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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. Mid Week bump... Any more for any more? [quote name='markstuk' post='1354157' date='Aug 28 2011, 10:43 AM']Gafbass02 might be coming from Cheltenham which is not a million miles away?[/quote]
  2. Clearly Hi-fi GAS is a particularily nasty variant of GAS in general :-) [quote name='Truckstop' post='1357649' date='Aug 31 2011, 03:38 PM']Well thank god it's available in other lengths otherwise it'd be a rip off! Truckstop[/quote]
  3. And how about this for speaker cable? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NORDOST-VALHALLA-SPEAKER-CABLE-4m-PAIR-4mm-Z-PLUGS-/160505091401?pt=UK_Computing_CablesConnectors_RL&hash=item255ed95549"]Speaker Cable[/url]
  4. Don't forget to plug your amps in with these :-) [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NORDOST-VALHALLA-HIFI-MAINS-LEAD-CABLE-2m-POWER-CORD-/160480994970?pt=UK_Computing_CablesConnectors_RL&hash=item255d69a69a"]Kettle Lead[/url]
  5. In London... ? THis would be my first port of call.. [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/"]http://www.thebassgallery.com/[/url]
  6. TC Blacksmith and 2 Barefaced Super 12 T's.... [quote name='scalpy' post='1356724' date='Aug 30 2011, 07:40 PM']The G&L ASAT The lakland jo 5 string with the pre-amp on here a week or two ago, white. Sweet. Aggie DB751 and 4 by 12. In tweed.[/quote]
  7. As an RH450 owner I'm mildly disappointed by the claim, but otherwise blissfully unaware that it's a puny weedy amp in any way shape or form.. [quote name='lojo' post='1354159' date='Aug 28 2011, 10:44 AM']Half the content on most forums is the same, but it's also half the fun, stop checking in when you've had enough, as mods generally only shut down when it gets personal or off topic[/quote]
  8. Gafbass02 might be coming from Cheltenham which is not a million miles away? [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1354155' date='Aug 28 2011, 10:38 AM']I'd love to come to this, but I don't have a car these days [/quote]
  9. Bank Holiday bump... Anyone else interested in confirming they're coming? :-)
  10. My RH450 with a Barefaced S12T goes quite loud enough.... To put it into perspective I've got a H&K BaseBass 600 which I use into the same cab and in terms of volume there's not much difference, and I prefer the tone(s) of the RH450... I've also got a 1400W rig (PLX2402 - 2 x 700 into 2 x 4 ohms) into two EBS 410's using either the RH450 or Sansamp as a preamp.. This is loud, but not a quantum leap more than the RH/S12T combo. I do take Alex's point though that the S12 is capable of going 4-5 db louder with a higher power amp...
  11. The argument bus no 25 will be along in a moment However it's wrong to assume that guitards are ahead of the curve.. All of my guitards (who I respect) put up with noise, tone suck and signal path issues that would have me tearing my hair out...
  12. Excellent Alex.. See you there... [quote name='Truckstop' post='1350036' date='Aug 24 2011, 10:46 AM']I'll definitely be coming to this one. I'll be bringing: 80's Ibanez Blazer, MIM Fender Jazz V Gem Saturn Bass. 50 Ampeg 210HE Cheers Alex[/quote]
  13. Not really.. They'll make hay for a few years, then they have the option to reduce the price again.. The quantities used in military technology are not terribly high in comparison with the global market for rare earths and I suspect the US has years of strategic reserves anyway.... But I suspect China does not see itself as a long term commodities exporter - look at it's activities in Africa and South America in terms of corralling resources... Mark [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1349341' date='Aug 23 2011, 07:34 PM']Hmm if that's the case then it sounds like they're shooting themselves in the foot with this one.[/quote]
  14. You could always add another Compact to your collection :-) And as Bill says you'll get 5-6 dB from the second cab, but only 3 db at best from the power amp.... [quote name='sockdeluxe_mikey' post='1349292' date='Aug 23 2011, 06:41 PM']This is the problem mate - sometimes, I have been hitting the limiter on my amp which feels really nasty 'under my hands'. Would using a power amp like this be an effective solution? My girlfriend actually also has a Barefaced Compact which I can use on a few occasions, but for a number of reasons I don't want to take it around all of the time it's not technically mine for one![/quote]
  15. Or a second compact/midget would probably be a better choice.. 4 ohm load and more speaker area.... [quote name='sockdeluxe_mikey' post='1349182' date='Aug 23 2011, 05:04 PM']Hello all! I have a Markbass SA450 amp, and I am considering buying a power amplifier to give me some more headroom on my bigger gigs with one cabinet (a Barefaced Compact) such as this one: This, by the looks of things, has an XLR in on the back and in mono configuration outputs 600w at 8 ohms which is double of the Markbass SA450. Would this interface okay with the XLR out on the amp? The SA450 also has an adjustable line out level which could prove very handy for setting the level right going into the power amp. My logic here is I can take this with me in the boot of my car and if it turns out I need for volume I can whip it out and gain instantly much more headroom. Any advice would be great appreciated![/quote]
  16. +1 for OBBM.. Standard or Custom cables, he's fast, well priced and I would not go anywhere else now... [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1349149' date='Aug 23 2011, 04:38 PM']another happy OBBM client here! You can either pm him here or order from his website [url="http://www.bassic-bits.co.uk/"]http://www.bassic-bits.co.uk/[/url][/quote]
  17. You could toodle up to see Mark at BassDirect in Warwick... :-)
  18. Of course there are plenty of other rare earth deposits outside of China, indeed they're restarting production in the US and South America... It was just that the Chinese did it cheaper and dirtier and we were happy with the price.. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1349128' date='Aug 23 2011, 04:19 PM']Neodymium is just the example that affects magnets and is easy to talk about, the Chinese clampdown is across loads of rare earths, and like neodymium they've cornered the market over a period of time by undercutting, stuff that has more esoteric uses that making magnets out of. I don't know if the clampdown includes export of products containing rare earths, that would make a sort of economic sense as suddenly you could only buy technological products from China, and it would keep everywhere else struggling to produce technology competitively. When I say 'stopping of supply' I don't mean China's is totally stopping supplying the world, I mean people using the stuff suddenly have their supply stopped, because demand is elsewhere, in the scheme of things, 40 year obsolete technology used only for indulgence is not a priority use.[/quote]
  19. Excellent... OP updated :-) [quote name='JDH' post='1347863' date='Aug 22 2011, 11:41 AM']Hi Mark Just to confirm, I will be bringing the 55/01, CMD102P and a CIJ 62 P bass with flats. See you in September... John[/quote]
  20. Many many years ago I "repaired" a Mackensie 15" with a similar tear using modelling tissue (like you cover balsa aircraft with) and a thin layer of superglue... It certainly stopped the tear propagating and I could not hear much difference... [quote name='TG Flatline' post='1347799' date='Aug 22 2011, 10:01 AM']Hi all I've got a spare 15" speaker I was going to use when building a drum monitor, but it has a small tear in the diaphragm near the outside edge. I'd estimate the tear is about 1cm long and not very wide, couple of mm max. A stray screwdriver did the damage, rookie error indeed. How would I patch this tear up to maintain the efficiencies of the speaker? Is it worth doing or am I likely to make the driver less useful by doing so? Any advice greatfully appreciated, I know pretty much nothing about speakers other than the bits where the red and black cables attach to... Thanks T[/quote]
  21. Done, Can anyone who is planning to come and I've not listed on the OP can you let me know that you are and what (if anything) you're planning to bring... Regards Mark [quote name='Kev' post='1346577' date='Aug 20 2011, 06:11 PM']Il come with my Warwick, Perhaps update original post to say who's coming and bringing what??[/quote]
  22. And then sounding very quiet :-) [quote name='Musky' post='1346662' date='Aug 20 2011, 08:03 PM']Yes, they'll work together. Bear in mind that although the LG1000 is rated at 1000w, it's output is split into 2x500w outputs at 4 ohms. With one 8 ohm cab you'll be on the receiving end of 300w... and the Little Giants have something of a reputation for sounding a bit quiet for their wattage.[/quote]
  23. I've got a MIJ SR765 that I don't use very much anymore, but it's pointless selling it for the £300 or less it's presumed to be worth, simply because it's a better bass than that ....
  24. Has anyone played any of the new SRT's (800 and 805)... ? [url="http://www.ibanez.com/BassGuitars/Series-srt"]http://www.ibanez.com/BassGuitars/Series-srt[/url]
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