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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. Yup - the overall ohmage of your two cabs is 2.7 Ohms.. Weird that the 410 is 8 ohms and the 210 4 ohms, but you have what you have... Your amp might be stable into 2.7 Ohms (all of these things are an approximation) but if you push it, it may well go pop.. Is the amp an MA100?
  2. http://www.swanflight.com/back-to-the-future-flightcase.html
  3. That's a heavy side hit on a barefaced cab.. Pretty easy to glue and repair, but why should you ?
  4. Small claims court..
  5. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1493048976' post='3285185'] Indeed a terrible shame. Wonder if the same guy would move next to Heathrow and then start complaining about the noise of the Planes taking off / landing. He does have his own noise meter. B3llend. [/quote] Had this at the airfield i fly out of.. "it was quiet when we viewed the property" :-):
  6. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1493029201' post='3284887'] I'm sure we're all familiar with this type of chart: Lovely, isn't it? Thing is while I'm sure Phil's post is of some interest, I did start to blur over. (Sorry!) Thing is, these sort of numbers are not unlike the motor vehicle manufacturers claims of peak performance for their vehicles; unrealistic in the real world. Ever had 50mpg from your Honda CR-V? No me neither. When I turn up for a gig (like last weekend), where we have no monitors, little more than a vocal PA running the gig, I despair. Room was about 45'x30'. The sound guy, bless him, is saying we need to turn down, the drummer can't hear me (and he's sitting less than a metre from my gear), I can't hear me or anything else apart from the drums. I'm sorry, but a 1x12 isn't going to work now, is it? If, however, I was playing in a jazz trio, acoustic piano, drummer on brushes, I'm sure a 1x12 would be fine. [/quote] Kill the guitarist(s) and all will be fine..
  7. Bought a Mesa footswitch from me, no muss, no fuss.. Recommended..
  8. Hi, It is a 12A - just checked with DPD - shipping would be £20.40..
  9. Sunday bumperoonie
  10. Sunday bumperoonie - about to go on Fleabay..
  11. Sunday bumperoonie - about to go on fleabay
  12. Sunday bumperoonie - looking for a cash sale only unless someone has a new gen class D (M900/Genzler/Glock etc) to trade
  13. Bolt it to the floor ? :-)
  14. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1492882409' post='3283893'] I remember the good old days when you'd get the local taxi radio coming through your amp or PA. It doesn't happen anymore. I assume because amp and cables are shielded better these days. [/quote] Spinal Tap/Air Base :-)
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