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Old Horse Murphy

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Everything posted by Old Horse Murphy

  1. For sale is a Fender Japan JB-355 Jazz Bass body in original black. It also comes with the original white pickguard, bell plate and a couple of other Jazz Bass pickguards. I believe the body is Alder (possibly Ash). The pickup cavities have the original pickup mounting plates too It does have numerous swirls and some dings and like most black bodies it does show them up. It is structurally sound though and is a nice bit of wood with a bit of weight to it. Yours for £130 delivered.
  2. For sale is a lovely EMG Active Jazz wiring loom for use with the quick connect pickups. I'm pretty certain that due to the connectors they'll only work with EMG pickups with the right tabs to connect. It comes complete with box and instructions, control plate and knobs. Yours for £35 inc. postage.
  3. Not for me sadly, but one for my Fretless Jazz. I really can't get on with Jazz Bass bodies as they always sit awkwardly on me and I look like I'm Clay Pigeon Shooting. I really don't like the sound of Fretless P Basses though, so decided to order a P Bass body with Jazz Bass pickups from Guitar and Bass Builds. It's a 2 piece swamp as body, so is very light and I decided I'd go for the lacquered body rather than make an awful hash of it myself. It's only been dry fitted at the moment as I need to order a new EMG loom to fit in it (the Jazz one won't fit sadly) but it's gone together very easily and the build quality is excellent and it didn't require any significant fettling. I need to cut some proper slots in the Badass Bridge as it's the unslotted version and the G string is just slightly out of line for me but other than that, I'm delighted.
  4. My new JJ P Bass body arrived today. I've done a dry fit but am waiting for the loom to arrive before I can plug it in and get it working properly. Im really pleased with it and glad I went for the lacquered option.
  5. I'm pretty certain it's IKEA, from their carpoultunnoul range
  6. For sale is an immaculate Radial Bigshot I/o instrument selector that allows you to select between two instruments and adjust their individual input levels (very handy indeed). This is one of the new versions that requires 9v power. Yours for £85 delivered.
  7. Nice one Marc, I've always fancied one of those
  8. True, although surely a lovely Status graphite neck wouldn't be worried by such small things as weather!
  9. To loosen it turn it anti-clockwise Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty 😉 You may not even have to give it a quarter turn. It may be fine with less than that.
  10. Yep, sounds like the truss rod needs to be slackened a tiny bit. I have to adjust mine roughly twice a year due to changes in the season, humidity etc. As JLP says, nothing much to worry about
  11. I've ordered exactly the same body (P Bass shape with Jazz bass pickups) from Guitar and Bass Builds for a Fretless build as I don't like Jazz bass bodies but equally I don't like P Bass pickups for Fretless basses. It's due to arrive imminently so I'll post some pics once it's arrived.
  12. So anyway, from the ridiculous to the sublime.... The first P Bass was packed off from whence it came and the very next day I had a meeting in Cardiff and happened (ahem) to find myself arriving about an hour early, so a visit to PMT was in order. PMT isn't usually my first port of call, especially for online orders but I've always found the guys in Bristol particularly accommodating and have been on tot eh Cardiff store a few times. I always find the store a bit lacking in the Bass department but I knew they had another American Professional in stock in my favoured colour scheme. After playing on it for five minutes I really really liked it but was still very wary given the issues with the first bass. Fortunately, Gavin who was looking after me was game enough to see if the truss rod would adjust properly and was then kind enough to let me adjust the saddles to get closer to the sort of action I prefer. After 15 minutes or so of fettling I fell in love with it and decided it was coming home with me. I love the colour (Mystic Surf Green), I love the neck and the dark rosewood fingerboard and it plays beautifully. What's more, it's very light too. It couldn't be more different to the first one I tried and really is in my opinion a vast step up from some of the more recent US Fenders over the last 10 years or so. My thanks to PMT too and especially Gavin who really went the extra mile for me.
  13. Well if you're up for one more journey Jake, drop me a line. My last band has folded due to COVID and I'm currently all dressed up with nowhere to go.
  14. Thanks. They are brilliant but I've got one of the Double Mono ones I use most of the time
  15. Thank you for all the interest so far. Unfortunately I'm not looking for trades on this one.
  16. Agreed. The bass was gorgeous and the neck felt really comfortable but it was not fit for purpose, well, fit for my special purpose anyway
  17. I've asked for a refund and will then pop along to a guitar shop when I can rather than buy online. I think if I'd tried it in a store I'd probably have assumed it was Fender's usual ropey setup and taken it home thinking I could tweak it to my liking. Such irony, eh, Alanis?
  18. So I thought that I'd order one of the new Fender Professional ii P basses in the lovely Surf Green colour they've brought out. I got a good deal and it duly arrived this morning as arranged. Upon opening the case it looked absolutely stunning and when I picked it up it was a very comfortable weight. The action however was awful and the strings were way above the fingerboard. Now I've had new Fenders before and I know they generally set the actions high in the factory and usually after a bit of adjustment to the saddles and the truss rod gets it to whether I want it. This one however, already had quite low saddles but I duly took them down a bit lower to such an extent that they were pretty much bottoming out. The action was still pretty high. I thought I'd check the truss rod out and when I went to give it a bit of a tweak, it felt like it had already been maxed out and I felt uncomfortable in trying to turn it any further. Usually when I've had new Fenders in the past the truss rod has been no more than half-way screwed in and there's plenty of play either way. I contacted the retailer and there's no issue in returning it but I was really disappointed on how this arrived and was very surprised that a bass would have been set up this way at the factory. The retailer confirmed it hadn't been sent out to anyone prior to being sent to me and hadn't been looked at by any of their staff, so it all seems a bit strange to me.
  19. I guess in the land where David Hasselhoff is God, tucked in shirts are the order of the day
  20. Thanks, that's really useful. Definitely an eye-opener for me as I've only ever played it with Gain at 21% or 23%. Never at 22% though. That's my evening sorted....
  21. It is active and has some great sounding Dimarzio pickups. The circuit is: Master volume, blend, bass, middle and treble eq
  22. Thanks for all your comments chaps.l, it's a bit gutting but just one of those things I guess.
  23. Well, this is a bit of a heartbreaker but sadly this gorgeous Charvel is a tiny bit too heavy for my knackered shoulders and neck. It weighs in at 9lbs 10 according to my wife's digital kitchen scales and my limit is 9lbs. Funny how half a pint can make such a difference. I've had this less than a month and it is totally immaculate apart from a tiny (tiny) lacquer crack at the top of the neck pocket. I've done my best to picture this and it's incredibly difficult to see: it's very small but for full disclosure it has to be mentioned. and played for less than an hour. I've managed to get the action nice and low and it plays beautifully. The Dimarzio pickups sound ace too. The active electronics are make this an incredibly adaptable bass too The neck is Jazz width and is a lovely piece of roasted maple. The colour is stunning. These sell at £849. They don't come with gigbags but I have the original box so it will be well packed. I'll let this go for £700 inc. insured postage. No trades please, unless it's a lightweight (sub-9lbs) US Standard P Bass for which I could add a bit of cash
  24. Well, I've fallen in love with the colour and sound but sadly not the weight. It's a bit over 9 and a half pounds which unfortunately is no good for my shoulders and neck. I'm afraid it will be up for sale shortly
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