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Everything posted by andybassdoyle

  1. Not sure about tabbies in a sack @binky_bass but I did find some kittens in a suitcase in our local woods recently. I rang the rspca who asked me if the kittens were moving. I said "that would explain the suitcase"
  2. Glwts I used the shimmer a while back, beautiful reverb and superb easy. Tough to get a bad sound. The shimmer goes almost synthy, cool effect
  3. Wow,awesome! Just putting on a white gown then off to sacrifice a goat on a stone table. Totally unique, Glwts matey
  4. Nice. I had apple crumble and custard after lunchtime today (true) It was good, but I doubt as good as this Great pedal and tip top seller
  5. No good for me matey but made me smile seeing it. This was the rig I started out on 30 odd years ago - I certainly used and abused mine but it never let me down, sounded great too! Hope it finds a good home!
  6. Concur, I think this is just a reflection on where we are right now ie so many of us not working/gigging that demand is lower for a full on rig like this Hope you get it over the line matey, class amp for sure
  7. That's interesting. Sadly for me no cash for this but I've always thought the svtdi looked like a a greatest bit of kit and all the feedback was very very good on it Glwts
  8. Fabuloso!
  9. This pedal is as close to a must have classic as you'll ever get imo
  10. Nice one Can I add that this is a great mod to the pedal. Saves loads of space on your board, is actually very simple to do (30 mind tops) and is a fully reversible if you needs be
  11. This is the holy grail Al, I have had no real success with it over a few years now. The sonnus does the job but to me it is a very mechanical process, not seamless at all. Sonicsmith had the squaver product which did enable direct pitch to midi (alongside their own synth module), it was good - a definate improvement on the sonnus - but still not there yet. Not sure if their latest product, I'm not sure it's out yet, will really hit the spot or not. Then there is the midibass and variations on this theme. Bottom line - it's either doesn't work well or it's very expensive or both. Personally I'm accepting that there are some great options out there that work really well with the bass - the C4, or FI or various pedal combos. Direct control of synths over midi is just not a realistic option though - much better controlled with keys or other dedicated midi controllers. It does mean that you don't have your bass chops as such but perhaps this is not a bad thing. A lot of these sounds work because of how they are played rather than the sounds as such so there is almost a requirement to change the approach to achieve the result perhaps.... Others may have other views of info of course, this is just my take on it based on my experiences
  12. Well it's fab whatever it is!
  13. Great bass. Sadowsky killer for sure! Glwts man
  14. Great bass Glwts
  15. Whoa, now that's a rare old bit of stuff. Sadly (for me) I don't have 3k to drop on a bass right now. I used to own a Skjold WB 6 some years ago though, excellent instrument, great sound, great neck, it was superb and probably the most comfortable 6 I've had. The original config for the electronics had a rotary pickup selector rather than a more conventional balance control, it wasn't to my liking so I contacted Pete Skjold who was very generous with his time and assistance. A balance arrived shortly afterwards from John East. GLWTS although I doubt you'll need much luck to sell this...
  16. Looks great. When you say it's a gigging bass can you confirm exactly what you mean by that. I've got a vague recollection of the term gigging but it feels like something from a long long time ago... Seriously, nice bass. Glwts
  17. Amazing amp. I would be strongly suggest you keep it! Could you not warm up in your signal chain instead?
  18. I like dune but I'm not sure I'm getting this yet...
  19. Keep coming back to this, wonderful bass. Not sure I can even cover the vat now!
  20. Cort are really good. I'm selling a gb74 jj at the mo, it's too bright for me but otherwise a brilliant bass. I reckon the parts alone are more than the retail but it's really well put together too. Be really interested to hear this passive with the alder. Glwts
  21. Can I add that I was the 'nearly buyer' on this, change of circumstances meant I couldn't proceed. Jonny was a totally decent chap about it. Nice bass at a great price, hopefully sold soon. Deal in confidence!
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