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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Waldo

    WTF #2

    Impressive playing though.
  2. Helloooo? Who wants the pedal next?
  3. Ahh, I see. So who am I supposed to send this to next then?
  4. [quote]It did something quite weird at one point I have to say, I had lots of effects on in both channels at one point in two songs and it produced this strange feedback sound. Couldn't figure it out. When I turned off one of the pedals it stopped. Probably more to do with how I set it up as i didn't have much time to play with it before the gig although it didn't do that with the dual loop pedal I made.[/quote] Got the pedal yesterday. It does the same thing when I use my metal zone. It sounds like feedback but it's more of a constant squealing sound and when I move the blend knob the actual pitch of the sound goes up and down, it's very strange! I've been using it with my strat and the squeal sound goes away when I have the pickup set to a non-single coil position, so it may be something to do with interference. Any pearls of wisdom on this?
  5. It seems to be a bit of a lottery really. As I said, I've had two of their practice combos die on me in the same day. Also, the ability to switch between master volumes on my fallen angel combo went kaput within the first month of owning it.
  6. I think the roundwounds are good, I've never really been one to fuss over strings and at £5 a go, I have no complaints.
  7. Well my experience of the Ashdown practice amps is that they're unreliable - Having had two break on me in the same day!
  8. Looks like a little bit of research goes a long way in matters like this I just hope that he hasn't been harrased by anyone saying 'OMG THATS FAKE!!!!1111'.
  9. [quote name='Toasted' post='24393' date='Jun 28 2007, 12:52 PM']Dood, I think waldo ment are we keeping the cockney slang and not going for the ******** out method - which is arguably more attractive and less intrusive. [/quote] You win the prize That's what I meant.
  10. [quote]btw im guessing the micro qtron/nano bassballs sound the same as a normal bassballs/micro qtron?, just smaller boxes and better power jacks?[/quote] I'm sure I read somewhere that they sound different and arn't as good, don't quote me on that though.
  11. So we're keeping the annoying cockney slang then?
  12. Oops, totally forgot about this. Who do I need to give my address to?
  13. I think if the powers that be are trying to stop this site being flagged by website filters, maybe they should change the name of the 'Bass PORN' forum to something else? Just an idea.
  14. Well know I know why it's called a NOISEbox! Kudos for the Doom theme, love the music on that
  15. [quote name='binky_bass' post='19661' date='Jun 18 2007, 03:07 PM']as per the title.... what the hell is this evil creation? [url="http://www.bassline.ch/produkte/occ/prod.info.borntorock.htm"]http://www.bassline.ch/produkte/occ/prod.info.borntorock.htm[/url] answers on a postcard please.[/quote] Someone might say the same thing about your avatar!
  16. I went into Dawsons in Liverpool to buy an Ashdown Fivefifteen combo, asked to try it out before buying, the staff plugged it in, switched it on and it went BANG! I asked them to ring the shop in Chester to see if they had one where (which worked), to which they said 'yes'. So I drove down to Chester from Liverpool, got to Dawsons and asked to try the amp out first and this time when they switched it on, nothing happened! They tried different plugs,sockets, changed the fuses e.t.c which did nothing. Needless to say, I was a tad annoyed! So I've had two different Assclown combos, from two different shops die in the space of a few hours and the first one didn't even survive getting switched on!
  17. Ahh, I've been thinking about doing the exact same thing as you've done with my Pod Live and Ashdown guitar amp. Does it work alright?
  18. [quote name='Delberthot' post='19219' date='Jun 17 2007, 06:08 PM']i emailed Behringer about the wattage rating to find out if it was RMS or peak or some other method and was told that it was RMS. I blew mine up with a 500w Hartke HA5500 at about half volume[/quote] See, I knew those ratings were bullsh*t!
  19. You're by no means the only person who's had reliability issues with Assclown gear. A brand new EVO II dying after 15 minutes has to be a new record though!
  20. Waldo

    New skin

    Don't mind this new skin at all actually, I prefer it to the old one. Looks 'sharper' to me. It would still be nice to get an actual bass related skin at some point though, I imagine that this is just intended as temporary.
  21. I'm heading down to london on saturday to see Muse at Wembley, if you'd mentioned this earlier I'd have headed down to London a day earlier! Sorry mate, enjoy the gig
  22. [quote]totally, as i said in m'other post... i find lifting my guitarists mesa 2x12 cab a lot more strain than lugging my 6x10 about.[/quote] Yeah, I've found the same with some guitar gear. My friend has a Marshall TSL 2x12 combo and not only is it bloody heavy for its size, the lack on handles on the side makes it a bit of a nightmare to carry around. At least with an 8x10 you get lots of nice deep handles and wheels. On the topic of handles, they do make a lot of difference. My Eden Nemesis 2x12 has really deep recessed, round shaped handles on both sides plus one on the top, which makes it very easy to move around. However, my previous Trace V4 combo weighing 115lbs (twice as much as my Eden) has rather badly designed handled handles that cause your wrists to dig painfully into the side of the cab when you lift it. Pure bad design, in my opinion.
  23. This is a very useful thread, nice one NJW.
  24. I'm a bit sceptical of the advertised 1000 watt rating for the 4x10. I get the feeling that if I put 1000 watts into it, it wouldn't last very long! [quote]Are the Behringer cabs much less than £300 ?[/quote] It's about £200 for the 4x10 and £130 for the 1x15 and 2x10.
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