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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. It's not a bad price, I advise some patience
  2. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1485085033' post='3220945'] Sorted thanks....I'm ashamed to say that it was a vibration problem of some kind. I'm still not sure what but maybe something to do with the edge of the speaker unit. It occurred to me that it was actually sounding worse when out of the cab so it may be something to do with vibration. I went back and tightened everything in the cab and put back the speaker taking care that it sitting right and wasn't touching any of the sides as it is a snug fit. It now sounds great-better than it has for ages so I maybe fixed more than one rattle Thanks all [/quote] Glad you managed to mail it down.. :-)
  3. Bought a couple of Yamaha subs from Colin, halfway meet, no muss, no fuss...
  4. https://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=EMIDL22512A Half the price of a replacement driver if you know what you're doing.
  5. From reading talkbass it's an OEM version of the eminence deltalite - so you should be able to get it reconed easily.
  6. http://www.hse.gov.uk/electricity/faq-portable-appliance-testing.htm
  7. And all power leads seperate from the device also need to be PAT tested if you're going to be thorough, this includes extension leads and RCD devices.
  8. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1485080226' post='3220885'] Some venues, particularly hotels and other Wedding venues do insist on it however [/quote] Sure.. Thus the two options above 😁
  9. You can buy the labels quite cheaply online :-) Or about £3 a device.. (PS there is no legal reason to have kit PAT tested, just a bit of a scam IMHO..). See the HSE website for confirmation..
  10. Trigger thumb/finger http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Trigger-finger/Pages/Introduction.aspx
  11. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1484921725' post='3219751'] I normally prefer less options on a bass, tone and volume is good for me. For sometime I went off active basses possible because there were too many options, bass, treble, mid, hi cut boost etc. But now I have found that I can just set the one I have fairly flat and actually leave it alone. I do prefer passive but have also learnt to stop fiddling. [/quote] TBF you really jumped into the deep end with the Enfield
  12. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1484921978' post='3219753'] I did a bit of a trawl on the Dingwall site but didn't find the info. Sheldon seemed reluctant to give the dimensions on a couple of threads of people asking the same questions. [/quote] 101x39 for the squared off FDNs on my ABZ...
  13. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1484921422' post='3219747'] Yes...possibly, though the OP could be pressing down on the fretboard too hard using his thumb on the back of the neck. Likewise, he could be pressing down too hard with his thumb on the pick up when plucking. I do agree with seeking medical advice. [/quote] Sure, possibly/probably .. However having had a mallet fracture in my right hand and now suffering from trigger thumb in my left hand, I do have lots of sympathy.. I've managed to play around these conditions. but the interim period is really frustrating..
  14. I think the key here is "both thumbs"... Which probably rules out anything to do with playing technique... Have you seen your GP?
  15. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1484920406' post='3219727'] I'm getting drawn into Dingwall GAS of late and doing a bit of research into different 5 string models. On the older models they have non neo FD3s that are squared off. Are these the same size as the later FD3n that come on The NG2 and Combustion ? Does anyone have a list of the different pick up dimensions ? Is there enough space to retro fit a 3rd pick up on an ABII? Can a bass with the square shape pickups be modded to take the later rounded shape? Has anyone had a passive version and then had it modified for the battery compartment? Did it need to go back to Dingwall for this? Thanks for looking [/quote] Probably best asked here - Sheldon normally is great at answering, but he's at NAMM at the moment.. https://dingwallguitars.com/community/
  16. DO you also have thousands of other favourite bands?
  17. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1484905644' post='3219504'] ^^This. set the amp at sound check (usually very minor tweaks from my default setting) bass eq during the set [/quote] ^^^ for me as well..
  18. [quote name='Downdown' timestamp='1484846863' post='3219073'] What's your definition of 'better'? Different perhaps, as people pursue that ever-elusive 'perfect' tone, but better? A cheap nasty bass didn't seem to hold Macca back did it? Possibly because he's a musician rather than a gear head and great musicians will always make great music, whereas some people just have all the gear and no idea. [/quote] I don't think that I suggested better in anything other than an ironic sense.. All I'm saying there are a bunch of people who like things exactly like they are (or were) and another bunch of people who are intrigued by the options opened up by "developments" in what is available.. Just take a moment to think that without the second group of people you'd be playing a piece of gut nailed to a branch..
  19. [quote name='Downdown' timestamp='1484846362' post='3219063'] There's simply no point trying to guess what the OWNER of the bass might or might not think. It's pointless conjecture. It's THEIR bass so you should ask THEM before doing anything with it - touching it, playing it, cleaning it, changing the strings, anything. If they insist on being offended because you ask them something then that's their problem, not yours, but at least you won't have altered their property without their permission. [/quote] The owner has consented to the OP cleaning the bass.. post #9 I think
  20. [quote name='Downdown' timestamp='1484845899' post='3219058'] I know what you mean, but what else is there for a bass amp to actually do? So what if the underlying technology changes, the end result must still be the same, surely? Same as the basses themselves really. There are only so many variations on doing the basic job of converting a string vibration to a small electrical signal - and it seems to me that most of those variations are concerned with the shape of a lump of wood I'm not denying there might be some amazing breakthrough in technology, but I'm struggling to think how the musical instrument we know as a 'bass guitar' is being held back for lack of technology. [/quote] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]personally I think it was all downhill after people moved on from the [/font][color=#1B1B1B][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#1B1B1B][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Vega Electric Bass Viol to those newfangled fender things.. And as for amplifiers, what need does anyone have of anything better than the Audio-Vox and the revolutionary Volu-Tone rigs.. [/font][/color]
  21. Tried the Flare aluminium plugs out last night (£25 direct) and worked luvverly.. more high end attenuation than low end - plus an unexpectedly benefit of being able to hear myself sing much better..
  22. My dingwall charging through the Jack socket.. Simples... P-retro... ABZ made active
  23. basstalk thread here https://www.talkbass.com/threads/fender-headstock-shapes-over-the-years.910665/
  24. Nice.. case and fretwrap included ? :-)
  25. [quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1484755178' post='3218144'] Problem is , these aren't "that" common no means rare , but i've never laid my hands on a CIJ non export Aerodyne J and he has priced it reasonably . [/quote] Ask him if you can clean it and knock the price of a new noname gigbag off the price..
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