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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1487885526' post='3243967'] They still only list the standard sleeve depths. Nothing between 30 and 43 cm. [/quote] Custom implies non-standard :-) give them a call or drop them an email.. they will make pretty much anything to whatever design you ask them to..
  2. Swan cases make all my custom cases.. not cheap but not expensive either.. http://www.swanflight.com/
  3. Just bought a Boss FS-6 from Grangur.. No muss, no fuss, recommended..
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1487768997' post='3242604'] You feel a bit 'detached' at first, but you quickly get used to that. What I found unacceptable was the amount of faffing about that was involved with routing the cables where they don't get in the way of you or your bass, plus taking off and putting on the bass. Doesn't sound like much, but if you're used to putting your bass down for a minute while you take a close look at the PA settings or whatever, it quickly becomes an issue. Reading your original post, it might make more sense to buy a more general-purpose unit that can offer solutions to a bunch of different problems, including some you may not yet have bumped into. I have a Studiomaster PAX12 powered wedge. Essentially, it's a simple single-box mono PA. At different crisis points in my gigging life, it has been used as a vocal PA, a guitar combo, a bass rig, a foldback monitor, and the main output for a set of Roland electronic drums. It's a classic Jack-of-all-trades unit, and remarkably competent at all of them. [/quote] wireless is the only way to go.. beltpack and headphone cable under the t-shirt...You're then completely free to do what you want with the bass...
  5. The good news is that bugeras seem either to fail early, or carry on running... One of my guitards is very happy with his...
  6. you've got a line out from your amp? Then plug that into something like [url="http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/LD-Systems-MEI-ONE-2-Wireless-In-Ear-Monitor-System/"]http://www.gear4musi...Monitor-System/[/url] The LD unit I have will send a mono signal to both ears, but worth checking with whatever unit you might look at.. You almost certainly want to replace the earphones with something that fits a little better, but still allows ambient noise through..
  7. What about using in ear headphones?
  8. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1487753797' post='3242362'] I'm playing through a GK 410 cab ([url="https://www.thomann.de/gb/gallien_krueger_cx_410_bass_cabinet.htm"]https://www.thomann....ass_cabinet.htm[/url]) Bass wise I have a Maruszczyk Elwood, with a Delano MM style humbucker in the bridge and a delano single-coil with 9mm poles in the neck. Sonar-II electronics also from Delano. Perhaps the big quirk being I string with La-Bella black nylons. I also have an Ibanez SR strung with standard medium-gauge round-wounds that I mainly use for a couple of tracks where I want to get a nice metallic pick sound. But certainly my main interest is getting an amp that can be loud enough to sit in the mix with a nice clean tone. We're not talking stupid loud here, but I would like to get up to gig volumes without having it sound like I have a mild distortion pedal turned on. [/quote] Hi, So you have a nice efficient cab, but the 8 ohm rating is going to have an impact on the amount of power your amp will deliver into it. So loud and clean? Eich/Tecamp Puma 900, EBS Reidmar 750 and Warwick LWA1000 are all worth a look at and not too expensive..
  9. what cab(s) do you have? what bass(es) do you have?
  10. I'll have the 0.5m speakon-speakon cable please...
  11. Same experience for me at pmt in Birmingham as well.. kept trying to put basses in my hands :-)
  12. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1487592987' post='3240951'] Out of those three I'd go for the American Standard - they're great instruments, real quality in feel and sound. Whilst the Ibanez would undoubtedly be a nice bass, as others have said; I'd only ever buy a used one. Their value plummets as soon as you leave the shop as unfortunately they're just not really seen as a premium brand. Depends what you want it for I guess, if it has a sound you like & you're not interested in re-sale value then the Ibanez would be a nice bass to have. But I've never thought of Ibanez basses having a particular sound (unlike the other two) & when I've seen other people using them I've never thought "I need one of those in my life!". [/quote] I think the OP likes the neck profile and string spacing on the SRs . I had a sr765 for a while and for the money was astonishing.. an SR with nordstrand big singles would be immense...
  13. [quote name='bassrockbob' timestamp='1487532398' post='3240555'] Blimey. [/quote] There's also another one here... I suspect they'll go for less than £600.. Less if you make a cash and dash offer... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-SR-1200-Premium-Bass-Guitar-/322426313596
  14. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-SR1200-Premium-SR-Bass-Guitar-/152431802351?hash=item237da4b7ef%3Ag%3Ap3oAAOSwr%7ElYnaU2&_trkparms=pageci%253A9b367448-f6d6-11e6-9daa-74dbd18053f3%257Cparentrq%253A57c536ed15a0a2a2168d05f0fff32949%257Ciid%253A5 See what this goes for ?
  15. great basses, buy second hand unless you like throwing money away...
  16. [quote name='Basvarken' timestamp='1487436489' post='3239816'] BaCH has a small shop in Hodonin, Czech Republic. The wood work of all their instruments is done there. Except for the the [b]bodies[/b] of the semi acoustic guitars and basses, which I think come from South Korea. These are joined to a Czech made neck in Hodonin. And then finished etc. The hardware comes from South Korea as well. And so do most of the pickups, which are from the Artec company. Because their workshop is so small, they only make a small series of each instrument. About 25 is the max. Which is the reason why some of their instruments seem to be sold out forever. Working with them has been a nice experience. Sometimes a bit frustrating because of the language barrier. A lot goes lost in translation... But they're nice folks and they know how to build a good instrument. Just to remind you; the best violins were always built in Prague. They do have a long tradition of building stringed instruments. [/quote] I thought the best violins were made in Cremona ?
  17. Or something like this? :-)
  18. Or you could get a case made...? Swan are pretty good for custom requests...
  19. [quote name='Danuman' timestamp='1487096169' post='3237058'] I would love to be the kind of badass that rolls up with something called a Thunderfunk, but it's out of my league, [/quote] Trust me, no-one notices
  20. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1487419128' post='3239642'] GK MB series, Markbass F1 or F500 and Demeter also do a 1u amp. Then of course there's a multitude of power amplifiers in the same format. Powersoft being one of the very best with truly astonishing output levels (real RMS not silly over Inflated marketing figures). [/quote] But do they have hefty thumpiness?
  21. SFX - London muso band from the eighties
  22. There is a mesa big block 750 in the for sale section.. that should do the job
  23. Leads for kettles have a notch in them whereas the more common "kettle lead" does not and can't be used with a kettle for this reason.. confusing for sure.. Let the amp fuse take the strain. All of my leads are 13A..
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