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Everything posted by markstuk

  1. I'm trying to work out which bass 4x12 cabs are light and cheap
  2. [quote name='Acebassmusic' timestamp='1496015997' post='3308154'] They do look appealing Can they be rack mounted? I don't remember seeing any info on that. [/quote] I've successfully housed amps without rack ears by drilling holes through the bottom of the rack case and using carefully measured bolts through the case (with washers to spread the load) into either through or (or without) the feet of the amp into the amp chassis. Most recently I did this with a TF750A until the rack kit arrived... However be sure about what you're doing etc etc etc.. You use a paper template made using the amp case feet holes.. Would I do this with an Agullar DB750 ? no :-) with a class D amp I don't see a problem unless you damage the amp internals by using bolts that are too long..
  3. Also what amp are you using ?
  4. Both would be great choices (I've used both the tecamp 2x12 and barefaced S12T . Bergs are great and something like a cn212 would work for you. Also the GB neox 212 offers a lot of value going for about £300 secondhand on here.
  5. Or you could build one of Bill's cabs.?
  6. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1495785796' post='3306497'] I have a '94 Korean Squier Jazz, a battered thing that sounds fantastic (the electronics are all replacements, however...). My favourite Jazz of all the ones I have owned including 3 75RI Fenders... the thing is it's a Jazz neck (I like chunkier ones best) and rosewood for fingerboard (while I prefer maple). So I ordered a new neck for it... and it would need a logo. I simply had a replica made, down to the serial number: [/quote] That's the way to do it....
  7. Perhaps he played it ironically?
  8. I've been asked to join a local band as their keys player.. No proper singer as of yet and two guitarists. A number of things put me off.. 1. Two guitarists = no space except for making funny noises/doing intros. 2. Really matey - like spending time with each other socially and getting drunk.. 3. Material is ageing badly in my opinion. 4. No proper rehearsal space (they rehearse in basically a bedroom studio). 5. Resistant to playing more contemporary material. I think I've answered my own question :-)
  9. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1495698273' post='3305886'] We can't all be rock stars Bill [/quote] +1
  10. Orange Green Day ?
  11. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1495557123' post='3304804'] Thanks for that - no reply from Epifani as yet, so if it's radio silence from them, DIY really will be the only way. Will be very interesting as I've absolutely no experience with mucking about with speaker cabs from a technical standpoint.... [/quote] I'm sure if you put a shout out someone local will give you a hand.. But you do need to identify the driver being used as I think Epifani also used an Eminence driver as well...
  12. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1495523790' post='3304359'] With my active bass, when the battery is low it distorts the sound even though amp/cabs are fine. Just thought I'd share so you can rule that out (as it's a cheap fix!) :-) [/quote] good call :-) Although there does seem to be a lot of chat on the "other site" about these drivers blowing...
  13. It's likely that your cabs are using b&c 10hpl64 drivers. Take one out to check. Recone kits are available from blue Aran for about £65 each..
  14. http://kdbasses.com/?act=basses Seems a little self involved :-) Sort of Jerzy Droid light..
  15. Whats wrong with them? Blown drivers? Crossover gone? What cabs are they?
  16. Do you have much smoke on the water ? :-)
  17. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1495315970' post='3302988'] For every note there's an equivalent rest. Work out the patterns the notes make. Then all you have to do is substitute no note and call it a rest. The count carries on the same whether there is a note or a rest. [/quote] This +1...
  18. Serious amps.. I'd be all over it if I did not already have a Thunderfunk.. GLWTS
  19. Bought a Sandberg VM5 from Darren.. No muss, no fuss, great guy to deal with..
  20. markstuk


    Hi 🙂 I've two berg ae210s and a barefaced big twin 2. The bergs don't like being in a corner so I tend to have them a few feet away from the back wall.. the BT2 just sounds a bit more open and distinct if that makes any sense ? I'm happy to gig either and would be very happy if I just had either manufacturers product. The build quality of the bergs is superb.
  21. markstuk


    Ohh handbags.. I'm off to rehearsal I'll retort later... (Ps I've never attempted to repair an amp, I've had some blow up on me over the years)
  22. markstuk


    Interesting.. When you have simultaneous access to a FR800 and RCF745 with a full test rig in an anechoic chamber and can post real data, then your opinions are simply that, opinions. Like everyone elses Maybe you have an unfortunate manner, but it certainly comes across that you have it in for Alex. I don't think Alex's cabs are magic (or even audibly obviously better than the best of rest) but they work well for me due to their form factor and weight.
  23. markstuk


    I suspect you don't understand my quoting you directly, however I'm happy to accept that your quote does not state that it's hard to find a commercially available 2x18 capable of 130dB peak.. Unless you meant "not capable of 130dB peak" Also interesting to note that RCF quote max SPL's with a 6dB range which also is not very specific.. Clearly you have a problem with Alex. I know some of the complex history of some of this having heard from both sides.. I also have both Berg and BF cabs - for me the BF edges the Bergs by a smidgen.. Your now to going to say that that's nothing to do with FR/FR cabs.. ..Neither are subs..
  24. markstuk


    "OK, I'll open up a challenge - find me a commercially produced, powered 2x18 subwoofer, at any cost, that puts out circa 130dB max SPL. Don't just accept marketing spiel... validate it!"
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