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Old Horse Murphy

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Posts posted by Old Horse Murphy

  1. For sale is a set of La Bella Low Tension Flats for a short scale bass. They have been cut for a four in a line headstock and have been played for a maximum of five minutes. As lovely as they are they're just not for me- SOLD

    Also for sale is a set of Thomastik JR344 nickel roundwounds cut for a Ric (2 a side headstock). These are 34" scale and have been used for about an hour maximum (not in original packaging)- £25 inc postage. 

    Finally a set of barely used (an hour max) JF344 Flatwounds cut for a 4 in a line Fender style bass. I bought a few sets but as I've swapped out a few of my 34" scale basses these are now surplus- SOLD


  2. So for the last few months I've been gigging my Spector Bantam which I bought primarily due to the weight (7lb 8oz) but have found the ergonomics very much to my liking too as the body shape means the neck sits roughly where a 34" scale Fender would sit so I don't feel cramped at all. It's been a revelation in terms of comfort, playability and the day after a three hour gig I don't feel like I've been fighting as I have virtually no hand pain at all. 

    On Saturday I was lucky enough to gig with my Spector and a Sandberg Lionel that may or may not become a long-term partnership. The electronics are great and it has a passive bypass too. Weight-wise it's 7lb 7oz and again, ergonomically to works really well for me. It gives me a real alternative sound-wise to my Spector which I find quite Hi-Fi and I really enjoyed playing it. I've sold a couple of basses recently so this one could replace those in my line up very nicely, but there is another Spector Bantam for sale at Bass Bros....


    I can't see short scales ever fully replacing my 34" scale basses but they really are a joy to play. 







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  3. A good one tonight down by the River Wye. It took the crowd about half-way through the first set to get going but then they were great. We tried some new songs which went down very well so we'll probably replace some older tired songs on our setlist. 

    I played my Spector Bantam again and loved it. 



    • Like 13
  4. Now, I am a total Luddite when it comes to anything to do with scientific/electronics type things so am looking for some help please. 

    I have a lovely Spector Bantam that I have been gigging with but find the EMG BTC preamp a bit too hot/sparkly for me on the treble settings but have read up on it being adjustable via two switches which offers a combination of settings. 

    I've found the diagrams but in truth it's absolutely double-Dutch to me.  I can't work out which combination of the four switching options would help cool down the treblyness (if any of them would) and would be grateful if some assistance. I appreciate that I could probably eq a lot out on the amp but I'd rather try and address as much as I can by altering the preamp. 

    Any advice would be gratefully received. 


  5. Had an afternoon gig today and it was the first time I gigged my Mikey Way Jazz for part of the set. I fitted it with TI Flats to contrast sound-wise with my Spector Bantam which is very clean, almost hifi sounding. 

    I played the Spector 75% of the time (such a joy to play) but I am very impressed with the Jazz and is a lot livelier than my 72 Jazz which is quite dark sounding. It sparkles too which is a bonus. 

    We used the opportunity to try out five new songs and three are definitely keepers based on how the audience reacted. 

    Back to evening gigs next week which I'm looking forward to. It feels a bit weird packing up and heading home while it's still light!

    • Like 9
  6. A bit a strange one over this weekend, but after a gig at a venue I've played a number of times over the years (albeit with a different band to the one I'm in currently) I had a chap from the audience come up to say hi. 


    He said something along the lines of "I've seen you play here before and I remember you usually gig a well-used black P Bass. I can't remember what band I've seen you with but I have always enjoyed your playing and remember the old P Bass!" 


    It's true, my main gigging bass for years was my trusty black P but I unofficially retired it a couple of years ago as it holds a lot of sentimental value to me and I worry about taking it out gigging.  Since then, it's been a carousel of various different basses but mostly my old Jazz. Still, it's nice to be associated with one particular instrument and even nicer that someone bothers to listen to my playing 😂





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  7. 2 minutes ago, Steve Browning said:

    Oh, that is a shame. An absolute session legend.


    One of my very best basses is made up of bits from his spares drawer.

    I hope he has taken his DFA pedal with him to that great big gig in the sky 

    • Haha 3
  8. I'm much more of a P Bass fan than I am of Jazz Basses but when listening to live recordings of my band have always been surprised just how much better to my ears a Jazz sounds compared to a P Bass. It's not as warm and cuddly as a P Bass but the depth of the lows and articulation of the overall sound really impresses me each time. 

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