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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. Bought some strap locks off @walshy and they arrived in record time for a great price. Can't fault the guy - a credit to Basschat. Thanks again mate.
  2. Both bands were well below festival standard IMHO. I know it's just for show, but the two songs performed by each band sounded like second rehearsal renditions to my ears. I'm pleased that they had the opportunity to perform in front of such a large crowd, but to delude themselves into thinking it was a quality performance whatever their age, was wrong.
  3. I'm honestly not sure what I like most, that Lakland neck or the vintage body. I do not need this bass I do not need this bass I do not need this bass I do not need this bass....
  4. That looks really nice @AndyTravis. I'm all Jazzed out to be honest otherwise I'd (theoretically) pop round and grab that off you (470 mile round trip 😂).
  5. Reading these comments reminded me that my old band were headhunted by a singer some years ago from a big music movie. He was looking for a band that could tour his set. He gave us some songs to prep, which we did and arranged a date for a rehearsal. He arrived at rehearsal (late) and was a complete ar*e the whole time he was there. I don't think we would have lasted more than one gig before someone punched his lights out. It was clear that it was not going to happen, with us at least and he left not to be heard of again. I saw a flyer not so long ago for him and his show at the o2, so he's still going somehow.
  6. Cracking bits of kit these. If I had a 4003, I'd snap this up.
  7. I’ve got a 4, it was a 5 I was interested in. Thanks for thinking of me though mate.
  8. My policy, never turn a paying gig down if you’re available. I don’t know whom it is, but I’d do it if I could.
  9. You shouldn't let having 11 basses stop you getting another one. Where would the world be if there were limits on the amount of basses you can have 😂.
  10. I love Pat Benatar, but that 'huge footprint' has a bit to do with the guy she's married to.
  11. I presume you're talking about Affirm rather than the bass? I don't know what Affirm is and I have no interest in it. Yeah, PayPal gets a lot of criticism, some of it justified, but we're talking about a relatively cheap bass and a simple international purchase. If the buyer wants it, go get it by whatever means necessary.
  12. The main difference being you're not getting the bass. Care to elaborate further?
  13. ....or USA buyer doesn't use PayPal 🤷‍♂️. If I wanted it that much, I'd make it happen.
  14. I think the playing of All Right Now should be restricted to Free tribute bands only.
  15. Yep, that whole sequence screamed manufactured to me.
  16. I've been reading the comments in this thread whilst watching the show as the episodes are released and something has been bugging me. There are many annoying factors, most of which have already been stated here, but here's another thought. It irritates me that two lots of musicians have been thrown together and pushed forward into a slot at a globally recognised music festival for the sake of making this series. Knowing how difficult it is to get gigs like this, for a musical celebrity to be able to ring one of his mates and get these bands on at the IoW is beyond irritating. Personally, I don't rate either lead singer above anyone you might find down the Dog & Duck. I don't care what they've done in the past, the vocals just ain't there. Putting the 90 year old drummer in there was a mistake waiting to happen and probably by design and the guy in the wheelchair, well 🤷‍♂️. There's a couple of good musicians in there. I'd go and see Lebrun on a big stage with his regular band any day of the week. Both keys players are competent, the gent more so than the lady, although she is good fun. The male bass player I despair with, but Carol is solid. The other guitar player is also good. They could have made a half decent band with the best people out of both, but they would have needed a singer that can actually sing, which is where it all falls down for me. I hope episode 4 is the last one and they don't make any more.
  17. This is essentially the same argument that has been discussed many times regarding 5 string basses. That failed and so will this. Leave them all in one place. With bass sale sub-forums, there's always the danger that a few will get put in the wrong place and you'll miss them.
  18. It's not like he only joined yesterday! Oh, hang on 😂
  19. Oof, can’t believe you’re moving this one mate. I’m gigging in Stockton next month too 🤔
  20. One thing I’ve learnt, and it maybe just me, is that although I like the learning process, practice and rehearsals, you can overdo it. Learning and practising the same thing over and over again until you ‘get it’ is a bad thing, for me anyway. More often than not, I’ll work on something and still feel I’m no further forward, but then leave it for a day. Coming back after a break, I find a lot more went in than I thought it had and I’m able to capitalise on it. Using this method for learning a lot of ‘foreign to me’ sets for dep slots really helps.
  21. Wal - Yeah, I think it’s ‘Wol’. Sei - I always thought it was ‘sigh’, as in seismic. Lakland - I’m a fairly recent convert to Lakland and had up until that point assumed it was ‘Lack-land’. I had to ask how it should be pronounced and you’re right, it should be ‘Lake-land’. Quite handy as I no longer incur the wrath of Mrs.H by mixing up the name of the shop with how I had been pronouncing the bass manufacturer. Maruszczyk - Never had to type it. Never had to say it. And probably never will. Babicz - I always though it was ‘Ba-bits’ 🤷‍♂️ Mayones - I thought it was ‘May-own-ez’ 🤷‍♂️ Sadowsky - ‘Sa-dow-ski’ all day long. Vanderkley always confuses me. Is it ‘Van-der-clay’? Aguilar - I’m presuming ‘A-gill-are’?
  22. Just reposting this in case anyone missed it. Gary ( @cetera ) is looking into getting a limited number of Spectorbirds made. Things are developing nicely and if you have serious interest in this project, PM him as soon as you can and he will include you in the group. I would stress on Gary’s behalf, that if you put your name forward, your input will be required. There’s no point in being a bystander in a development project.
  23. I think there's lot of truth in what you've said there. I've often reconsidered a prospective purchase after reading that parts have been 'upgraded'. Generally, if there is a bass that I'm interested in, it's the original spec I'm expecting, not someone else's idea of what might make it better. There are exceptions of course. I would regard any other bridge on a Gibson bass that came with one of those three point monstrosities as an upgrade. Same goes for earlier Rickenbacker bridges 😂
  24. Air every time and it shouldn't take weeks either. You may wish to read this though, which details my recent experience of shipping a bass to the USA.
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