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Old Horse Murphy

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Posts posted by Old Horse Murphy

  1. 31 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    So digging out the previous "rules of the game"...



    Why? To focus on making the most of the existing gear we have rather than get distracted by the next ‘shiny new thing’.


    What’s a fail? Any purchase or trade of new or used bass gear. 'Bass gear' = anything in your signal chain that you use to make or augment your bass sound /tone.

    basses, amps, cabs, pedals, PA gear (if your bass is DI’d into this)


    What’s ok? Anything to look after or organise your existing gear or wear & tear related. Any non-bass gear. 

    strings, gig bags, leads, pedal boards, PSUs for pedal boards, repairs or identical replacement of existing kit, lessons, software related to existing kit

    non-bass musical gear (this came under a stricter Tier 2 for the completely hair shirted last year) e.g. music software not related to existing kit, keyboards, guitars, drum machines etc.


    By concession: unsolicited gifts of gear where you had no say in the matter!


    When? Any purchases between 1 Jan 2020 2022 to 31 Dec 2020 2022


    @bassfan - have I found the loophole in getting an identical replacement of a previously owned pedal? Just asking for a friend of yours...

    I know an ex-Naval helicopter pilot (part-Greek) who may well need your assistance with small print....

    • Haha 3
  2. 15 minutes ago, Clarky said:

    Paid for in 2021 so I guess thats my 'out'


    This gives me an idea for a Gear T@rt thread based on the number of pages of Feedback. Sadly I suspect I will "win" (cough) with @Old Horse Murphy fast closing (on 12 pages) and @AndyTravis a surprisingly limp 8!


    Edit: obbm and Kiogon trounce me totally (16 and 23 pages respectively) due to the high volume of sales of their most excellent cables and wiring looms, respectively

    In fairness, people have obviously used a bigger font on my feedback thread. Either that or they've just typed more words...yes, that's it; more words 🤔

    • Haha 2
  3. And to the victor goes the spoils....


    If anyone from the list of runners compiled by Bassfan manages to get over the line on 1st Jan 2023 without buying anything new, I will give them a brand new unopened set of Rotosound nickel roundwounds by way of consolation prize. Now surely that's motivation enough to stay on the straight and narrow.

    I know, I know...you can thank me later :)

    • Haha 2
  4. Well, I came to an equitable arrangement with the retailer and have decided to keep the EHB1505MS. 

    As a dyed in the wool Fender-style bass fan (Fender, Misic Man, G&L etc.) I must say, I fallen a little bit in love with it. It's so different from what I'd usually be drawn to but it plays wonderfully  and sounds brilliant. Ergonomically it's spot on too and incredibly comfortable (and light!)


    I'd definitely suggest you try them out if you can and minor cosmetic issues aside, they really good instruments. 

    • Like 1
  5. So I had 2 basses and a guitar arrive in 31st, just in the nick of time to count as 2021 purchases. 2021 was a lost cause in terms of GAS so I figured sneaking a few more in wouldn't really matter. 

    On the plus side, I also sold a bass the same day. 

    I also paid for a bass from EBay on the 30th that's due to arrive early next week, but according to the rules that's all okay 😂


    All in, I'm still down in terms of number of instruments and well up on the amount I recouped from selling vs. what I spent, which by some twisted logic makes me a good boy. 


    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  6. I bought a bass off Isaac who was kind enough to get the bass delivered to me once I'd returned home after Christmas. 

    Excellent communications throughout and a super bass that was even better than described. 

    Highly recommended

    • Thanks 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, CameronJ said:

    Bloody hell. You’d expect better from the likes of Martin and (perhaps to a lesser extent) Gibson. I’d be pretty devastated in your position with those instruments too!

    The Martin was a real shock. The Gibson less so 😂

    • Haha 3
  8. 1 minute ago, Rick05 said:

    Thanks so much, a real shame that your not completely happy with it, but at least it doesn’t affect the playability. 

    I think I’m definitely going to try and find one in person rather than risk ordering online. 

    Thanks. I went in to it with my eyes open somewhat, knowing some of the QC issues others had with these. The playability has blown me away and I am happy with it overall. 

    Compared to some top notch US-made guitars I've owned, the flaws are minor (well, I call them minor flaws but YMMV) and after a few rehearsals and gigs I'm likely to do worse to the bass anyway!


    I bought a Martin OM21 last year and when I opened the case I almost felt like crying as it had that many blemishes and issues with the finish. The same was true with a Les Paul I bought. Both went back to the retailer sharpish. 

    • Sad 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Rick05 said:

    Looks really lovely. Congratulations on the purchase. If you don’t mind me asking what are the QC issues? I was going to buy one online but I think I’d be best finding one in person 

    One of the Schaller buttons won't lock properly with the strap end, the paint finish is a bit rubbish around the volume pot (photo added) and there's a very small, shallow chip on the fingerboard near the 12th fret which doesn't affect playability at all and is hardly noticeable but is one of those things that I think for a new bass over £1,300 you'd expect to be perfect. I know panga panga is quite porous and understand it can be quite hard to work with. 


    I've contacted the retailer and they said they could possibly get a replacement for me in around 6 weeks (they seem to be on order everywhere at the moment) but in honesty if they offered me a partial refund I'd be happy. 

    Compared to some of the issues I've heard people have with these Indonesian Ibanezes mine are pretty minor. It's still disappointing though. 

    All that said, it's plays really really well and sounds fabulous. 



    • Thanks 1
  10. I just picked up a 1505MS yesterday (my last purchase of 2021 before a completely dry 2022- hopefully!)


    I much prefer the multi scale length to the Dingwall's longer scale but there are some QC issues in finishing as pointed out by a few owners. Nothing that would make me return it because it plays so well. Still, you'd expect it to be pretty-much perfect at the price point these things are at. 



    • Like 2
  11. I had the pleasure of meeting with Paddy this afternoon to hand over a bass. 

    His communications are excellent and he's a very pleasant chap to deal with. Highly recommended. 

    Happy New Year to you and yours Paddy. 

  12. They had one in a special mahogany case that needed two keys to open it (the keys are worn around two different people's necks on chains).  

    This of course happened in a secret room that has a hidden door behind bookshelves, guarded by a three-headed dog. 

    Or so I'm led to believe. 

    • Haha 3
  13. Just now, Clarky said:

    I also quit for a few years for my own reasons (which I won't go into). But obviously I had to return at some point so I could resume losing money on buying and selling basses.

    Welcome to my world!

    • Haha 2
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