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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. Make sure the input overload is not coming on (which I'm sure you have) and also that the preset input level (SHIFT TUBETONE) is not set too high (normally it's set too low!) ... My RH450 is completely clean....
  2. Just had Mark Stickley of BassDirect in Warwick confirm he's going to bring some toys along as well... I asked him to bring stuff he thought we should try/hear... :-)
  3. Sounds good... Its not a who's got the most boutiquey gear festival, more of this is interesting/great at it's price point.... And for people to try stuff at reasonable volume levels and discuss warts and all...
  4. Unless there are serious gear issues about an hour to set up and 30 mins to break down seems sensible... Practice and a routine of who does what help immensely.. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1345584' date='Aug 19 2011, 04:00 PM']At my daughters 18th the band were all friends of mine. They did the gig for free (well beer and food ) Very professional, 5 piece band who set up in an hour and then settled down to enjoy the evening before performing two 1 hour sets. They were out in 30 minutes at the end of the evening. I'm in an acoustic duo so I'm set up in 20 minutes (PA / Bass Amp / 4 guitars / 2 stools) back out in 10 minutes! Practise makes for a quick setup / break down [/quote]
  5. HI Alex, The more the merrier.... I might also be tempted to bring the beast out... :-) 2 x EBS Proline 410's and a PLX2402 :-) [quote name='Truckstop' post='1345578' date='Aug 19 2011, 03:49 PM']Ooh! I might come to this one instead of the SE one. It's less hassle to get to! If anyone fancies travelling up with me from South Herts area, I'll give a lift for some petrol money? Cheers Alex[/quote]
  6. Cool See you there Brian, what are you planning to bring? I'll probably bring my RH450 and Barefaced S12T, plus Dingwall 5 String ABZ (active) and my Status S1 5 String Fretless.. Cheers Mark [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1345295' date='Aug 19 2011, 11:54 AM']I am up for the 25th! Good call on a great venue. Brian[/quote]
  7. You can use your MarkBass stuff in any european country that has 220+/-20V ish (which as far as I know is all of them) and the Mains plug is common across Europe AFAIK with the exception of the UK (and Ireland I think) for which you just need a UK style "IEC" "misnamed Kettle" Lead... When we move computer equipment across hosting centres in Europe all we do it change the power lead... :-) In the US or other 110V approx countries you'll need to flick the jumper switch (I don't the the 50/60 Hz makes any difference)... But it sounds like you're only playing in Europe anyway... Cheers Mark
  8. This is now confirmed for Sunday 25th September from 2 pm onwards upstairs at Cox's Yard... Can you confirm whether you plan to attend or not... Cheers MArk [quote name='markstuk' post='1329594' date='Aug 6 2011, 08:56 AM']Looks like we've been offered a Sunday Afternoon late in September at Cox's Yard.... It's free as well as long as we patronise the bar :-) I'm just negotiating which Sunday at the moment... Still happy to take donations towards either Basschat or a charity thing TBD.. [url="http://www.coxsyard.co.uk/"]http://www.coxsyard.co.uk/[/url][/quote]
  9. How about this talented Spaniard? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=149703&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=149703&st=0[/url]
  10. Apparently you don't have any form of band either.. As other people have said already, you stand little or no chance of hooking up if you're anything like this in real life... However I suspect you're all mouth and no trousers as we colloquially say here.... Oh, and I speak two other languages apart from english, although I don't see why that's overly relevant.. Spanish is only cool if you're like Ricky Martin ? Or Cuban... Perhaps you're better suited to the clubs on the outskirts of Barcelona... World famous, I'm sure.... Tata for now.. Have fun choking on your own spume [quote name='Charlie1990' post='1341030' date='Aug 15 2011, 07:22 PM']Oh gosh.. how's possible to be so stupid? what's you problem with me fag... c'mon f***in' ignorants go and eat sh*t you think you're very clever or something? I'm pretty sure u don't speak more than your language, you don't have a proper band and you're not goin' anywhere in the future. Keep on w***ing twats... so long freaks[/quote]
  11. Strangely I've found the headphones a little disappointing as well... Although in a different way to you, since I don't like being sealed off from the rest of the world and use open backed AKG headphones at rehearsals - which although they look ridiculous, actually work very well...
  12. I'm using a sennheiser radio headset mic and a T-Bone IEM100 setup at the moment... [quote name='mercuryl' post='1342048' date='Aug 16 2011, 04:13 PM']Yeah I do backing vocals and I'm always wandering too far from the mic ........ and then realise that I have to get there quick. I'd like a set up like The Edge uses. I dunno what it is, but he has a microphone and obviously has in ear monitors. I don't mind using separates, but I'd like them to be discreet ..... and I don't wanna wear a hat like the edge. If you are gonna get separates - what would you use?[/quote]
  13. I use the DiMarzios... Seems to offer the best flexibility - only downside is that you have to use their straps.... [quote name='bartelby' post='1337995' date='Aug 12 2011, 06:22 PM']The DiMarzio locking strap could be worth a look as you can use the orginal screws.[/quote]
  14. I'm just off Junction 15 of the M40 :-) Can you let me know the ohmage (I presume 4?) and weight of these please? [quote name='mrtcat' post='1332671' date='Aug 8 2011, 08:17 PM']I'm actually in Bicester nr junction 10 on the M40[/quote]
  15. Looks interesting.. Whereabouts in Costa del Oxford are you based? :-) [quote name='mrtcat' post='1332101' date='Aug 8 2011, 02:06 PM']I have for sale two BFM DR280 cabs. These make excellent bass cabs and even better PA cabs. I built these last year as a rough test to see whether the BFM thing was for me. The finish quality is OK but not my pro standard that I now offer in custom builds. I have reflected this in the price tho as I'm looking for just £240 per cab which barely covers materials. They are loaded with Eminence Kappalite 3012 drivers so this is a real steal for the buyer. They have been run for about 6hrs in total. They sound amazing and go very very loud. They would work well inside or for outside PA situations where a good long throw is an advantage. [attachment=86512:IMG_2340.jpg][attachment=86513:IMG_2341.jpg][attachment=86514:IMG_2342.jpg][/quote]
  16. Looks like we've been offered a Sunday Afternoon late in September at Cox's Yard.... It's free as well as long as we patronise the bar :-) I'm just negotiating which Sunday at the moment... Still happy to take donations towards either Basschat or a charity thing TBD.. [url="http://www.coxsyard.co.uk/"]http://www.coxsyard.co.uk/[/url]
  17. Been discussed elsewhere.. In the interests of science (and trusting in the protection circuitry) I ran my RH450 into 2 ohms (2 x EBS Proline 410's) for three hours at pretty loud volumes at a rehearsal.. No problems, the RH didn't even get warm... Given that TC say you can run in 2.7 Ohm load made up of their own cabs, it's hard to see why their ohms would be any different to anyone elses given the broad approximation a given ohms rating is presented anyway...
  18. With GB it probably would not add considerably to his delivery times from what I've heard :-) Personally I would buy a forest with trees already in it though :-) [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1327491' date='Aug 4 2011, 05:28 PM']Now I know Bernie from GB guitars has a bad rep for his waiting times but how long do you think it would take from seed to gig?[/quote]
  19. +1 They could always buy forests and manage them sustainably if it's that important to them.... [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1327479' date='Aug 4 2011, 05:22 PM']Well supposedly but what actual evidence do they base this on? My guess it that it's more a publicity stunt by these guitar companies to a) charge more for their guitars and b ) make them look like they're being "environmentally friendly" and all that.[/quote]
  20. Can you get a bass and rig for £22? :-) Or shall I posit an alternative. If you spend more on clothes than gear you're more interested in people looking at you than listening to you [quote name='BigRedX' post='1327346' date='Aug 4 2011, 04:37 PM']Sorry but apart from the first sentence which is completely subjective, that's all rubbish. Use whatever gear gives the right sound and look and has the best playability for the songs. And speaking as someone who's not adverse to spending some serious cash on clothes, I'd still find it almost impossible to wear clothes that were more expensive than the basses I'm playing.[/quote]
  21. HI Alex, I'm in the fortunate position of having an RH450, H&K BaseBass 600 and a PLX2402 (in this case run single channel into a Super12) In terms of loudness, punch and presence there really is not a great deal of difference between the three setups... The PLX2402 run into 2 4ohm 410's (EBS prolines) is a different matter but then again I would expect it to be... [quote name='alexclaber' post='1326565' date='Aug 4 2011, 10:08 AM']Exactly. Some people find the TC amps sound very loud to them because the APM does its stuff in a way that's pleasing to their ears - I know I wouldn't because I don't like that kind of compression etc - and I'm used to hearing what real clean uncompressed 1000W+ power sounds and feels like courtesy of my QSC PLX 3002. The RH750 really shows the value of this APM DSP because it has the performance of a real 450W head plus APM - in other words what the RH450 should be like without such games being played... The upside is I can tell customers who want maximum volume from minimum size to buy the '1600W' Blacksmith and crank it into a Midget with impunity! The downside is getting a properly high power Barefaced head sorted is more urgent than ever.[/quote]
  22. Hi Alex, Not seen the article - what was the "specmanship" TC are playing with the RH450? Cheers Mark [quote name='alexclaber' post='1325395' date='Aug 3 2011, 11:11 AM']Interesting stuff. Based on those impedance plots the only logical conclusion to come to is that the RH450 and RH750 are both comfortable down to 2.7 ohms (i.e. three 8 ohm cabs or one 4 ohm and one 8 ohm, in parallel). Disappointed by their specsmanship - I had assumed that the RH450 was a real 450W and the APM made it feel like ~800W. Still, lots of happy customers prove it works but it's a shame they're playing those games... On the other hand I'm impressed with Orange Terror Bass's bench performance (glad to see the 4/8 ohm switch actually works!) whilst the SP cabs measure out pretty much exactly how I thought they would based on the design and customer feedback (sensitivity is very low and midrange uneven).[/quote]
  23. But when does BGM not have a positive review? :-) [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1325166' date='Aug 3 2011, 07:12 AM']This month's BGM (Bass Guitar Mag) has a very positive review on 2 other Ding's, if you care to read it click below (p.s. ATT All Agony Aunties = I realize it is probably not allowed for us to reproduce articles from magazines, but hey... do I look bothered?) [u][i][b][url="http://www.captnmoto.co.uk/videos/BGMReview.pdf"]Click here[/url][/b][/i][/u][/quote]
  24. He's referring to this :-) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rths1VfuNP4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rths1VfuNP4[/url] [quote name='JellyKnees' post='1324364' date='Aug 2 2011, 03:25 PM']Sorry, don't get that one???[/quote]
  25. Does it get worse as the full moon approaches ? [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='1323884' date='Aug 2 2011, 09:42 AM']Shave the top of the thumb on your picking hand? I have hairs growing on the back of my right thumb which sometimes catch on the bottom (in this case the B ) string. And it hurts, plus there's a risk of infection. So I shave to top of my right thumb for comfort. Anyone else? G.[/quote]
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