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Old Horse Murphy

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Everything posted by Old Horse Murphy

  1. very good. The best I could come up with was parafiddles 😂
  2. One of my bands a number of years ago folded as the guitarist moved away. The drummer however, kept going to rehearsals until his wife found messages on his phone. He was doing a very different sort of pounding....
  3. I knew that..😐 I am probably the least coolest person in the world; an accountant who started playing bass so I had something to fall back on...
  4. Hadn't thought about the logistics! 😂
  5. Well, that was short-lived. My 2022 Gear Abstinence lasted a matter of days and if it wasn't for this pesky Thunderbird I'd have gotten away with it. It's a 2015 Thunderbird with the factory added coil taps and other features such as a thicker rosewood fingerboard, Babicz bridge and Pearl inlays. It's in really really good condition and I can't imagine has been played that much. It's surprisingly versatile and actually a lot more comfortable ergonomically than I first thought. Im not sure exactly when I'm going to use it but I will definitely use it!
  6. This one. It's a Trigger's Broom as I had to replace the neck and electrics. It also has a 62 Reissue pickguard on it. The strap buttons aren't original either! It started off as a 1989 Fender US P Bass that I bought secondhand with money my family gave me for passing my GCSE's. The neck finally developed a fatal curve in 2010 (I think) so it now sports a 2007 US P Bass neck with Sims LED's. I also took swapped the bridge at the same time. It really is an extension of me and I'll never part with it. Not that anyone would ever want it!
  7. Having owned a number of 70's Fenders (literally 71-78) as well as currently owning the new Pro II variant I'd definitely recommend trying examples of them all if you can. The new Pro II's are excellent instruments but for all the innovations Fender has introduced over the last 40 years, I find a P Bass is a P Bass: the lineage and genes are very strong indeed and to me they really don't feel markedly different from each other. Personally, a good one from either era would (IMHO) be as good as each other. If you buy a new Fender and move it on, you will lose money instantly. I don't think you'd lose as much for selling on a vintage Fender, but then again you'd pay more for it in the first instance. If it was a bass you wanted as an investment or for a particular sentimental reason (YOB bass for instance) I'd go with the vintage one you could get on with best, but you really do need to try them out. If it's a bass you want to grow old(er) with and gig the heck out of it and not be too worried about what it's worth at the end of the day, I really would try one of the Pro II's out or even order one under Distance Selling Regulations so you could return it if it's not for you (and can't get to any shops easily).
  8. I've used this one many, many times. Either that or a friend of mine has lent me a bass for a long long time. I'm afraid to say, as stooges I've often used @obbm @Clarky@Linus27
  9. Welcome to the club! I went for the walnut finish, which is more of a purple-brown. Funnily enough I was watching the Bass Lobster on YouTube today and he voted these as his number one bass release of 2021. They really are excellent.
  10. Apparently not when it comes to line selectors
  11. That's fair enough. I'd probably fight harder if I wasn't likely to find myself in the same situation next week or the week after that!
  12. Then of course there's this. Disgusting
  13. So here's one for you and I'm hoping you'll judge me favourably and leniently... Before NYE I bought and paid for a bass on EBay which was due to arrive today. In the meantime, I bought another bass (Thunderbird) which was paid for in January and arrived today, so it was a complete and utter failure on my behalf of the 2022 abstinence I signed up to. The EBay bass duly arrived today and is a dud. The preamp doesn't work, so I have started a return request for it and it will be going back imminently for a full refund. While I appreciate the intent was there in buying the Thunderbird in 2022, as the bass I paid for in 2021 is going back for a full refund, does the 2022 purchase in fact now replace this one so I'm technically still in the game?!
  14. @Merton so this is what made me end up on the naughty step. It's a 2015 Thunderbird with the coil taps. It's in super condition and I managed to get hold of it for a good price. It came strung with completely dead high tension flat wounds and was set up a mile high. It's now got round wounds on it and the action is very low. Goodness knows when I'll ever use it but it was too shiny to resist
  15. I've never had any issue with the bottom horn at all with any of my Bongos (can I say that on a public forum?)
  16. I saw K@nt and the gang at the Fleece in Bristol a few years ago. Some songs were really very funny and some were frankly highly offensive. The funny ones were really very funny though
  17. For sale is a two week old WD Music Fender American Standard P Bass Tortoise shell/ mint green pickguard. It fits American Standard and Professional Series Basses. It's in superb condition having only been mounted on my bass for just over a week. These are hand made in the US apparently and there is a seven week lead time. It cost me £74.95 and the product link is here: https://www.wdmusic.co.uk//pickguards-c62/fender-basses-c111/precision-bass-usa-standard-c157/wd-music-p-bass-american-standard-tortoise-shell-mint-green-lamination-p2300/s3000 I'm looking for £55 inc. postage.
  18. There speaks the voice of reason. It surely takes at least a few days to get 2021 out of your system....
  19. Let me see whether it's as described first and all will be revealed It's not a Fender or Fender derivative though!
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