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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. [quote name='Bidd' post='54772' date='Sep 3 2007, 03:16 PM']Just want to ask a question. I went Sound Control Salford for the first time today looking to try a couple of US/Japanese Fender Jazzes, but they did not have a single Jazz, not even a Squire. Is this normal for a shop this size? They did have a Yammy BB614 that I was impressed with. Does anyone have one and would you recommend it, or the BB414? OK, so they did seem to have loads of Warwicks (a wall load in fact) but I didn't think everyone planned to spend over £1k on a bass, especially not me, being a 20 year old student. Can someone recommend me any good guitar shops for bass guitars in the northwest as I have no idea, especially ones that have a decent variety of bass guitars[/quote] That's strange, I was in there a fortnight ago and they probably about 5, including some squiers. They had two of those squier jazzes with the fake block inlays, one of them was on a stand in front of the row of Trace amps they have. Must have sold them all.
  2. [quote]funilly enough i was just talking about how much i'm enjoying the shuker on your other thread! it is however in dire need of a service, but i want it done by Jon and it's easier said than done getting it up to him. but despite the high action and dead electronics it still beats most basses out of the water! biggrin.gif[/quote] He should do it for free considering the ammount of business he's gotten from your bass, it was the one that started the Shuker craze!
  3. [quote name='zaney' post='48265' date='Aug 21 2007, 12:45 PM']I have since found out he plays clean bass over programmed Juno synth. Have messed around with a zoom bass fx and got the sound but when whacking up the volume to play in a live situation found it was at the cost of losing the bottom end of the bass sound. So it sounded weak on the chorus and middle 8.[/quote] No, he doesn't use a Juno. Sorry.
  4. The place to ask for your bass's history would be on the Ernie Ball forums, someone there will know
  5. Waldo, real name Chris. Aged 20 going on 21. Been playing for about 5 years now, don't play as much as I used to/ would like to Currently persuing a masters in chemistry at Liverpool Uni.
  6. I'll have the neck if it'll fit a p-bass neck pocket.
  7. [quote name='BOD2' post='41232' date='Aug 4 2007, 11:52 AM']Have you considered replacing the neck ? Necks without "Fender" stamped on the headstock can be found at quite reasonable prices and would save a lot of work if you can spare the cash. To convert the fretless neck back to fretted you'd have to re-make the fret grooves. Until you try there's no way of knowing how easy it'll be to get the plastic stuff out of the existing grooves - it depends what it actually is (might just be a wood filler). It might be easier to create new grooves using a saw but then again that could be a little tricky. What I'd do is price a new neck (or second hand one) then have a go refretting the old neck. If you make a mess of it then get the replacement neck.[/quote] The thing is, the bass cost £45 so it's really not worth forking out on a new neck or a refret, as that would end up costing more than the bass did. The fret markers are just strips of plastic that have been glued into the fret grooves and they look like they'd just pop out really. I think i'll go and try now actually.... *runs off*
  8. They really need to put some focus into thier website becuase at the moment, it's more of a webSH*TE! In this age of internet shopping, it's no wonder they're going under....
  9. ta very muchly!
  10. Oops, I meant to post this in the repair forum, don't quite know how it ended up here
  11. Is this hard to do yourself? I've got a p-bass copy which has had a pretty crappy de-fret done to to it, looks like the frets have just been pulled out and replaced with plastic strips. I can't get to grips with it being fretless at all and it's just gathering dust at the moment. It's not worth enough to justify selling on, so I'm toying with the possibility of refreting it myself. I can get fretwire here [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-P-Bass-Standard-Fret-Wire-24-units_W0QQitemZ200110230652QQihZ010QQcategoryZ42455QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZiewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-P-Bass-S...VQQcmdZViewItem[/url] Is it just a case of pulling out the plastic fretmarkers and gluing in the fretwire?
  12. Waldo


    [quote]chris does not use to big muffs[/quote] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79LJE4P76E4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79LJE4P76E4[/url] You were saying?
  13. Anyone who wants it, send me their address
  14. If someone would send me the list, like i've already asked, that would be a good way of getting the pedal sent round
  15. I cannot even imagine how loud that would be with a 4x12 sitting underneath it! Makes me smile just thinking about that I do miss my V4 and the only reason I got rid of it was becuase it was way too hard to get it up and down my stairs. If I had a nice big practice room to leave it in i'd have kept it
  16. [quote name='TimmyC' post='38315' date='Jul 29 2007, 12:17 AM']blimey ped, have you seen this? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Trace-Elliot-V-Type-V4-Bass-Amp-NEW-BC-Amplifier_W0QQitemZ250144091692QQihZ015QQcategoryZ58719QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Trace-Elliot-V-Type-...VQQcmdZViewItem[/url] Well, it is the Bass Cellar [/quote] Heh, as good as they are (and I know because i was the previous owner of Ped's one), there's no way it's worth that much! Take £1000 off that price and you get the list price when they first came out I really struggled to sell mine, both on bassworld and on talkbass and people wern't willing to give me even a fifth of the bass cellars asking price. I think the problem is that there's so few of them and they so rarely come up for sale that no-one knows how much they're worth. Suffice to say, I'd be pretty gutted if someone did buy that one from the bass cellar at the price they're asking! Great amp but you'd have to be seriously mental to buy one for £2.5k.
  17. bump
  18. [quote]waldo, be careful with the bass add on pack. i read somewhere that the guitar version has some differences to the dedicated bass version; see what you can dig up for us.[/quote] Ped, thanks for the heads up on that. I'd pretty much decided to swap over to the guitar one anyway but finding out about the bass pack for it has sealed the deal for me. At a glance, both units are pretty similar except the guitar version has guitar amp modelling and the bass version has bass amp modelling. Both units have near enough the same stomp box/fx models (give or take a couple) and both units have some extra things that the other unit doesn't have, specific to the instrument, which you'd expect really. Personally, I have more use for the guitar version as I use quite a few guitar fx but only a couple of bass ones. Getting the guitar version with the bass pack would be the perfect solution for me. I'll look into the specifics tomorrow, I'll be bedridden following a surgical visit tomorrow so I'll need something to occupy myself with!
  19. Ahh, have just found it on the line 6 site! My bass pod xt live is now for sale if anyone wants it
  20. I've decided to get the guitar version of this, so my bass one has to go. Yours for £180 plus shipping.
  21. [quote name='Adam' post='35952' date='Jul 23 2007, 03:30 PM']a couple of my metal head mates have the guitar one with the bass add on, so its the guitar and bass pod xt pro in one unit, and they cant stop raving about em, even trying to purseuade me to get one!!! think im doin a recording sesh at one of these guys mentioned home studio soon, if i do i will deffo have a pop, and let ya know what i think[/quote] You can get the guitar one with a bass add on? I'd be very very interested in this, can you tell me any more?
  22. Damnit I'm so annoyed about missing this, I've been after a set of Gold Lace Sensors (to match my gold painted strat) and I've even been thinking about buying them new. Gutted. 2x18, if for some reason you don't like them, you know where I am!
  23. I don't actually the list so I don't know who's next on it. Joe, if you have peoples addresses could you send me them?
  24. Waldo


    [url="http://store.guitarfetish.com/modboards.html"]http://store.guitarfetish.com/modboards.html[/url] Has anyone come across these before? They look pretty fun and don't really cost that much.
  25. Are these any 'better' than the muffs around today?
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