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Posts posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. 24 minutes ago, horrorshowbass said:

    I didn't comment on it but sounds like good shout.

    Theres currently a HH SR5, thumb 5 and NG2 available on market so wrapping my head around it.

    Some HH SR5's can be weighty if that's an issue for you. Mine was like a boat anchor.

  2. 55 minutes ago, vincbt said:

    I found particularly disappointing is that when I raised the issue I was told it’s unfortunate it happened and I should take it to a local guitar store…

    Not really helping themselves there were they. I can understand that sending the whole bass back from France would be a bit of an ordeal, but why not just send out another bridge unit? Bonkers.

    • Like 1
  3. I've tried quite a few, but the Shure GLXD wins for me too. Even if you just take @walshy, @bassfan and my word for it, the three of us combined have tested the GLXD through most scenarios with no issues.

    There was a period not so long ago when they stopped making them due to issues sourcing the parts, but the GLXD has been rebooted as the GLXD16+.

    Not cheap, but worth it. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, Supernaut said:

    Thinking of getting a custom Limelight build but wanted to ask first about their build quality and any QC issues owners have had with their basses - thanks. 

    Whatever you do, don't go for a reliced bridge. It was impossible to adjust the b***ard thing on the one I bought and believe me I tried everything.

    I ended up having to replace it.

    • Like 2
  5. On 21/04/2023 at 18:17, horrorshowbass said:

    OK so bitta craic.

    You have £1500ish quid to spend on a new 5er.







    Which one and why?

    I think they’re all great choices. Personally, I don’t like Warwick basses or their owner, so the Thumb is out AFAIC.

    I’m assuming ‘new’ means new to you rather that brand new ‘cos none of them are within the budget stated otherwise.

    Of the remaining three, I’d probably go Dingwall, but it would be a very close decision between that and a Stingray, with the Bongo as a close 3rd.

    That said, I’m very happy with my Lull BBM5 and Status S2 five stringers. Maybe they’re worth considering, although £1500 rules Status out too.

  6. 11 hours ago, bubinga5 said:

    Me personally I couldn't give a monkeys. 17mm to 19/20mm. just adapt to it. Doesn't take long. Cant do it. bollocks your just lazy.


    Too many bass players saying they cant do this they cant do that about the smallest differences on string spacing. Oh I need a high mass bridge blah blah. Grow a pair and just make music. I hate to say it but someone like Jaco Pastorius or James Jamerson would laugh at this

    Rude and I’m sure you’ll realise it once you’ve sobered up.

    I’m in multiple bands for which I use different basses. The one consistency I require is string spacing.

    • Like 2
  7. 11 hours ago, ead said:

    I bought a bass and paid for it this morning via the website.  14 hours later I am yet to receive even an order acknowledgement email which is disappointing to say the least.

    I have to say, that is unusual in my experience. Everything I have bought I've had a receipt for promptly. Are you sure there wasn't a typo with your e-mail?

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Merton said:

    It’s always a risk playing songs which nobody knows to a crowded pub but we went down great. I think it’s the best we’ve played yet,

    That’s what we do. We play what we like rather churning out the pub rock band standards. We should share set lists.

    • Like 7
  9. I ventured just 14 miles from my house tonight to play a gig at a pub I didn't even know existed.

    We arrived around 6.30pm, by which time it was still relatively light. Going inside the pub, it was unusually dark by virtue of lengths of tarpaulin hung by bits of string in front of the windows. Blinds were obviously too much of an extravagance.

    It was a bit rough and ready, obligatory 'wet floor' triangle in the Gents making the populace aware that the floor was partially flooded around the urinals, as if you could fail to notice.

    The licensee was very friendly though. Seems he had recently taken over the pub and had reintroduced live music every weekend. He found that managing it was a bit onerous and had scaled it back to just once a month.

    After loading in, we were asked to set up in an alcove. I didn't have high hopes for what was to come, but the kit was going to be mic'd and my rig was right at the front, so I hoped for the best.

    Midway through set up, the drummers throne collapsed. Apparently there were three screws holding the base to the seat and it had been living on one screw for a while. The remaining screw sheared off and there was nothing to be done.

    Cue frantic drive home for him to get his spare throne.

    Meanwhile, I go to the loo and find this....




    ....now looking at this, you could probably be forgiven for thinking we are a Ska band (we're not). The rest of the set is Queen, The Stranglers, Deep Purple, The Who etc.

    To be fair, we do play one song each from the bands shown (Night Boat to Cairo, Too Much Too Young and Mirror In The Bathroom), but that's it as far as that genre goes.

    Drummer arrives back two minutes before our start time and we start our set with no sound check.

    I walk out front during the opening song (Hush) and it sounds unexpectedly good. I turn myself up slightly, but other than that, it's fine.

    I return to my space and realise I can see nothing of my fretboard. I spent the first few minutes wishing I had optioned Luminlays on my Shuker, then managed to kick one of the LED light units around so I could actually see something. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing.

    The first set went well, they certainly like their music. Obligatory drunk dancing type persons getting dangerously close to P.A. bits and our guitars, but no damage sustained.

    During the break we get asked to do Mustang Sally, Sweet Caroline and Geno to which we say no. We could have blagged Geno as 75% of us know it, but we elect not to try.

    We kick off set two with A Little Respect, which catches them off guard and they're now quite into it.

    No real issues for the rest of the gig. Someone comes up and asks us to play Dakota again. No, once is enough thank you.

    We get two encores after the end of the set and then finally get to turn the amps off.

    Being the incredibly self critical type I am, I feel it was a good gig, but there was room for improvement. This is our first gig with our new keys player and it doesn't feel 100% yet.

    We then get presented with this which was left by one of the punters....




    What a lovely gesture. I wish I could have thanked them personally.

    All in all, an enjoyable and satisfying night.

    • Like 20
  10. 31 minutes ago, simisker said:

    6 of the 10 reserved already, as of an hour ago :o


    Better get your skates on if you want a piece of this hotter-than-the-video-for-Girls-On-Film Cranberry Pearl action.


    Also, I've seen screenshots on Talkbass that suggest the black/white/seafoam finishes will maintain the stripes and therefore not be quite so bland. So I retract my earlier yawns :D

    Aren't the images just mock-up's though?

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