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Old Horse Murphy

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Everything posted by Old Horse Murphy

  1. I had a 78 Fender P bass that weighed 13.1lbs. I ended up selling it to the Royal Navy (it was collection only)
  2. 70's Jazzes had the bridge pickup marginally closer to the bridge, which is apparently very appealing to the Slapping fraternity due to the extra snap and zing this gives. As I'm very much a Missionary Position with the lights off type of guy, I don't really notice much difference personally.
  3. I’m probably giving my age away here but I remember seeing adverts for the Marlin stuff which used to make me go weak at the knees. It was the colours for me, especially that purpleish one. Our local guitar shop had them in stock and I used to go and drool and dream of great things. Happy days
  4. Thanks chaps The Jazz is the least Jazzy Jazz I’ve owned (thick neck, mellow pickups) and it plays beautifully. The stone wall is about 2 foot thick although I think our neighbours which is was nearer 6 foot thick!
  5. I’ve managed to commandeer a bedroom on the top floor for my gear ( my wife got the ground floor office). Not pictured is the king size bed where I can often be found when practicing gets a bit too emotional.
  6. Thanks mate. It’s (stay with me) probably the least Jazzy Jazz I’ve played. The neck is quite deep (not particularly wide) and the pickups are definitely a bit darker and more mellow than I would have expected. To me, these are both wins, being a P Bass player predominantly. It it may be that the last few Jazzes I’ve played have been Geddy Lee Signature models, but this one definitely feels more substantial.
  7. I picked this up on Thursday and haven’t been able to put it down since (including last night’s gig). It’s a 2018 Fender Professional Jazz Bass, now restrung with Ernie Ball Super Slinkies. The pickups sound amazing and although I’ve never been a fan of maple fingerboards on a Jazz Bass, it just works for me with the natural ash body. This bass belonged to the bassist from Funeral For a Friend who I bought it off (nice chap) Here it is alongside my trusty P Bass wearing the obligatory TI Flats.
  8. Managed to get the Disco lights working on my P Bass again after about a year of fretting about them. With a bit of luck, a few prayers and a soldering iron all is well :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old Horse Murphy

      Old Horse Murphy

      And here it is. Still working 24 hours later!


    3. SpondonBassed


      Nice.  I like that it is the side dots that are lit and not the main ones.

    4. Old Horse Murphy

      Old Horse Murphy

      Thanks. I couldn’t go the whole way with front LEDs, certainly not on a P Bass. They’ve got me out of a bit of bother when I used to sing and have to look down on a darkened stage. 

  9. That’s a real head turner. One for the wish list
  10. I’ve had a couple of Charvel/Jacksons of the Pointy variety: in fact my main gigging bass is a Charvel 1B. Build quality is easily as good as anything else I’ve owned (if not better than most) and the versatility of the reverse P Pickup is remarkable. I’d highly recommend them.
  11. Mike Lull does a modern Jazz bass with a smaller body and it is super ☺️
  12. I managed to rehearse last night through my gigging rig and the pedal certainly didn't disappoint. The Compressor is very decent indeed and seems to work equally well at both ends of the sound spectrum (low and high), so really evens out the notes. The EQ is good too and I use it to alternate between different sounds depending on the requirement for the song. It really adds something to a P Bass with flats and tone turned down about 1/3, without having to fiddle with the amp or tone pot each time. The Overdrive is lovely and creamy and gives some really rich harmonics. I only dial Overdrive in a little bit, but this one seems to hit the spot nicely I never would've thunk (thought) Fender would be "up there" in terms of Bass pedals but I've been pleasantly surprised.
  13. It runs off my One Spot well enough but it really is a bit of a Battleship!
  14. As part of my ongoing search for a decent Overdrive pedal (ie a warm, slightly overdriven sound rather than a dentist’s drill), I decided to pick up one of the new Fender Downtown Express Bass pedals incorporating and Overdrive, Eq and Compressor. Build-wise this thing is high quality and a really substantial bit of kit both size and weight wise. It was apparently designed in conjunction with Mr Aguilar and I can well believe it. At just under £150 the quality of the Compressor (analog) and the really meaty Overdrive (all the way from thick warm valvey sounds through some serious dirt) as well as a decent eq and a DI, it really seems to be very good value indeed. Granted I’m not a massive user of effects, but it really is a good (in essence) multi-effect pedal as one that is very intuitive and easy to set up. The LEDs are something else too!
  15. Amen. Been there seen that, done that x 1,000. In fact, the only thing I've never done after a bad gig (other than replacing everything I own), is: a) Practice more b) Change me I really am the living definition of a poor workman...
  16. For sale is an Ampeg Bass Scrambler Overdrive in excellent condition with original box and manual- £60 inc delivery
  17. For sale is a superb EBS Multidrive pedal (no original box or paperwork). It's in super overall condition apart form a few small chips in the paintwork pictured. I find these one of the easiest Overdrive pedals to dial in and use. Yours for £60 inc. postage Specs: The EBS MultiDrive is a Class A overdrive pedal capable of producing sustain, distortion, and tube-style overdrive effects. The mode switch selects flat, standard, or tube-simulation overdrive sounds while the Drive and Volume knobs control the amount of effect and output level. EBS bass effect pedals are designed to preserve the entire frequency range of your bass signal, use noiseless FET switching, are suitable both for studio and live use, feature robust construction, and are easy to use. EBS MultiDrive Universal Overdrive Pedal Features: * Class A overdrive and distortion effect * Standard, Flat, and Tube-simulation modes * Drive and volume knobs * Preserves entire frequency range of signal * Noiseless switching * Rugged construction
  18. One of my mates actually managed to prise a Warwick Corvette 5 String from him once but I reckon they was a one-off. Interesting chap indeed
  19. This will be legit. It's a Guitar Shop owner in Bristol (Electric Ladyland) who when he's short of a bob or two, often pawns his gear. Remarkable but true: you should see some of the gear in his shop (Gibson EB1, Hagstrom 8 Strings, John Birch Rics to name a few- all of which he won't sell!) Keep an eye on Bedminster Cash Converters and you'd be amazed what ends up in there.
  20. It was a mixture of both. The neck pickup wouldn't adjust too much but the treble one adjusted nicely. I'm very pleased as I've managed to get the sound I always hear when I think of a Ric
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