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Old Horse Murphy

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Everything posted by Old Horse Murphy

  1. Ouch. Sorry to hear that. I hope it ended as well as it could for you, given the circumstances.
  2. Maybe it's a Fodera grub screw. In which case you'd probably need to arrange security
  3. When I was a kid I lusted after these and the Hohner Jack too. I wish I'd kept mine now. Enjoy it and if you want a jacket with rolled up sleeves a la Don Johnson, just let me know
  4. I find they're a bit like SG's. If you wear it on your right hip it all feels normal and comfortable.
  5. I really liked it. When I first played it I found that the first few frets were a bit far to the left for me but once I realised you could tuck it under your arm it was really comfortable and it was great fun.
  6. I had one of these for a short while and loved it. I also hit 79 not out with it: my highest innings to date.
  7. I always find D'Addario strings just a bit too high tension for me. They're great quality though but I prefer something a wee bit looser
  8. Did you find one at all? I've got a black Telecaster pickguard you'd be welcome to
  9. These new Stingrays are awesome basses and that TC looks amazing. If I were going to buy a new Ray that's definitely the spec I'd go for.
  10. I think that's a very good point: some basses are ergonomically better at weighing a bit more for me too. For example, a heavy jazz bass feels a lot more uncomfortable than a SR5 for me because of how they fit with my body. I think it may be that I wear a 5 string higher on a strap than I do a 4 string and that seems to alleviate some of the discomfort for some reason.
  11. I've always been certain that for me to be comfortable, a Bass needs to weigh under 9 1/2 pounds but in all honesty have never recorded the weight of my current basses. Until now: My main P Bass- 9lbs 2oz American Pro II P Bass- 8lbs 5oz Fretless- 9lbs 2oz Music Man Stingray 5 Special- 9lbs None of them are quite as light as I thought, but none cause me any issues at all. Still, maybe I can handle a bit more weight than I realised. I've certainly had basses that weighed significantly more than my current crop (including a 78 P Bass that must've been at least 11 1/2lbs) but they must have been heavier than I thought, given that my black P bass was always my yardstick.
  12. It's sad really, how a conversation about Charlie Watts needing a dep morphs in to yet another "I'm right, you're wrong" thread. There seem to be more and more of those now. Basschat is going to the dogs; and not in a good way. Cheer up Charlie. I hope you feel better soon
  13. I've only used a Sansamp a handful of times so I'm probably not the best person to answer that question, sorry. From memory, I find the Laney a bit more intuitive and find the "valve" a bit more valves than the Sansamp. The on-the-fly Tilt adjustment is quite a nice feature too.
  14. I would've been driven up the wall of that was me!
  15. I took delivery of one of the preamp pedals earlier today. Very well built and some very nice features, including the Tilt function. The Tube channel ( well, emulated Tube) sounds pretty good too and does what it says on the tin.
  16. I'm fortunate enough to have a Pro II P Bass and a Strat. I can't recommend them highly enough.
  17. I've got one of these. They're brilliant quality and even a Luddite like me can use it!
  18. I really like to look of these, but (always the small things) would be worried how it sat on a strap, given the placement of the strap buttons on the stock photos. How does it balance?
  19. I love the stylings of Reverends. They always feel reassuring familiar but strangely exotic to me 👍
  20. I've got the GR Bass 212 finished in the carbon fibre. It's a fabulous sounding cab and is unbelievably light. Build quality is great too. At 700w it's more than loud enough for anything I'm likely to need it for.
  21. My number one P Bass that I sold many years ago and regretted it immediately. Fortunately the buyer took pity on me and let me have it back. I'm pleased to say it's still with me after all this time.
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