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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. Something like this? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Allen-Key-Set-10-peice-metric-set-/270694872885?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash=item3f06abf735"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Allen-Key-Set-10-pei...=item3f06abf735[/url] 2 quid posted... Or you could splash out... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Faithfull-FAIHKSF8M-Folding-Hex-Key-Set-8-Metric-/250814015915?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash=item3a65ae29ab"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Faithfull-FAIHKSF8M-...=item3a65ae29ab[/url]
  2. As opposed to the "wanted" hum that appears to come as standard with rickys? [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' post='1244735' date='May 25 2011, 08:24 PM']I read on some official Rick propaganda that use of any old stereo cable/y-splitter will result in 'unwanted hum and significant loss of treble' - anyone noticed this?[/quote]
  3. SKB Rack case just arrived.. Good comms, top fellow...
  4. I think as other folk have said it's whether it makes a difference to you as a player, for whatever reason.. I'm not sure that I go for the "punters at the dog and duck can't tell the difference" argument, not because I think they can or can't, but because I want to do the best job I can....
  5. I used to lust after these nearly as much as a Wal in the day :-)
  6. It only weighs about 40 pounds :-) and it's got wheels and three handles :-) [quote name='algmusic' post='1243069' date='May 24 2011, 03:48 PM']I have tinkled with that idea, but alot of my gigs really don't need the super 12.. even though I want it sniff sniff.. I guess in a perfect world I'd have the midget for the small gigs, which I do alot and the super12 for the rest [/quote]
  7. Compact plus Midget whould be plenty loud.. Or just bite the bullet and get a BF Super Twelve - mine is astonishingly loud with either my RH450 or H&K BassBase600.... Easily as loud (and nicer) as one of my EBS Proline 410's (but not both of them!) [quote name='algmusic' post='1242948' date='May 24 2011, 01:48 PM']I've written off really using them together. The chance of need that much power, is highly unlikely, as biggest gigs without PA are small to meduim sized pub, if the gigs need a big rig, then I'll probably change the sp210 for a compact, if I get on with BF.. if this doesn't happen I'll get the more expensive, sp212 option and sell the midget I do think you get a bit more bottomed from the sp210 over the midget, but the sound is so appealing. The midget is so sexy with the silver grill.. and so so light, and the orange isn't heavy..[/quote]
  8. Why limit yourself to these two cab choices? What about a 4 ohm Barefaced Super Twelve?
  9. Top Chap, great comms, recommended...
  10. It's pretty easy to check with a cheap multimeter... Something like this ..:-) [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Digital-Multimeter-Tester-Test-Leads-Multi-Meter-/380342000086?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Test_Measurement_Equipment_ET&hash=item588e2659d6"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Digital-Multimeter-T...=item588e2659d6[/url]
  11. Welcome, but forum rules state you have to list items with a price..
  12. There, I knew that would bring the dinghaters out Pete, although I'm surprised you've not found a Stingray 5 to have the best B of all More seriously it's also about string feel (compliance) as well as sound... And all things being equal, 35" B's tend to sound better than 34" B's.. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1240756' date='May 22 2011, 08:25 PM']Ray 5 B's are well known for being good and tight and only 34" even the cheap OLP 5's are good there is plenty of love around here for them. The Dingwall B is no more defined than a GB Rumour 5 fwiw although that is a 35" and both are tighter than my Ray but both also cost a lot more money too.[/quote]
  13. What about one of the Tech 21 rack mounted preamps? RPM/RBI?
  14. :-) +1 (as a previous ashdown owner) .. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='1240045' date='May 22 2011, 09:45 AM']That sounds like a selling point to me.[/quote]
  15. YUp, the 200 looks the sweetspot in terms of pricing for the MyWatts... Mark
  16. Although if you have good construction and a 37" B string the results are astounding as per my ABZ
  17. 5 string only for me these days.. Dingwall ABZ and Ibanez SR765... [quote name='BigRedX' post='1240521' date='May 22 2011, 05:02 PM']Go for it. I am no loner buying any 4-string basses and if I can find suitable 5-string versions of some of the ones I currently own then the 4-stringers will be going up for sale.[/quote]
  18. It's probably the fuse on the output side - it's easy to replace but worth working out why it went.. IME it happens when you've plugged something in with the amp turned on.. . [quote name='citymariner' post='1240309' date='May 22 2011, 01:31 PM']It's a fancy doorstop at the moment. Went to gig it last night, checked my input level was ok and then went to turn the output level from 2 -4... POP!! Still getting input signal but NOTHING from the output section - not even hiss/ buzz/ crackle. The popping sound I heard I'd have thought is a fuse but I'm not opening it up. I'll ring on Monday for a replacement... Luckily I was close enough to home to get the trusty MAG 300 out... Bad times.[/quote]
  19. Looks like it [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Laney-Nexus-400w-valve-bass-amplfier-KT88-tube-amp-/300559598427?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item45fabf835b"]Nexus[/url]
  20. I've got a Hartke 3500 and MAJ 1x15 (eminence) 400 W cab that's sitting around doing nowt. £175 would do the trick .. [quote name='mr.gritstoner' post='1222297' date='May 6 2011, 04:06 PM']hi guys, I have finally saved up some bread (around £250) to spend on amplifying my mexican precision. I play in varied styles, mostly funk,jazz,motown and slap. so considering i need to have that fat,rounded bottom for walking bass and motown,but the treble and sharpness for slap and some jaco stuff, i really need an all rounder. Also, I tend to use lighter strings. so what do you think guys? separate head and cab? if so,what combination? or just a combo? is valve out of the question at this price? answers to any of these lurking questions would be well appreciated. thanks for reading.[/quote]
  21. I've got some of the DR blacks on my SR765.. Sound a little brighter than the Elixirs I had on before and I had to raise the action a little as they clanked a bit...
  22. I was only teasing.. there are a lot of fanbois on here as well as sensible folk :-) What sort of music do you play? What amplification do you have? I have an Ibanez SR765 5 String as a backup bass which has a 16.5 mm string spacing - I suspect a 5 string warwick might feel a little big in your hands... Cheers Mark [quote name='Surfer-bee' post='1236392' date='May 18 2011, 10:19 PM']I like lots of makes. To be honest I wouldn't say that I've played enough bass guitars to really have an opinion. At the moment I'm still trying to find "The One" whatever that make may be. I like all things bass and am hoping to use this forum to further my education on guitars and playing styles. Any tips on what to look for in a bass will be greatly appreciated, especially when I can afford to properly look for it. I only have small hands so I guess I'm looking for a well balanced, slim necked and light-weight design. I am also a sound snob, so the quality of the pick-ups and electronics also have to be decent. So far, I've been mulling over (and remember we're looking at the slightly more reasonably priced ranges): The new Tanglewood Overwater basses Warwick Streamer/Corvette Rockbasses Ibanez models[/quote]
  23. PM'd [quote name='BIG.J' post='1236563' date='May 19 2011, 06:15 AM']Same as this = [url="http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/SKB-XRack4-Shallow-X-Rack-4U/4ZM"]http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighti...w-X-Rack-4U/4ZM[/url] Just remove the front cover on butterfly catches and the rear has a smaller pannel on locking catches which removes to reveal power leads etc (Note the rear access hole is smaller and depending on what / where you fit your ger some inputs/outputs may have restricted access) I had the following fitted = wireless Mic unit Mark Bass LMII TC Electronics G Major All fitted like a glove. £55 Posted (Condition like new) J.[/quote]
  24. So are you saying you don't like Fenders then? [quote name='Surfer-bee' post='1235968' date='May 18 2011, 04:56 PM']Nah, I rather like Stingrays and Rickenbackers. Just can't afford either of them.[/quote]
  25. Or Stingrays or Rickenbackers as well [quote name='JayPH' post='1235937' date='May 18 2011, 04:29 PM']Welcome to the nicest forum on the Web. Unless you start Dissing Fenders that is [/quote]
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