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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. It's more of a comedy act than a bass solo to me. I don't know if i'm laughing becuase it's supposed to be comical or whether i'm laughing out of pure embarrassment.
  2. [quote]I expect that blue ones would be swamped in bright sunlight, mind you, there's not much chance of me doing outdoor gigs at the moment.[/quote] It wouldn't matter anyway though would it, if there's bright sunlight you'll be able to see your fretboard rather well anyway
  3. [quote name='ped' post='7896' date='May 27 2007, 11:29 PM']I have heard the pickups in the Aerodyne are a bit weak and mismatched in volume.[/quote] I've heard similar, swapping the pickups out for different ones seems to be a standard thing for Aerodyne users.
  4. Waldo

    New Rig

    [quote name='G.S.T.Ring' post='8004' date='May 28 2007, 11:28 AM']I'll need to save up no matter what I want to get so budget isn't really a factor atm. I play mostly bluesy/rock stuff but I'm only doing session fill ins right now (I don't get enough time off from shift work to be gigging) so I only really need a practice rig. My first bass was a LH Samick Pro Series which had a great sound for what I play, but they were hard to get 10 years ago and are almost impossible to find now due to the special order involved. I really like some of the stuff in the review section, especially the Vintage Fender P... but haven't seen em over here as yet. I drive an EB series 2 Falcon which used to fit a Marshall 6 x 10 cab & head with 2 flight cases thrown in too. Hope this clarifies things?[/quote] Didn't know marshall made 6x10 cabs, you learn something new every day! So budgest isn't an issue and you want a practice rig? Still a hard question without an idea of what you want to spend, I mean I could suggest that you get a a Gallien Kruger 2001RB head and a 4x12 cabinet or I could suggest that if you want a nice little practice combo with some cool effects built in, a Roland Cube.
  5. Well I'd go with the Gallien Krueger becuase it's better quality and you'll be able to match it with your nice GK head and use the bi-amp feature.
  6. Waldo

    Octave Pedle

    [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='7916' date='May 28 2007, 12:39 AM']Waldo: none of the online dictionaries could recognise even a single word, so an easy translation isn't possible. Alun: the HOG is very much like the POG but better IMHO. If you can make it to the next bash I'll bring mine for you to have a play with.[/quote] I believe it's Greek written in our Latin alphabet, what it means, or why it was posted, I don't know. Maybe someone could clue us in?
  7. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='6917' date='May 25 2007, 11:47 PM']3 Processes what you've said and the 2 together as impedance can be changed passively like in a DI box but in my case there is some sort of active buffer changing the impedance. The only separate impedance buffer I've found is one I had to have custom built after many years of struggling with fuzz's and active basses, Subdecay make a pedal called the flying tomato which has a 12k buffer and works fantastically with active basses, MI Audio have the Neo and GI fuzz with variable input bias I believe (Toasted?) which works in a similar manor, so they hard to get and generally custom built but they cost very little if you can get a stand alone unit (Which I have been unable to do even speaking to several custom pedal companies I'm very close with). But yeah you are really clipping and gating that Fuzz Probe and I'd estimate from the sounds of the gating you are losing about half of the tones available in that pedal especially the high gain ones, other fix is a passive bass.[/quote] You do raise a good issue regarding active basses and effects there, I've found that most of my pedals (especially the Digitech BSW) really don't get on with my Fleabass, rekon it's just that the signal is too hot from it?
  8. [quote name='wizbat' post='2901' date='May 20 2007, 02:01 PM']Ampeg 8x10 and svt2pro works for me [/quote] The *real* man's practice amp!
  9. Waldo

    New Rig

    An idea of what budget you're would really would be useful.
  10. Haha, Bona Thought I'd get that little bit of immaturity out of the way before anyone else! As for the 'thingy', maybe he could be using it to dampen the strings a bit, similar to the scrunchie Vic Wooten puts around the neck of his bass. Just a guess. On another note: What IS that guy smoking? He's mental!
  11. Yeah they started putting them with the cabs rather than the head, becuase stupid people were using the 4-conductor cable with non-GK cabinets causing them to go bang.
  12. [quote name='MB1' post='7266' date='May 26 2007, 07:18 PM']MB1. Hello the message i was attempting to get across is exactly what bod 2 has said ,but mine seems to have been misinterprated, and kinda blown out of proportion, ive seen many bands overdo things with too many effects where its just not neccesary.theyre nice to have but using them sparingly can often be more effective.sometimes its the less the more.by the way MR PED ive been in the studio on many occasions and have never felt i needed to use a mass of effects to get a good sound[b].there arent many engineers who are willingly gonna give you a crap bass sound,especially when its there reputation and often livlihood at stake[/b].last time i was in the studio the engineer was actually a bass player himself which was nice! MB1.[/quote] Are you equating the use of FX and modelling to having a crap sound?
  13. I'm waiting for a bass related delivery today from ParcelFarcial, let's hope they havn't decided to play 'consignment football' with it. They delivered a G-K 700RB to me when I was out. So what did they do? They left it on my doostep, in the rain.
  14. Yeah, things seem a lot cheaper until they arrive and Parcelfarce tell you that you have to pay £10 handling and £10 clearing and £10 VAT e.t.c on top of all the money you've already paid for the shipping. They charged me £18 handling for a pickup!
  15. Waldo

    akai deep impact

    [quote name='BassManKev' post='7065' date='May 26 2007, 11:46 AM']man are you gunna post that hysteria settin or what? any everone else feel free to post some para's toooooo[/quote] Maybe if you were polite about it he might do
  16. [quote name='anti-barbie' post='7044' date='May 26 2007, 11:09 AM']is there no chance of repairing it?[/quote] Yeah some spit and kleenex should do the trick!
  17. [quote]2 guitarists+ 2 pedalboards + 1 bassplayer +1 pedalboard +drummer= mush[/quote] Sorry to be blunt but that's probably the biggest pile of arse I've ever heard! Normally I can say 'well each to their own' but in this case, you're just wrong!
  18. I really like that inlay, it's good to have your own unique thing. Looks like a superbly built instrument.
  19. Waldo

    New Rig

    [quote name='G.S.T.Ring' post='6672' date='May 25 2007, 05:24 PM']As some/most of you may know, my rig was stolen recently. I'm currently saving up for a new one (thanks for the offers of replacement gear) and thought I'd get some input from the "experts". If you were buying everything over again from scratch, what would you consider essential? What would you suggest has the best tone/feel? All opinions will be treated with respect btw.... I'm looking for feedback not a chance to ridicule anyone[/quote] Were you happy with your previous rig? (what was it, by the way?). If you liked it, why not buy it again? As for what I'd consider essential, it would have to sound good! An open ended answer to an equally open-ended question. Being easy to carry around would also be a factor for me. You'd be better off asking yourself these questions. What do YOU consider to be essential? What tone/feel are YOU after?
  20. [quote]Totally agree. These things are toys designed to get your money. Buy the real thing[/quote] That's b*llocks, for the reasons posted above.
  21. [quote]i feel there should be choice...a smoking area and a non smoking area rather than a compusory law from a nanny state.[/quote] Right, so do you think there should be pissing areas in swimming pools too?
  22. I say this each time one of these theads comes up: Andy Rourke, of The Smiths. Fantastic player.
  23. Waldo

    akai deep impact

    Chris doesn't actually mention Hysteria in that interview though.
  24. Damn, that's sucks beyond belief. That guitar really must have had a rough ride for the bloody neck to snap in half! I remember back on bassworld this sort of discussion came up quite alot and one person who worked for a big courier firm (like TNT or UPS) said that his colleagues used to play 'consignment football'! Hmm, I wonder what that entails......
  25. Ahh that's sh*te, what was the damage?
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