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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. I had another couple of listens to this last night, just to see if would grow on me and I was struck by how horrible the production is. It sounds very uneven, guitars too loud, not enough bass. This never helps when I’m sitting down to learn new material. If it doesn’t sound good to begin with, I’m usually less than enthused about listening to it. This live version sounds loads better to my ears.
  2. I was just thinking about the set from my gig last night and there's maybe one song I would happily lose as it's pretty uninspiring from a playing perspective. Ironically, it's one of those songs that always goes down well and last night was no exception (go on, have a guess which one it is). In this band we operate a kind of checklist system: 1. Are we all up for trying xxxx song? 2. Are we performing it well? 3. Is it going down well? 4. We've played it for a while now, are we still happy to keep it? Stagnation doesn't really feature in this band as we have another set of songs we can substitute in to keep it fresh.
  3. Our guitarist despises that song although he's never come up with solid reasoning as to why. I don't mind it, but I don't have a burning desire to play it.
  4. I just do not see the point of conceding. This song wouldn’t even be in the top ten to hear at an Alice in Chains gig.
  5. I’m about today if you still need the amp mate.
  6. I absolutely get where you’re coming from in the context of the other songs you’ve cited. I would have zero interest in learning this guitarists w**k-fest. I would definitely exercise my veto option. My humble opinion is that ‘If You Tolerate This’ isn’t even in the same ballpark. The guitarist(s), and I assume it’s them who really want to do it, need to get over themselves. I dep for a few bands where I look at the sets and my heart sinks, but I’m a hired hand in those situations and have no choice. Where you have a choice, I’d say use it.
  7. Continuing my disastrous run with keys players through various bands, I’ve had another one hand in his notice subject to an exchange of contracts on a house 200 miles away. We’ve only got 30 gigs to find cover for 😮

  8. Yes, absolutely @Paul S. He's definitely a class act, as his other half actually who is also a singing teacher. Both of them selfless to a fault and see themselves as part of the big picture. Has his own PA and there isn't much he doesn't know about the operation of them. We did our first rehearsal fully IEM'd the other week and if not for him, we would probably still be there trying to connect it all up 🤣. I feel truly fortunate to be in bands with each/both of them.
  9. As you say @Paul S, seems like an absolute steal to me. Can’t believe it hasn’t sold at that price. Maybe the shipping options are holding it back, but there’s ways around that surely. GLWTS 🤘
  10. There's a bit of an 'Emperor's New Clothes' vibe in some of the comments here and I'm quite surprised. My view, for what it's worth (probably nothing), is that ramps are essentially a more visually appealing version of a Zero Mod thumb rest. I've used them on Ric's and most recently Stingrays and I really like them. The single H pick-up position on a Stingray always feels fractionally too far back for me when playing finger style. I enjoy the slightly less tension using the Zero Mod. YMMV of course.
  11. I’ve just tried to ‘accidentally’ hit a knob whilst playing my J. I’m genuinely confused as to how this can happen.
  12. I used to be the same as you, still am really as I have a soft spot for J’s that will never die, but I now have also grown to love P’s. Nice looking bass. Hope you’re not making a sale you’ll regret. Good luck.
  13. Are you genuinely unaware how some of your posts come across? I read this thread purely for entertainment value as I could see your name was attached to it. @PaulThePlug interpreted your OP a little differently and was only trying to help.
  14. The boots are size 10 😎
  15. Ooh! That Butterscotch P! Would need a fairly decent sized lottery win tho.
  16. That is well worth a trip to Belgium!
  17. An ideal time to sign up for a free trial with Paramount +
  18. You're a braver man than I. I sold my Sklar Mk1 as I didn't get on with the pick-up placement, or more specifically, there wasn't three pickup's which would allow my playing position to be closer to the neck which is my preference. In every other area the Mk1 excelled, but as there was the option to have one with 3 pick-up's (i.e. a Mk2) I moved it on with the intention of replacing it. I never did get around to it.
  19. £500 is its price. I think there is a bit of confusion here about fixed price items/bargains that are occasionally out there to be had. A better take on ‘true value’, whatever that is, is what it might go for at a professional musical instrument auction. That’s where the market at any given time would give a truer representation of it’s value.
  20. Kylie I would go and see. Madonna - not a chance, not that I dislike her music, but I’d want to see a proper live show. Having said that, I’ve seen the ABBA holo show as well as the Zappa one and they were both fantastic. In both cases, I knew what I was going in to. Turning up to see a live musician faking it is not on my wish list.
  21. Care to elaborate on Genesis material being other people’s?
  22. The issue @MrSilentX and I had was beyond truss rod adjustment I'm afraid. The neck on mine was completely f***ed. Unhelpfully, this Flea model is also a 'neck off' job to adjust the truss rod.
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