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Everything posted by stingrayPete1977

  1. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgruts.com%2Fmedia%2Fimages%2F2013%2F01%2Fjools-clock.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgruts.com%2F20130102%2F&docid=jveSSIxrBwaW0M&tbnid=y8Je-unCJjVbzM%3A&vet=1&w=500&h=300&client=ms-android-samsung&bih=454&biw=320&q=jools%20holland%20clock%20man&ved=0ahUKEwj0qeebvpTSAhVmBMAKHclTD0wQMwgdKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  2. I'll let you off then, yes it's too hot sometimes isn't it.
  3. Would it be allowed to wear a watch whilst playing all along the watch tower?
  4. I don't think I'd go as far as saying I'd quit playing but I wouldn't go looking for it right now if it does go down the pan.
  5. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1487164793' post='3237677'] Now that is an interesting one. Maybe you should phone in advance. I'm sure that they will take you entirely serious and thank you for being so thorough when coming to the audition process. [/quote] They'd have a f***ing shock when I then turned up in my fur coat and frilly panties but no watch wouldn't they?! I think we should see how many gigs anyone has lost because of wearing a watch compared to wearing no trousers in a pub, lol.
  6. Should I wear a watch for an audition but explain that I won't wear it live or play it safe and just not wear it at all? What if I'm then late for the audition?
  7. [quote name='Shonks' timestamp='1487156847' post='3237549'] I'd say! [/quote] Has the pendulum swung?
  8. How many over forty year olds are in a pop band that started BEFORE they were forty? I don't want to be prancing around trying to make it any more and I don't want to be the guy holding back a group of twenty somethings either. There are people here in original bands that are getting on a bit but how many of them built those followings up when they were younger and have just kept the same audience who are now mostly older too? There's nothing wrong with that, it's no easy task but they're unlikely to need to worry about a bunch of teenagers poaching the 50 year old bass player playing songs that sound old even of they are not.
  9. I've probably got too many hobbies as it is to be fair and I wouldn't sell my kit.
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1487082892' post='3236862'] Which means that his attire has done the job. You've remembered who we are and what we look like. On the other hand I know nothing about your band. [/quote] Not really, looks and sounds the same as other psycho billy sort of stuff to me, I'm not saying that's bad, it's just not my thing, most people would say all heavy metal bands look and sound the same if they don't like metal. I'm only aware of your band from you having it in your signature for years, I did too when playing original stuff.
  11. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1487082255' post='3236852'] People taking the piss out of clip on tuners perhaps? �� [/quote] There's nothing wrong with a clip on tuner, I've got one, at home
  12. I think I'd be more concerned about the front man wearing nothing but a fur coat and frilly panties for what looks like a fairly regular tickled trout pub gig than whether the bassist is wearing a watch or not!
  13. We take the piss out of drummers yet we now have a thread suggesting you should not wear a watch on stage, whatever next?!
  14. If my current bands go up the spout, which they will eventually I don't think I'll be in a rush to look for new ones and I only practice when I've got gigs in the calendar so I could be coming to the end of my playing days
  15. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1487003552' post='3236184'] Maybe check a few of the specs ? Tc polytune clip is +/- 0.02% accurate Boss tu3w +/- 1%. [/quote] Just checked their own website, tc polytune clip is identical to the tc polytune mini pedal, +/- 0.5% chromatic tuning so I've now done my checking and dispute your claim again unless you using the strobe mode live?, also one is checking the actual signal going to my amp rather than the vibrations at the other end of the bass, also one makes you look like a douche bag
  16. Can we have a red card shown for anyone that performs slap during the competition?
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1486996354' post='3236111'] Nowadays clip-on tuners are more accurate than a pedal. Plus you can't inadvertently leave yourself muted after tuning up. The most important thing is to be prepared. Have all the skills necessary, don't try and con your way through something. A band I regularly play for had a dep, he said he could read and improvise from chord charts, turned out he couldn't. Stupid things too, like remember to take your glasses, music stand, music stand light, spare batteries, a spare cable. Have the correct tools for the gig. [/quote] Clip on tuner more accurate than a pedal, any evidence to back that up? I don't mute via my tuner anyway it's constantly live from the tuner out.
  18. I'd say even taking a clip on tuner out of the house is amateurish, looks like you've had it for Christmas with the guitar you're playing to me. I wouldn't tell anyone they shouldn't though, it's up to them.
  19. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1486935514' post='3235753'] In a sports day, someone is fastest/highest/strongest, even if the hippies refuse to acknowledge it. But whose bass playing is best? Which painting is best? Which song is best? Which book is best? Welsh cakes or scones? [/quote] From what I gather there is an element of playing progressively more complicated parts where actual mistakes are scored down in the young drummers competition.
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1486931329' post='3235702'] I'm afraid I don't agree with turning music into a completion at a young age particularly. If there's a winner there are also losers, being a loser or runner up for some could have an awful effect on their self confidence, especially if they've maybe been talked into taking part by well meaning, but nevertheless pushy parents. [/quote] Are you one of these that don't believe schools should have sports days then? Lets all rip up those grade 8 certificates while we are here
  21. As long as the performers are actually playing what does it matter if it's a competition, my mate Joe was a runner up twice in the young drummer competition and third on a tv talent show, he's not only gone on to be a full time pro drummer touring Europe and making a living as a session pro but he's also appeared on an album with myself!
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