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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. markstuk

    bargain tuner

    Just bought one of these as a backup - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/311736814413 - how bad could it be at that price.. ? In actual fact it's brilliant.. As accurate as the inbuilt tuner on my TC RH amps... Bypass is very clean as well.. ...
  2. IMHO you need collateral Do you have a Facebook page/web site? Do you have photos of you playing to the happy dancing (drinking) masses? A well produced demo along with live recordings is the best closer once you have your foot in the door..... Explain to the venue how hosting you is going to make the venue money...
  3. Just bought a pedalboard from Pearce.. No muss, no fuss.. Recommended..
  4. Remember their big SVT clone (BV3000) was going for similar money a year or so ago.. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/191992-that-bugerabehringer-300w-all-valve-svt-clone-bvv3000-for-l435/
  5. ohh. I'm not a p-bass person - but I've just had a little sex wee
  6. Looks like someone has put a double bid on .. If it was 35" I'd be all over it..
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201796741840
  8. Feeling strong ? :+)
  9. I've got a tecamp 810 which has tiltback wheels. Great on flat smooth surfaces. Easy to load into an estate car single handed ..
  10. http://www.reddogmusic.co.uk/catalog/product/065317/quiklok-ws540 ? Or some form of crate? you can stick gear in it and then turn it upsidedown to use as a stand?
  11. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1486044803' post='3228744'] This kind of thing? Remove the adding and you're good to go. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Keyboards-and-Pianos/Adjustable-Keyboard---Piano-Bench-by-Gear4music/8XQ"]http://www.gear4musi...-Gear4music/8XQ[/url] [/quote] I have one of these for my keyboards (for me to sit on!) , and it's not stable enough to put a cab on ..
  12. typical basschat :-) now I've ordered one
  13. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1486032735' post='3228610'] Only by you it seems Peter, everyone else I know puts them as the last element in the chain to ensure that the pedals don't introduce any sub-frequencies. The only thing I might want downstream of it is a DI box. [/quote] You could put one between each pedal ? And one from the bass and to the amplifier?
  14. It's going round for the second time I think
  15. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/112287743539 Seems cheap...
  16. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1485951382' post='3227922'] When above the strings, it's a thumb rest, for finger playing. When below the strings, it's a tug bar, for thumb playing. That's the general way it's explained, I think! YMMV! [/quote] Spot on.. Though as a thumb rest it sort of locks you into a single playing position... I seem to recall Leo assumed that bass players would primarily want to use their thumbs...
  17. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1485950926' post='3227914'] The idea was to hold the tug bar with your fingers and play the bass near the neck with your thumb. [/quote] Sure, when it was below the strings :-) But it's migrated above the strings now..
  18. [quote name='zapp' timestamp='1485944614' post='3227832'] If the neck is still in the condition it was when you got it back (a year ago), take some close up photo's for your own record. A report from your local guy might also be helpful. Then, if you want to resolve the situation to your satisfaction, take the bass back to the luthier and explain why you are not happy. Then ask what he/she is going to do to put things right. That will give you some idea of what to do next. You might also point out that you have a bass on order....That might focus the mind a bit. [/quote] This.... If the luthier does not offer to make it right, why are you buying a bass from him? Has he started work on it? If not, you're well within your rights to cancel and ask for your deposit back
  19. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1485888417' post='3227541'] Hey JPJ....that question has caught me off guard. I thought it would be a standard 9 volt mains supply lead. Is this not the case? [/quote] Standard 2.1 mm 9v centre negative according to the spec sheet..
  20. Sorry, I meant the 55-76... 🙂
  21. I've always thought of it as a 35" SR with decent string spacing.. Was that your experience as well?
  22. What did you think of the 55-64 ?
  23. Loved it at the gig on Saturday,, More "present" than my RH750.. Also fits nicely on top of the S12 which appeals to my (albeit limited) aesthetic sense.. Opened the amp up - it has the "humbuck" mod. The hum is quieter than the fan, so it's not really a big deal..
  24. Currently own three five string basses - two Dingwalls and a homebrew (albeit high class) Jazz 5 ... The Z3 is brilliant.. Utterly sublime..
  25. Don't even think about it..... He'll reverse the transaction the moment your bass "fails to arrive"...
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