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Everything posted by stingrayPete1977

  1. I still can't understand why bass players think their high end expensive bass amp has a better EQ than a much higher end much more expensive PA system.
  2. We had one where the batteries had come away like that but only after being dropped, if you are very energetic then maybe a bit of insulation tape before sliding the metal cover on would be wise.
  3. It's crazy we paid less than £30 each for ours, wish I'd bought a spare.
  4. I guess eventually you'll be deaf so you won't need an amp then anyway, lol.
  5. Well musicman basses are made in one factory in california, I've been there, so I don't think they are buying those from the same factory where all this overstock is coming from! I think maybe buyer beware might be advisable, lol
  6. If you are doing the old four bands on the Bill type gigs then you probably need your own monitoring or back line. I'm not and a lot of the people that poo poo ampless gigging aren't either.
  7. I'd only play either with my own pa, a gig where I know I need backline, or one where I need to take it in the van just in case, if I was told there was backline then there wasn't and then there was also no monitoring I'd just pack up and leave.
  8. You are comparing unprepared ampless to prepared back line. It wasn't the lack of amp that caused the problem, it was the lack of monitoring, you're just connecting the two because your monitoring is usually an amp.
  9. I'm not sure that's a very fair comparison?!
  10. I like them, do they do a Ray 5 in white?
  11. They'll never get away with that, it's back to front!
  12. The xr16 is less than £300 which is incredible for what it can do, the inbuilt processing and fx would fill a transit van in old school kit.
  13. We went digital before going in ears, and in ears before going ampless. Once you've got the in ear mix where everyone wants it then it's saved and is ready from gig to gig. Not having the physical monitors on stage removes almost all feedback so the FOH can be set and saved and is about right for most gigs you'll ever do, it's not that much different to a DJ setting up to play some CDs or mp3s from a laptop really! Even our mid range behringer has four aux out mixes plus the headphone jack which should cover most pub bands to give individual in ear mixes.
  14. The mixer is the trickiest part cost wise, KZ ZS10 Ear plugs can be had for less than £35!
  15. Time to go wired in ears, ditch all the heavy boxes! Our entire stage setup for a four piece function/pub band is two RCF 735 speakers, mixer and two di boxes, guitar pedal board, drumkit, three mics and stands, kick drum mic, bag of leads and four sets of in ears. I've never been able to hear myself so well and the FOH mix is the best it's ever been, I've actually had random people in the pub say they've seen us lots of times and the sound is the best it's ever been by far and better than all the other band's, ha.
  16. I've got an Orchid DI box (on ebs_freaks' recommendation), that's it, nothing else, bass into di, di into mixer, mixer to FOH and in ears. Awesome!
  17. Part of the appeal of in ears is the consistency of the mix, in theory he could do a full band mix in America using the instruments that will be on tour then have that exact mix on every gig every night all over the world for a year long tour, that's why, you know, errr, almost all pro bands are on in ears even if they are jumping about in front of an amp that people will still go out and buy based on that gig!
  18. Yep that's exactly what they do! You can only listen for a few days in a row before it drives you mad.
  19. I've been in bands exactly like his, as have you, you'll never teach them.
  20. Yep, same here, we've added stuff to our set only for Absolute to add it to their play list a few weeks later! If they just played other hits by the same artists it would keep me entertained longer.
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