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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. I clicked 'watch item' on eBay and I received a message from the seller with a special offer for this bass! Apparently it has 'got that lovely grumbly tone'. If only I had the spare cash 🤷‍♂️
  2. I see he’s still advertising his books in his instrument listing despite being warned not to. Report the listing. If we all do it, he might get the message.
  3. You win for the oversized signature photo of the month 😎
  4. The Aristocrats. Complete with rubber chicken & pig solo.
  5. That’s awful news. Came close to buying a few of his over the years. Had excellent taste in basses. RIP.
  6. I've had to force myself to put it down as I need to go to bed (up early tomorrow). I've only played it on my headphone practice rig, but so far I'm really impressed with the Neve pre-amp. The bass sounds decent enough in passive mode, but I can't say I'm ever going to gig that way. The controls are: volume/4 way pick-up selector (bridge solo/bridge middle series/bridge neck parallel/neck solo)/master tone/bass/treble. There are centre detents on the bass and treble, so that seems to be cut and boost for both. The master tone control is the one where the magic happens though and not a hint of hissiness when it's wide open. It's a lovely full sounding pre and combined with the extended scale on the E and A it produces a sweet punch. I can see I'm going to have to buy a few sets of the nickel Dingwall strings for future use. The case, or gig bag, is actually of nice quality. It's pretty close to the standard of my Mono bags. It's the first 4 string Dingwall I've owned (I've had a 5 string before) and I honestly didn't even notice the fan frets. It's slightly different with a 5, but I'd say anyone considering a fan fretted 4, don't be put off. All in all, I'm very happy with it. Anyone else received theirs yet?
  7. I haven't had a chance to plug it in yet, but it feels great in the hand.
  8. Just arrived. It's great to have a Dingwall back in the fold. Number 25 of 82. Set up beautifully right out of the box. Thanks to Bass Direct for a super fast turnaround
  9. Just had a call from Bass Direct. Arriving there tomorrow. All paid up. Should receive mine on Friday.
  10. Just had a call from Bass Direct. Arriving there tomorrow. All paid up. Should receive mine on Friday.
  11. For memory, so I may have this wrong, I think St.Albans is one of the shows @cetera won’t be at. Apologies if I’ve got that wrong, but I was going to go to that one and I think he said (on FB) he was being depped that night.
  12. I ordered one of those slant fretted Canadian things (they'll never catch on 😂) about a year ago and received an e-mail that it was incoming before my birthday just gone. Mrs.H said 'I'll pay for that and you can have it as a present'. It still hasn't arrived yet, but it doesn't make her any less awesome. Bass wives rule 🤘.
  13. Thanks Lozz. That's just the kind of review for the PRO17's that I was hoping to get 👍. The place we played last week was a bit cramped and I had what is quite possibly the worlds loudest drummer a foot to my left and a PA speaker a foot to my right.
  14. Like a complete numpty, I managed to lose one of the pair of attenuating earplugs I’ve been using for years at last weekends gig. I’ve had them so long I don’t even recall the make of them. I may as well chuck the other one 🤷‍♂️. Browsing the web for suitable replacements has led me to ACS and in particular, these - the PRO17 Customs. At ~£150, they’re not exactly cheap, but you can’t put a price on saving your hearing. They seem to be the middle of the ACS range and I’m happy to pay the money, even if it does kick me out of the Abstinence Challenge. I just thought I’d put a post up for any pros/cons for ACS and/or any worthy alternatives to consider. Have at it Basschatters. I need to get something ordered fairly sharpish.
  15. You bowed out with style though 👍
  16. I'm actually quite content that you don't have an opinion. Now if you could just stop having questions as well, that might keep everyone happy 😜.
  17. I’m kind of getting used to your odd questions, but what I do find annoying is your propensity to post them without including your opinion in the post. Even for you though, this is an odd one. It sounds absurdly materialistic at best.
  18. Still in despite me almost succumbing to a rather nice amp in the for sale section.
  19. Just to make sure I’ve understood you….you’re saying any artist shown inducted post 1989 is not worthy?
  20. Ozzy should be in as a solo artist, no question. As should Foreigner. Cher will be voted in at some point, may as well get it out of the way. Some of the others I really like, but I’m not sure it’s their time yet. Maybe Lenny?
  21. Ooh, I might be up for this @Clarky.. I regret selling the one I had. Stoopid move on my part, but I had my eye on something else. Just off to work now. I’ll message you later.
  22. I don't think that's Larry Klein and I'm fairly sure he wouldn't have come over for TOTP, not for Julia anyway. It's certainly not Pino, so leaves only Alan Thomson or a.n.other?!?
  23. No need to apologise to us. I suspect Jens Ritter knows more than most about the virtues of a bolt-on neck. Maybe give him a call and tell him he's wasting his time 😎.
  24. I’m firmly in the 3M Dual Lock camp.
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