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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1484604317' post='3216829'] Thats great if you can actually get to your amp... or don't want to manipulate the EQ mid song without going over to your amp. [/quote] +1 this
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1484604252' post='3216827'] You do realise that if you run them passive, the pickups are going straight to the jack or running with horribly wrong pot values? [/quote] Seems to work fine courtesy of the magic switch provided by messrs East and glockenklang. Or did you think I was bypassing the preamp circuit completely ?
  3. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1484602695' post='3216795'] I prefer passive because I want less to fiddle with. Active is a bit of a distraction for me, plus I get to leave my bass plugged in. [/quote] This is pretty much the only downside..Plus putting a meter across the battery before a gig to make sure it's 9.2v or better. I would not have an active bass that could not switch to passive just in case.
  4. All my basses are active/passive.. they sound better active..
  5. It's the normal basschat argument fodder..:-) Other examples include Pbass vs everything else Fender vs everything else Flats vs rounds Neo vs ferrite Valve vs everything else Class D vs everything else.. 😂
  6. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1484592280' post='3216629'] The HD500x wasn't designed to be "off", so true bypass is kind of irrelevant. If you just want to use the effects, then the HD500 not the right unit for you. Though if you did use it for just effects, then it's still rather good without true bypass. Don't know much about the Firehawk. [/quote] According to some of the Line 6 forums they did think about putting a proper true-bypass in - apparently the cost of implementing the extra two relays required put them off - although it's on the list to be considered for the next version...
  7. [quote name='Passinwind' timestamp='1484587005' post='3216546'] The AG500 amps are also Class D, but using an older school power supply arrangement. [/quote] Sure.. SMPS - sort of synonymous with Class D, but you're right :-)
  8. [quote name='NJE' timestamp='1484584969' post='3216518'] Looks good, as much as I love my Tonehammer head I do like the idea of a solid state head and a lo-mid and hi-mid knob would be better for my poor brain than teh seeping mid control on the Tonehammer. Lets see what the price is like, probably very expensive.... [/quote] only 4.9 lbs vs 18 lbs for the AG500.. I suspect Class D..
  9. Bought a toadworks compressor from John. Arrived well packed and no fuss...
  10. I was looking at driver spec sheets (3012ho) and noted that the impedance appears to go into tens of ohms at low frequencies. Does this not limit the amount of power your amp delivers at low frequencies ?
  11. It's likely to be more reliable
  12. Welcome back. Me too :-)
  13. There is a fearless 215 for sale in a Facebook gear group https://www.facebook.com/groups/184621401586617/
  14. There is a fearless 215 for sale in a Midlands Facebook gear group
  15. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1484488129' post='3215799'] I've spent most of my playing time in bands with two guitarists running full bore on big Marshall stacks, and really needed the big speakers and high power amps I used at the time. Now I play in a band with one guitarist who has a tendency to leave his master volume very low at rehearsals to clearly hear how he's interacting with the rest of the band. In this situation 100W is totally sufficient, albeit still into bloody big speakers. So if more guitards could overcome their belief in running amps flat out we'd not need these Class D thingies - my solid state head weighs little more than a 1000W Orange Class D I tried (Terror Bass I think), and is hardly an awkward size. [/quote] Could not agree more.. All of my current guitarists use 50w or so valve amps.. One is a little too quiet, the others tend to be a little loud on lead, but fine otherwise...
  16. join my band, bandmix, local music groups on facebook, jam nights..
  17. Tuner slipping ?
  18. [quote name='NoirBass' timestamp='1484351832' post='3214984'] Yeah, I've been using mine a lot too. Line 6 really got it right with the 500x. [/quote] Apart from no true bypass
  19. [quote name='mrn1989' timestamp='1484212013' post='3213493'] Ive never used one of those Orange cabs, but homage wise it will work fine the amp would only put out around 175W as its an 8ohm cab, you'd get the dull 250W with a 4ohm. I use the Reidmar and have used it will a single 8ohm 112 cab and its still belting loud, I think you'll be fine. [/quote] "Dull watts" ? 😀
  20. that's a beaut... Might be interested as well..
  21. Just bang a nail in the neck to hang the strap off ?
  22. I'm not a fender person (although I do have a 35" jazz 5 alike) but as long as the QC and build is perfect for the money you pays yer money etc. However Fender are paragons of QC compared with Gibson and Rickenbacker.. Although a Dimension V HH looks interesting. So they do try
  23. Oh..Nice..And a bargain.. about 7k new landed in the UK now.
  24. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1484476539' post='3215646'] I am just picturing you switching on your amp last, and all the venue lights dim and the fruit machines re boot up and his valve amp jumps back into standby mode. [/quote] Yup 2.4 kw into a 2400 watt RMS cab which does 105db@1w@1m :-)
  25. I had a loud guitarist once. I took along my tecamp 810 and qsc plx2402 with a sansamp to a rehearsal.. I will never forget the look on his face :-)
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