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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. [quote]There just isn't any one that makes an impedance buffer as a standalone box[/quote] Yeah that's what I meant, I know you have that fancy Barge Concepts thingy
  2. No worries. You could always just ring their phone off the hook and annoy them into submittance
  3. Another GK 2x10 would give you a nice loud, portable rig I think. It's nice to see someone else from the Wirral here
  4. [quote]Waldo, do you think it's just an unlikely coincidence that so many people complain about service at the BC? If it bothers you to have to read such stories, perhaps you can skip threads that have the words 'bass,' 'centre,' and 'complaint' in the title?[/quote] I Don't know why you've chosen to take what I've said as an insult. The fact that there are so many threads complaining about the bass centre is why I said what I did in the first place [quote]If you're interested in knowing what's going on, all you have to do is read the original post...[/quote] I have read the original post, hence my question. Trading Standards will do sod all, I think this has gone on long enough for you to take some real action over it, i.e legal.
  5. Well it would seem that there currently isn't a way to do what you're asking, short of making your bass passive which is a very silly idea if you ask me.
  6. There you go, issue closed....
  7. Rather than wasting your time with emails, have you considered phoning them? The 1-2 days delivery probably means that you will recieve it within 1-2 days of it actually being dispatched, rather than you receiving it within 1-2 days of ordering it. Unless you've been told 'it has now been dispatched and you will get it within 1-2 days', that is. Four working days really isn't along time to be getting upset over, I'd start worrying when it's been at least a week.
  8. I know, why don't we rename this site 'The Bass Centre Complaints Forum'! This has been going on for an awful long time, have you actually tried doing something about it? ie. legal procedings?
  9. I think the question you should ask yourself is 'do I use the fuzz probe enough to constitute modifying my bass or getting another pedal to make it work properly?'. If it's a pedal that you use all the time, fair enough but if it's just something that you use a bit, is it worth all the expense?
  10. [quote]right, i know iv talked bout this before but i cant find it so ye[/quote] I've saved you the extreme inconvenience of looking not even half way down the page [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=289&st=100"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=289&st=100[/url]
  11. The problem I've found with some tab books is that they contain mistakes, which is unacceptable quite frankly. If the music industry wants people to buy tab books rather than downloading them off a site, they better damn well make sure that they're correct!
  12. Waldo


    Mark Bass amps do strike me as being a bit fad-ish. It was the same with EBS amps when they first started taking off, everyone going on about how amazing they were. Well, until Mark Bass came along
  13. Waldo

    Post counts

    [quote]Ummmm, let me have a think...........................no. Oooh, except maybe some Tena Lady for Toasted if he's finding the hilarity a bit too much[/quote] So you've now ditched the sarcasm for the plain ole' insult. You're on a roll!
  14. Waldo

    Post counts

    [quote]Dood, how absolutely, ridiculously careless of you Go and stand in the 'naughty corner' right this minute Oops, it appears I *may* have inadvertently increased my post count by 1 Dood, is there room in the corner for me too?[/quote] Ah yes, the smarmy sarcastic reply. Really, can you not think of anything constructive to say?
  15. I think mine would just be the Fleabass that I already have but with another humbucker in the neck position and coil tap. Oh and I'd have stingray pickups and preamp in it. I'd also change the colour from blue flake to pearl purple.
  16. Waldo

    Post counts

    Removing it would show that we all abide by the same rules here, community spirit and all that It will save any confusion in the future with people who arn't 'in the know'. Same goes for the Gerard user account one of you mods made.
  17. At the end of the day, you just have to be pedantic with your packing. Pack whatever you're sending so well that it can't possibly break, even if it takes the recipient ten minutes to open it. Simple.
  18. Talk about old news....
  19. I've seen some bands using them and they do sound pretty cool. Sounds like a proper synth, not a cheap-o one.
  20. Thankyou very much, I shall be heading there today!
  21. Waldo

    akai headrush E2

    Looks like one of is is going to have to bite the bullet and just buy the damn thing
  22. Personally, I don't think it's the least bit musical at all though.
  23. [quote name='ped' post='8397' date='May 28 2007, 11:14 PM']Did you see the fast show where Level 42 were playing and the bloke goes over and says 'Turn it down will you lads' to which Mark King says 'Well, it doesn't sound quite the same like that'. The bloke replies 'well turn it bloody off then' lol. Mark king looks quite dejected lol.[/quote] Haha yeah, it's on the end of the first episode
  24. [quote name='ped' post='8389' date='May 28 2007, 11:07 PM']Once is a mistake - twice is jazz[/quote] From the Fast Show: Host: 'So what tune will you be playing for us tonight? Musician: 'Tune? This is jazz!'
  25. [quote name='Flanker' post='8378' date='May 28 2007, 10:56 PM']If it's embarrassment you'd totally piss your pants watching me try that! Ped --- Just because BONA hasn't got a big 36incher like you there's no need to slag him off!!! [/quote] I'm not trying to have a dig at the guy or anything but I thought the video was hilarious and I don't know if it's supposed to be funny or actually a serious peice of music!
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