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Everything posted by stingrayPete1977

  1. Pli would only be a scam if they didn't pay out when they should. Like in many trades I think these things help to some extent, the dinosaurs with ratty old kit that won't have PAT testing done or take out public liability or think buying the stickers off eBay will do the job generally don't get the better gigs and certainly not the better paying ones! Long may it continue. I do the PAT testing and a years insurance costs each band member about ten quid.
  2. Due to a drink driver I've got a sister with one leg and a paralysed arm mate, I know what she got and I know what the medical experts and legal people got!
  3. You forgot the £9.9 million divided up between the legal eagles!
  4. Could it be worth messaging Thomann, they might have a stagg one knocking about?
  5. I'm not young, cool or good looking so I'm safe.
  6. I talking about the one in the first clip neilp put up above, he's got a French bow but he's holding it further up the stick.
  7. I've never seen that method of French hold before, it's certainly doing the job!
  8. I did one in ears gig with my amp and cab, didn't need it and hasn't been used since.
  9. I'm on the KZs, if you get the tips fitting well there's no way the volume of the guitar amp should be getting through overly loud, is the guitarist on in ears too?
  10. Most of the people I know that go to them are 50+
  11. If you like this then Gary Karr is the guy to listen to, not that this guy isn't great too. When I watch someone like this I can see all the things he's doing right technique wise but I slip straight into my shoddy way of doing it, getting that left elbow up is my biggest fail, this guy has it nailed bang on, elbow up one way as the bow hand heads the opposite way. Brilliant. The intonation in thumb position is fantastic, hours and hours of practice gone into that. Thanks for sharing Ambient.
  12. We've barely touched our in ears mix since it was first set up and saved into the mixer, I wouldn't use them in a venue where they were coming from an unknown source.
  13. I wouldn't be too bothered if there were no more Rics or Gibsons fake or real tbh
  14. That's another win for in ears, players get the volume they desire and the audience can get theirs.
  15. I can't hear you but I'm assured this gold top sounds awesome...... WHAT YOU SAY..... EH?.... COME AGAIN....
  16. I can't remember if he was on ears at the time, might have been that gig that turned him onto them! Bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggg........
  17. My mate Paul (who EBS_freak also knows) walked out of the Velvet Revolver gig at the NIA because it was so loud, he's a loud drummer in an old school rock band himself! I struggled on with my fingers in my ears, my ears were ringing for the next 24 hours.
  18. Like the first batch of dinosaurs this new batch will be extinct in the near future anyway, there's very few young people shying away from technology and its their era, the wall of Marshall amps cliché has been done to death and understandably young people want their own thing, clean stages with light shows and screens is the thing now, who knows what will be going on in another 30 years but the vast majority of bonnamassa fans won't be alive by then, the rest will be deaf!
  19. There's still loads of dinosaur promoters and venue owners etc, some of them are also in these loud dinosaur rock bands themselves!
  20. I think it's great! We spent an afternoon once asking people in the street in Shrewsbury if they knew where "The Fox Hat Pub" was?
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