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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1492169104' post='3278426'] Not top of my list when I want to purchase from a business. [/quote] each to his own.. But then he's local to me, and not to you, so perhaps we have a different viewpoint...
  2. Just to comment on the size thing - I went to PMT in brum a couple of months ago - big store, but only a small fraction of it allocated to bass gear. Lots of Fenders, Ibbys and one decent Spector from what I remember, and mountains of Ashdown amps and Orange/Fender/Aguilar stuff.. In terms of bass stuff, Bassdirect has much more gear than PMT.. I've said before I've had an early run in with Mark, but since then he's been great with me.. He price matches when needed and he's only 15 minutes away.. I suggest perseverance..
  3. [quote name='ChazzJEUK' timestamp='1492166853' post='3278401'] Phoned three times. No answer. [/quote] Says out of stock on the website...
  4. Bought a Zoom MS60B from Tony.. No muss, no fuss...Recommended..
  5. I use them - there is some HF attenuation but it's basically the same sound, but less..
  6. Take a stroll through the for sale section on here.. Your £1k will go a long way..
  7. [quote name='jaketheape' timestamp='1492032679' post='3277429'] Yep a Fender i'm looking at. Weighing up the usual pro's and con's to Mex vs US. Was looking at the Mex Deluxe but then played the Elite but another 1k extra. [/quote] Do you have to buy new ?
  8. [quote name='TKenrick' timestamp='1492010346' post='3277173'] That implies that your piano teacher's explanation of this was [i]sub-par[/i] to say the least... [/quote] I was only nine at the time..
  9. [quote name='hrnn1234' timestamp='1492006122' post='3277115'] darn! hey balcro! thanks for your reply. how do you get to the 200Hz limit? I'm just starting reading speaker specs and still have to find my way around all the data. I completely misread the 1.29mm and the 9.5mm. it must have been the 100th speaker I input today. yes, I'm OK with the reduced lows on the cab. it's completely intentional. this is only about experimenting, really but good thing there's winISD and this forum. it's precisely the ports that are holding me back to start building the cab. I've already failed miserably doing small circle cuts when I did my bookshelf speakers (took me a few tries) and I just want to postpone it as much as I can. [/quote] Maybe get someone to cut the hole for you? A local carpenter/wood worker?
  10. [quote name='Steve Woodcock' timestamp='1492007837' post='3277140'] Yes, they are the same but for diatonic notes whether you name it a C# or a Db depends on the key: A key consists of [b]7 pitches [/b]- the other 5 notes that exist within an octave are non-diatonic notes; a key will contain an A [i]of some kind [/i](be it flat, sharp or natural), a B [i]of some kind[/i], a C [i]of some kind[/i], a D [i]of some kind[/i], an E [i]of some kind[/i], an F [i]of some kind[/i], and a G [i]of some kind. [/i]Therefore, if your key already contains a C then the adjacent note will be a D of some kind. [/quote] Sure, the context of the key defines whether it's a flat or sharp, regardless of whether they're the same note on a keyboard. I was suggesting that this concept is actually quite hard to grasp... My piano teacher got bored of me saying - "but it's the same note"
  11. I really recommend reading this book - not only is it great on psychoacoustics it's a very lucid theory primer.. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/0099535440/ref=pd_aw_sim_14_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=M0XQQKCN3EADD2PFSE9H&dpPl=1&dpID=41f-piy4QvL
  12. [quote name='Steve Woodcock' timestamp='1491996490' post='3277022'] An example of a [i]chromatic[/i] interval would be [b]C[/b] to [b]C#[/b] as this does not occur within any key, whereas [b]C[/b] to [b]Db[/b] (the [i]enharmonic equivalent[/i] of C#) would be a [i]diatonic[/i] interval as this occurs naturally in a number of keys. [/quote] Although C to Db does :-) oops just read the rest of your post 🤡 I think the difficult thing here is that on most instruments c# and db are the same note
  13. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1491992006' post='3276972'] I gigged my Squier Friday night and i'm not affraid to say it.....so there! [/quote] I'm not familiar with that particular model of Squier :-)
  14. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1491983897' post='3276875'] I think if you're intentionally trying to recreate something that is above and beyond your budget, sticking a Fender decal on it when it's an intentional Fender repro (like a Nash or Limelight) is just good attention to detail and keeping the style correct. If you were making a spitfire airfix model, you make it look as close to a spitfire as possible. You're not doing it to deceive anyone because everyone who actually knows anything about it knows it's not an ACTUAL spitfire and you wouldn't ever try to sell it on gumtree etc as an actual spitfire. I much prefer that to when people put on a decal that is styled just like a Fender decal but incorporates some tenuous dad-joke like "pretender gaz bass" or someone's surname etc. It makes me cringe like hell (sorry if that's you but it's just really not my thing!). [/quote] I strongly suspect it's usually because the player in question wants people to think it is a Fender.. And 99.99% of the audience/other musicians either can't tell a Limelight from a Fender or more usually, don't care...
  15. It's to make people think it's a fender. I don't get it either 😁
  16. The real answer here is that there is no "best".. We all want different things from our amps, and they're only part of the chain from fingers to speakers to room...
  17. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1491934555' post='3276640'] Hi Mark I'm wondering if the top case on picture 0079 would be suitable for a hartke ha2500 and a rack tuner any idea's thanks [/quote] It's a 3U sleeve, so assuming your rack tuner is 1U it will fit nicely...
  18. [quote name='blunderthumbs' timestamp='1491932238' post='3276612'] I can see that you've visited the site several times since i've PM'd but you are not replying to my message. If you could kindly reply so I can sort out a case. Thank you [/quote] £28 posted?
  19. Hi, Did not get a PM from you and forgot to follow the thread.. :-) What can I do you for sir?
  20. Yes, agreed...
  21. I had an M6 carbine... And used it in a gig situation...I've also had a mesa valve amp.. And why are you comparing it with a Streamliner? It has a SMPS .. If you're happy with your walkabout that's fantastic - and you want to believe it has magic technology, be my guest.. Lots of hybrid amps use more than one preamp valve...
  22. The Mesa's are fine amps, but at the high end hybrid end of the market I'm not sure there is any "secret sauce".. Plus there are huge voicing differences between the various Mesa hybrid amps.. And to quote "MB Simul-State™ exists at the Vortex of tube and MOS FET technology" sounds a little over the top.. Vortex?
  23. Perhaps it might be better to wait until you have more than one song recorded ?
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