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Posts posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. 37 minutes ago, NancyJohnson said:

    ….I suppose I started to lose interest when the solo albums came out; while I was familiar with the content on Dynasty and Unmasked (through other people), I didn't buy them and I had moved on (primarily onto Japan and other more homegrown punk stuff).

    There are a bunch of songs on the Simmons solo album that were written and demoed for Destroyer, but for one reason or another didn’t make the grade. It would have been nice to have heard them with the full on Ezrin production, although to have the demo’s is something I guess. They’re on the Super Deluxe version. I think Ace said some of his solo album songs were written for Rock and Roll Over. 

  2. Slightly off topic, but I listened to all four of the solo albums at work this morning. You can certainly hear echoes of the band's songwriting in all of them except Peter Criss' effort, which is just dire IMHO.

    I'm aware he's known as having 'jazz' roots, but that album is getting deleted from my downloads. I think Ace's album is probably my favourite, followed by Paul's, then Gene's, but there's not much in it.

    • Like 1
  3. I saw this on Bruce Kulick's FB page and it baffled me as to how he managed to get to God Gave Rock & Roll To You as being the ultimate Kiss song. It's a flippin' cover version!


    Love 'em or hate 'em, they've written a few decent songs, so here's the challenge if you want to play along.





  4. 10 minutes ago, fretmeister said:

    I find it very easy to separate art from artist, but if that artist is still alive I will make sure they do not benefit from my enjoyment of the art.

    There are things that were legal at the time even though we now find them disgusting - like Rembrandt earning a lot of money from slavery. 


    Then there are modern offences - Gary Glitter wrote some great tunes but he was convicted of multiple offences.

    There are no end of celebs who have domestic violence convictions too.


    Michael Jackson was never convicted AFAIK.


    Is beautiful art still beautiful if the artist is scum? I think it is. We usually discover the art before the detail of the artist's life so that first impression of beauty is very difficult to shake.


    It's not just art though - I have no doubt at all that if someone properly researched and came up with a "Vile Humans who invented indispensable items" list it would contain all manner of stuff we just cannot do without created by people who probably should be buried under the prison.


    How far back do we want to go? Stop using roads because the Romans murdered Jesus?

    I was with you until the last eight words 😂

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. I would expect with a group of orchestra size, one or two objections to a particular piece would get outvoted, unless you've gone down the route of any objections and the song gets sidelined?

    Personally, I'm all about the music and the quality thereof. Would I play Two Little Boys or Do You Wanna Touch Me? No, absolutely not. Have I played MJ tunes? You bet.

    So I guess I do draw my own lines, but they're fairly broad and I've not yet had any requests for Rolf Harris or Gary Glitter material, so win/win.

    I really don't get the objection to Two Tribes. I'd be inclined to ask the objector to do one. Name a time when there wasn't a war going on somewhere.

    • Like 3
  6. 5 hours ago, Waddo Soqable said:

    Rutherford was mainly a bass bloke tho wasn't he... And Mr Smalls  of course😁

    I don’t think he was. I think of him as a guitarist first and foremost, but he obviously can play bass.

    He spent a lot of his early years in Genesis playing 6 and 12 string guitar as well as bass pedals.

  7. 8 hours ago, Shaggy said:

    When I saw the thread title I assumed that P45 had to be a UB40 tribute act where the band members actually have jobs.......(honestly!)


    (You have to be very old to understand that one 🤔)

    It is a play on UB40 and they do cover Food For Thought among others. Their main gig is as an originals band that also do covers. Their album is on most streaming platforms. It’s not bad if you’re into ska type stuff.

    • Like 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, ozzy138 said:


    I saw their ad on Join My Band and i'm well inside their catchment area and did think about messaging them....


    The band webpage seems to show them a bass player AND a guitarist light...


    After reading the above i dont think ill take it any further.....

    Yes, I was just about to ask them if there would be a guitarist present at the audition, but we seem to have stalled after me asking what songs they wanted me to play.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    Ah cool, I tried to do a bit of research but I don’t do facebook and some of the other sites so couldn’t really find out much 

    Everything seems to be driven by Facebook/Messenger these days. As soon as I handed over my mobile number I was added to a What's App Chat Group and things went on from there.

    I'm no big fan of social media. I have Instagram and Twitter, but how they actually work is still a bit of a mystery to me.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    They had an ad recently on gumtree for a bass player, I watched a few videos and they look ok 

    Yes, I'm supposed to be auditioning for them later this month. The group chat has taken a weird turn though and I'm now wondering a) what am I letting myself in for and b) why did the previous bass player leave.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, fretmeister said:

    Ray's are lovely but I find the neck a little too chunky, and I've never seen a Ray Special SLO, let alone one that is light enough.

    I’m happy to be corrected, but I don’t think there is such a thing. They stopped offering the SLO neck as an option before the Special line came out (if that’s what you mean by Ray Special SLO).

  12. Bit of a lazy listing IMHO and there's nothing that aggravates me more, especially for that kind of coin.

    The seller might not know the full story on the oddities of the bass, but at least describe all there is to find.

    That's pass from me - and I do love a Jazz.

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