ebay at the same time and you're not even allowed to chat in a 'for sale' thread!
  4. No idea how long the battery life is but I can help with the other question. When the battery is getting low your sound will start to distort a bit, so if you're getting some random fuzzyness apparently from no-where, changing the battery would be a good place to start!
  5. Waldo


    [quote]- e.g. if someone asks a common question most forums would have a mod politely point out the sticky /faq etc and we can move on or add the the existing knowledge. On BC it seems that either such a post is ignored or jumped on any variation. - e.g.2 someone posts and inappropriate comment - editing or deleting a post is fine by me, but you would leave the post there and delete the comment adding an explanation. On BC some (IMHO) well iffy posts are ignored and other useful (again IMHO) posts are edited or deleted with no explanation.[/quote] People don't 'ignore' posts, they just have nothing to add to it..... Can you give some examples of 'well iffy' and 'useful' post being deleted? Nothing springs to mind for me, although I havn't been on here for a while.
  6. Warwicks tend to be quite expensive to begin with and arn't niche enough to hold their prices well, I think. In my experience with Warwicks, they don't hide wear and tear well due to them not having paint and lacquer to hide it, maybe this puts people off?
  7. [quote]I've seen at least three different bridges factory indtalled on Fleas, and all three require different drillings.[/quote] It's a good point. AFAIK, Badasses arn't stock options on Fleabasses but they'll put one on your bass if you ask them too.
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' post='65826' date='Sep 26 2007, 12:17 PM']Especially since he's hoping to get £14K for it![/quote] To be fair, that's not the price he's personally asking, it's the price that the art dealer is asking for it (as it's being sold as a work of art, rather than an instrument). But yes, it is a tad expensive!
  9. Can I just say that Ped an Eubassix are great to deal with, having met up with Ped to sell him my Trace V4 and having bought a Modulus Jazz from Eubassix a few years ago. I've even just bought another bass (which used to belong to Ped!) from Eubassix this week, which should be in my hands very soon
  10. I'll see your stone capped bass and raise you a solid granite guitar! [url="http://www.jemsite.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58720"]http://www.jemsite.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58720[/url] As the title of the thread says, 'Insane'!
  11. If you want a price for your Sabre go on the jemsite.com forums, you should be able to find out there.
  12. My Modulus Flea has a badass on it so the answer to your question would be 'yes' but it would be a good idea to check first before you get one.
  13. I was in a regularily gigging band for a couple of years up until recently, then I left. Why? Because for me, being in a band and having all the organisational stuff, band politics, egotistical band members and actually being contractually obliged to go out and go do gigs completely sapped all the enjoyment out of it. I went from playing my bass for hours at a time at home to only playing it at band pracs and gigs. It became a chore rather than a hobby. Now that I've left the band I've slowly started getting back into my bass playing and most importantly, getting the enjoyment back. I've got a new bass coming this week and I've started having relaxed jams with a couple of mates, just pure and simple jamming with no pressure....it's great. Having said that, being in a band and playing live does make your playing alot better. Your rythm will improve lots and so will your playing becuase you have to think on your feet and you can't stop and have a break if your fingers start hurting!
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='65061' date='Sep 24 2007, 10:56 PM']And here's one we made earlier ... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Jaco-Pastorius-Tribute-Bass_W0QQitemZ260163038309QQihZ016QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Jaco-Pastorius-Tribu...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] [/quote] No offence to the luthier who made that but it looks crap! 'SInce buying this I was so amazed by th equality of work so ordered, and now play, a '64 Jazz bass from the same place' Eh? That's like saying 'I was so amazed by the quality of my Skoda, I went out and bought an Aston Martin!'
  15. [quote]Bump for a quality bit of kit that should have been snapped up by now...[/quote] Cheers for the bump. It is a quality peice of kit I'm going to put this on hold at present as I've got a new bass sorted BUT this probably will be for actual sale (not trade) sometime soon so keep an eye out!
  16. Which Ad do you mean? I'm pretty sure that Google Ads just reacts to certain keywords there are on the page you're looking at ie. there's no control over it.
  17. [quote name='gilmour' post='64941' date='Sep 24 2007, 06:46 PM']yup - playecd one for years although i have a feeling he recorded parts of blood, sugar, sex, magic with an alembic not sure how I know that, i may have seen it on a documentary about them[/quote] Every song on BSSM was recorded with a Wal apart from Funky Monks and The Righteous And The Wicked in which he used a Stingray Five (as the low B is used in this song). DON'T let anyone tell you any different, I know there are plenty of people (like on the Ernie Ball forums) who insist it's all Stingray but they're wrong (and probably deaf!), Flea has said many many times that's what he used to record BSSM. Curiously enough, he's using a Stingray Five in the Under The Bridge video. For the record, he used an Alembic Epic to record One Hot Minute, apart from on Aeroplane where he used a Stingray (again, he's said this in interviews). Again, curiously enough he's using a Sterling on the My Friends video though. He's used Stingrays live pretty much exclusively from BSSM onwards (or possibly even before then, although I do know he used Spectors) until he had a falling out with Ernie Ball becuase they wouldn't make the Stingray his signature model so he then went to Modulus. I think that's all there is to know about Flea's basses!
  18. [quote]WTF....The only tool in this particular shop, is not the Metal file[/quote] Hahaha, yes!
  19. Thats paintful to watch!
  20. [quote name='ped' post='63972' date='Sep 22 2007, 11:12 AM']It looks like the unit will be non instrument specific, so the X3 will have all the guitar and bass models inside. Great fun.[/quote] Uh oh......this isn't going to be good for my bank balance! Having it all the guitar and bass stuff rolled into one unit would be perfect for me.
  21. [quote name='ped' post='63972' date='Sep 22 2007, 11:12 AM']It looks like the unit will be non instrument specific, so the X3 will have all the guitar and bass models inside. Great fun.[/quote] Uh oh......this isn't going to be good for my bank balance!
  22. Smart-Distribution (the UK Modulus importer) were selling the exact same bass on their website for £2065, so I'm only quoting them. I'm sure you could get it a bit cheaper than that elsewhere but my point is that it's not a cheap bass. EDIT: Cheers for the Streamer offers but I'll have to pass on those. Thanks anyway.
  23. Waldo

    Which do you use?

    How 'bout an option for Multi FX users?
  24. They do look promising those Spidervalves, my guitarist friends are almost salivating over them! A bass version would be schweet:D
  25. Just putting the feelers out on this one. It's a 2005 model in sparkle blue with all the flea trimmings, matching headstock, SD Basslines pickup, aguilar OBP-1, badass bridge and modulus hardcase. I'm the original owner, it's in good condition save for one ding on the site and the other odd nick here and there. Am looking for a trade for another high-end bass, nothing in particular just something interesting really. I'm just after something different, particularily interested in warwicks at the moment. Would consider five strings and maybe a bass + cash. This is a £2000+ bass, so sensible offers only please! Any questions please ask.
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