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  1. It’s stable. The Ampeg VR plugin has 4 built in presets, so I can go from clean SVT to grind with a click on the trackpad. For funk tunes, I use the Neve channel. I suppose you could blend but I prefer to mute either channel and just use one or the other. The FX are in inserts for comps or EQ, or Moog; but the chorus is in the aux send - you can mute the aux channel, and turn on or off the fx. The signal to FOH is via the Apollo output. There are two fall backs, (one) is to feed the FOH via Neve DI, and switch the output at pedalboard from through to output at the Shiftline Olympic, which has a more Fender Showman Amp, or Alembic preamp type sound. Or (two) feed FOH via the Olympic from the pedalboard directly; it is actually very versatile-you can drive it a bit and you can get clean tones, and you can use IRs or bypass. Radu Varga has an app that allows midi control over the apollo so i can do foot-tap switching; I have the kit but haven’t programmed it.
  2. I have doing shows a while now with an Apollo, a Neve DI… and for FX I have compressors, choruses, and Moog filters on the UA platform on console. I run one channel with an Amp sim, usually an Ampeg, sometimes GK via the thru output of the Neve. The Neve feeds another channel where I run a mic pre, usually a Neve sim, sometimes an Avalon, sometimes SSL…. On the floor so have a Shiftline Olympic that I run ‘thru’…if the UA setup fails that’s the backup. All these years, all sorts of rack rigs etc, never been happier with the sound in the IEM and FOH. Figured why buy new gear like the Quad Cortex etc when I have an old Mac that works….and I have all the plugins.
  3. That's true. The Demeter has a big fat CLEAN tone, and the REDDI is somewhat coloured and dull. That said I'd consider selling mine, mostly using Neve gear these days.
  4. - contacted by a 'potential' buyer named Paul Smith. Turns out he is a scammer: [email protected] - http://www.scamdex.com/ScamTipsAnal/more_post
  5. new pics
  6. bump
  7. sold
  8. I have built several multi band systems over the ears, and my favourite for playing solo bass guitar is a three way top, similar to a fearful, with a 1X18 sub; it is all driven by active crossovers and separate power amps. I built these for gratification and just because, .....If you are playing in a band with no PA support for instruments, (not uncommon) - this would work but in a band with a proper PA, you'd be best advised not to use a sub unless you know how to filter off the competing 'sub' frequencies. I use a 50Hz roll off and frankly I still prefer to bring out 1X18 sub sometimes, the overall sound is cleaner and the 12" driver is not strained as much. But I usually take a pair of 1X12 3 way or a 1X15 3 way, as my needs are for a bass guitar monitor, usually. Have also used a 4 band PA system, with no bass monitoring on stage, just in ears.
  9. This is the way to do it: use a line level mixer to mix the tone hammer and the sans amp outputs, use the mixer to feed the power amp in bridged mode. A line level mixer can be any mixer, say a small 2 or 4 channel unit.
  10. I have used one for regular weekly gigs for over a year now, in Australia and here. It lasts about 5 hours for me - gigs are only ever 2.5 hours long but rehearsals have been long, 4 - 5 hours, and its still going. My bass pedal board comprises a Boss EQ-20, a custom made efx loop switch, Turbo tuner, and a Sony Wireless. I use it for my guitar pedals & powering my keyboard in one person studio. The guitarist I worked with used a Sanyo pedal juice. I'd pick up a spare if I had spare cash.
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