Nothing particularly bespoke floats my boat right now but you need to take a step back and think of the monthly costs of a small builder, a workshop, a few peoples wages, the materials, a van, costs for advertising and stands at shows, the builders hourly rate based on the fact most of us here couldn't do it, investing in new machines and equipment, testing and time spent trying new techniques out of hours at their own cost. It's not long before you can see why a factory paying less than our minimum wage often with awful conditions (who here has a cort built bass?) that knocked off the whole design anyway can charge a fraction of that.
I have been known to tease Alex bare faced but I appreciate what I said above goes for him and other bespoke builders of anything really.
If all the cheap basses were built in a factory that met our minimum standards as a work place I'd imagine they would all go up at least £50. Looking just at someone like musicman the cost of living for the staff in California alone must account for a lot, if not I'd live there myself, already seen an area near San Jose I like