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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. Plus this won't be treated as a warranty claim if you give them the facts...
  2. markstuk


    "veiled attack"? 😀 Take a chill pill and calm down.. It was certainly not my intention to attack anyone.. And it's clear you don't understand marketing. That's why we have critical faculties..
  3. markstuk


    Like dood I don't quite understand what drives you this way. All high end cab makers claim some form of secret sauce, but in the end it's a system not a bunch of components. And all that really matters is that it appears to work as well as anything else.. I'm out .
  4. markstuk


    Actually you brought the 410's into a conversation about fr/fr cabs so it seemed sensible to point out they came from a different design perspective. Personally I replaced 2xEBS proline 410's with a S12T and spent some months ab'ing them in rehearsal and live. Not only did I prefer the sound but my bandmates did as well.
  5. markstuk


    I said "presented".. people who have them seem to like them.. I have both bf and berg cabs and like them both.. In the end I'm not an audio engineer (although I do have a physics degree) actually building cabs or have access to testing rooms to accurately measure off axis response. What I do know is that mathematicaly modelling complex behaviours is tricky..
  6. markstuk


    To be fair they were never presented as fr/fr cabs, just better and certainly lighter versions of the n x 10 form factor..
  7. And the extension cab measurement.? ? 5.9 on a multimeter is close enough to 8 for government work.
  8. That should work, but you might need to disconnect the speakers connection to the amp (should only be two wires) id then measure across those cables
  9. Might still be worth putting a meter over "summed" 4x10's to check impedance unless you've down that already ? Or you may have a power transistor failing ?
  10. Maybe the combo speaker has been changed for a 4 ohm one ?
  11. [quote name='grumpyguts' timestamp='1493988284' post='3292403'] We have a gig on June 2nd with a dep singer. She will have one practice with us on May 28th. Guitarist now tells us he cant do the practice and isn't aware of why this is a problem. [/quote] Car crash..
  12. [quote name='DBerriff' timestamp='1493982385' post='3292334'] Is 450 Watts really too little? I am not sure I would notice the volume change to 600W. You then have some safety margin against melting your voice coils under gig conditions. And it costs you nothing. [/quote] This in spades..
  13. Then if you can't hear yourself it's likely noone else can either 😉
  14. [quote name='DangerDan' timestamp='1493981686' post='3292320'] This scares me! I know it's simple, but i guess i worry that at gig volumes i won't be able to hear the warning signs. [/quote] You have to.. it's easy to destroy a 450w cab with a 450w head if it's eq'ed badly. Do you have problems hearing your rig at gig volumes or is this just a "what if"?
  15. Don't turn it up all the way.. Simples Just use your ears..
  16. Maybe he felt the negs ? Or realised he was not good enough? There are many possible reasons..
  17. The mesa comes up for about £1200 s/h occasionally.. I never really got on with mine although I suspect it might have been carrying a fault in retrospect..
  18. I've had an amusing trip through the website. I especially like the bit about the castle and the auctions. He does seem rather up himself - if I were to order a bass, I don't think he'd be on my shortlist. However I suspect I would not be on his either :-)
  19. Do you think he'd do a nice cheap 4003?
  20. Just sold my Glockenklang HR2 to Dave.. Lovely chap, no muss, no fuss...
  21. Probably not as I posted it :-)
  22. It's only sort of a standard anyway.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concert_pitch Apparently we need to tune to an oboe
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