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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Have never used one but I'd never get one just becuase it's so damn big!
  2. Asterisk-ing out the words would be far better if this has to be done,rather than mangling the posts with 'funny' cockney slang or whatever it's supposed to be. It's just looks better I think. And as for the issue of surfing at work, If you're getting stressed about having to wait until you're home so you can use an internet forum, I think you're in need of mental help.
  3. Right, can you turn up your poweramp so that you get the volume you're after?
  4. [quote name='BassManKev' post='16579' date='Jun 12 2007, 10:49 PM']i will i will i will, il sell my dog or somethin [/quote] What condition is it in? I may be interested Interesting wah-thingy you've got there Joe. I call it a wah-thing simply becuase I don't know what it is!
  5. I think at the end of the day, it's a case of 'each to their own'. Personally, I'm happy with my Eden 2x12 combo that I can carry around with one hand and I'd only ever get something like an 8x10 if I was playing in stadiums and felt the need to have a rediculous backline.
  6. Hmm, the only thing I can think of is to get a more powerful poweramp. Your pre-amp isn't supposed to give massive ammounts of volume, that's what power amps are for.
  7. How does 'men's crack florist squad' tie in with the word g.a.y?
  8. I've got one of the fretless P-basses from the same seller. It's alright, I think you get what you pay for though. If you want to see what a fretless bass it like without forking out too much, it's good for that. I've now discovered that fretless isn't for me, so it's a good job that I didn't splash out on something more expensive.
  9. I don't see what's wrong with it.
  10. [quote]we want to raise the standard of conduct to create a civilised place[/quote] See, I had an idea of how to raise the standard of conduct here and create a more civilised place but you chose to respond to that with a rather thinly veiled, UN-civilised insult.
  11. [quote name='Bassassin' post='16300' date='Jun 12 2007, 03:24 PM']So that means we should also have a filter that translates everything into txt spk? an we shud rite evthin in lwr case n not acshly bothr 2 try n spel cus its 2 time cnsumin? J.[/quote] Don't go there, I already have and have now been labelled 'a Guardian reader'. Sad really, and rather pathetic.
  12. [quote]Besides - they can always be circumvented[/quote] They can indeed, very easily. I'd demonstrate but my post would be swiftly moderated anyway.
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='16283' date='Jun 12 2007, 03:08 PM']No Pete, I don't want to do that. We'll deal with subjects concerning moderation offline thank you, as per the guidelines.[/quote] This is an issue concerning everyone here, it should be discussed in the open. This makes it look like you arn't willing to discuss it.
  14. Wow, there's an entire guitar shop being auctioned off there! Shame it's not closer to me.
  15. It's funny how the words 'Jew', 'Jesus Christ' and 'God' are on that list. Edit: Not sure if they still are though, the list I have is from 2000
  16. He said 'I'll have a 12 inch deep pan with pepperoni, ham, onions, peppers, extra cheese and a stuffed crust'
  17. I'm tempted to press 'buy it now', pay the £1 then report him to ebay when I don't recieve the item, get my £1 back and then laugh as he has to pay his listing fees again.
  18. This reminds me of the subtitled cockney slang sequence in lock stock
  19. [quote name='BassManKev' post='14939' date='Jun 10 2007, 08:46 AM']i know i know, dont worry its next on my list[/quote] You'll be a very happy person when you get a new amp, it'll be a total revelation! Nice to see another metal zone user too.
  20. [quote name='Toasted' post='15952' date='Jun 11 2007, 10:45 PM']FYI, it's not a case of "high output" but "low impedance"[/quote] Hah, I'm sure you're right there! I hope you know what I meant though
  21. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='16022' date='Jun 12 2007, 07:28 AM']As for shouting and use of exclamation marks, incorrect use of the apostrophe, use of text speak split infinitives and anything that bothers Guardian readers . No, we're not going to catching those but the mods do pick up on excessive use of caps when used by someone who appears to be less experienced in using a forum.[/quote] Guardian readers? Care to explain that? I didn't mention apostrophes nor did I mention split infinitives, don't make an issue where there isn't one.
  22. If you want to make the place look better (which you obviously do, judging by the swear filter) then also take measures to stop text speak,speaking all in capitals and gratuitous use of exclamation marks, smileys e.t.c. I've mentioned this before but got no 'official' comment.
  23. I'd be tempted but my Fleabass really doesn't get on with pedals Still, it would be good to see if there is a company who can make pedals that can handle high output basses well.
  24. Someone should pay the £1 asking price and then complain to ebay that they won't give you the item. It's supposed to be legally binding
  25. I've just joined the Line 6 club, got an XT Live the other week. I'm still trying to get my head round the damn thing but it looks pretty damn powerful already. I'm quite intrigued by the crossover it has, I'm gonna play around with it and see what happens when I send the bass end to my Eden amp and then the treble end to my all valve ashdown guitar amp. Might sound sweet!
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