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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. I'm still working out how best to use mine - I have a reasonably full board and generally the dedicated effects have a slight edge over the MS60B versions. However in a live situation I don't think anyone would notice, At the moment I'm using the bass synths and delays on it more than anything else..
  2. [quote name='Elfrasho' timestamp='1496867437' post='3314432'] There's a lot extra... What we're you expecting? [/quote] The same noise/tone suck (minimal) as the previous firmware.. was responding to a previous post
  3. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1496608070' post='3312702'] I've done the upgrade but not fired it up.. I'll do it tomorrow and report back... [/quote] Appears much the same.....
  4. [quote name='thegummy' timestamp='1496835964' post='3314157'] I checked in the pockets and they were there! I feel so silly but happy that I don't have to buy anything. Cheers mate for pointing that out [/quote] This has made my day 😁
  5. Thunderfunk Tf750 for me... Lots of punch, 2 ohm stable, great eq/shaping manageable weight..
  6. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1496827128' post='3314051'] Thank you. There was me thinking it had been listed by the same person. It's a really old thread though. [/quote] Was a link to a valuation.. should​ have made myself clearer.. generally from what I can see they go for about £250 to £400
  7. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/253053-schecter-daimond-model-t-pj-rob-deleo/
  8. Welcome from a local :-)
  9. something like this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/replacement-adjustable-shoulder-strap-luggage-bag-belt-black-non-slip-pad-/23232832090
  10. [color=#ff0000]Read from bottom up :-) [/color] [center][b]YOU:[/b][/center] [color=#888888][size=3]If you think a £1500 bass is worth £10k you're frankly delusional... If you're right you'll sell it quickly, if I'm right then you won't... There are enough Thumb NT's being sold for there to be a good data on the market price... I'm hardly trolling if I'm doing it privately on email.. I provide you with recent proof of what a virtually identical bass sold for and he had it on sale for quite some time at only a few hundred pounds more... As I said good luck with the sale.. The £10k 4003 has not moved at all either :-)[/size][/color] [center][color=#336FB7][size=3][b]johnmhbear:[/b][/size][/color][/center] [color=#336FB7][size=3] [color=#231F20][size=3]More like a troll than helpful dude.[/size][/color] [/size][/color] [center][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#85B716][size=3][b]YOU:[/b][/size][/color][/size][/color][/center] [color=#336FB7][size=3] [color=#888888][size=3]Not that interested, was trying to be helpful... The Thumb 5's have too much neck dive for me - much prefer my Dingwall Z3 and Laklands... As I said good luck with the sale...[/size][/color] [/size][/color] [center][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3][b]johnmhbear:[/b][/size][/color][/size][/color][/center] [color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3] [color=#231F20][size=3]Well he got a bad deal, if you interested make a serious offer if not, I'd stop wasting you time haha.[/size][/color] [/size][/color][/size][/color] [center][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#85B716][size=3][b]YOU:[/b][/size][/color][/size][/color][/size][/color][/center] [color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3] [color=#888888][size=3][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/305929-sold-warwick-thumb-nt-5-neck-through-model-price-drop"]http://basschat.co.u...odel-price-drop[/url] This one went for £1300 - not much difference between his and yours :-)[/size][/color] [/size][/color][/size][/color] [center][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3][b]johnmhbear:[/b][/size][/color][/size][/color][/size][/color][/center] [color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3] [color=#231F20][size=3]Hey, yeah I did, and they sell new for 4500 now but this one is special, it was played by bass Jesus himself.[/size][/color] [/size][/color][/size][/color][/size][/color] [center][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#85B716][size=3][b]YOU:[/b][/size][/color][/size][/color][/size][/color][/size][/color][/center] [color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3][color=#336FB7][size=3] [color=#888888][size=3]Hi, Did you really mean to start this at just under ten grand? If you did, good luck :-) These go for around £1400-£1600.[/size][/color][/size][/color][/size][/color][/size][/color]
  11. Pretty much the response I got... :-)
  12. Surely it's not fit for purpose ? I would expect a pot to work for 3-5 years minimum and the front panel issue never unless it was damaged.. Who is the retailer​ so I can avoid them ?
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1496166484' post='3309299'] At least you were able to correct yourself. Unlike Van Halen. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjx_GjyXCs4[/media] [/quote] I think that's better than the cee loo green bass cockup at coachella a few years ago
  14. [quote name='Overdrive777' timestamp='1496606615' post='3312679'] Do you hear any difference between v1 and v2? Strangely I think the tuner bypass is better than the effect off bypass... [/quote] I've done the upgrade but not fired it up.. I'll do it tomorrow and report back...
  15. [quote name='Overdrive777' timestamp='1496604681' post='3312651'] Does anyone know if they also have upgraded the quality of the bypass? [/quote] The bypass is pretty good on mine - and I'm notoriously fussy..
  16. Mine done as well. Good call
  17. It's seven months old ? Or did you buy it secondhand..? if new, then in your circumstances I would be spitting feathers and reading the sale of goods act to the retailer..
  18. I usually use the 3" Dimarzio system for all my basses, but my new Sandberg VM5 is a bit neckdivey and the Dimarzio straps are nylon so I ordered one of these... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HYPNOTIC-STRAPS-WIDE-FAT-BOY-4-LEATHER-BLACK-GUITAR-BASS-ACOUSTIC-STRAP-PADDED/382090268583 It's a seriously solid bit of kit for the money...
  19. If we all liked the same basses, basschat would be a much quieter place...
  20. I did email him trying to be helpful - apparently that makes me a troll... I pointed out that this one was not going to move anytime soon either ... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2005-Rickenbacker-rare-limited-edition-Blue-Boy-4003-bass-guitar-/162529890110
  21. This is my new one.. Sits nicely alongside the Lakland...
  22. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1496324250' post='3310511'] DEFINITELY not TT pups I even messaged Sandberg direct and they said Split pick up neck and M pick up bridge. Some web reviews say the split is at the bridge, this is wrong. So it's probably a VM either that or an MM If anyone out there has one, please take off the covers and share?! Mark at classic and cool guitars in Devon has one for sale now and has a few popped through his shop so he may well be able to confirm or deny [/quote] Email Sandberg and ask, they were pretty responsive when I asked for the build details on my VM5...
  23. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/272695768832 Apparently it's been played by "Bass Jesus" - although he appears to have left that detail out of the advert :-)
  24. I'm quite liking my 35" black VM5 :-)
  25. I still keep coming back to this... Such great feel.. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBvxNhaEvHE"]https://www.youtube....h?v=VBvxNhaEvHE[/url] Although this is what really turned me to bass when I was 12... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae0nwSv6cTU
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