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Everything posted by DreadAlert

  1. What would 2 single-coil pickups sound like?
  2. [quote name='Metalmoore' post='833613' date='May 10 2010, 09:00 PM']Dread, where do you live as that might help us a little keeping an eye out for things. I personally wouldnt buy the dean for a few reasons, its a 35" scale AND its active, when starting i went for an obscure ebay'd PJ bass that was your typical 34" scale (which most 4 strings are) and was a passive bass (V/V/T/T) meaning i would find THAT tone very quickly compared to messing around with an active EQ and when your beginning you shouldnt be worrying about about EQ control at the bass. You really should buy second hand from here as most basses/practice combos are well looked after round these parts and will get alot more bass for you money than buying new also if you do decide to stop playing you can sell it back here making a minimum loss (or even a slight profit, you never know). If you play your cards right and wait around a little while im sure some great bargains will come by as they always do here.[/quote] I live in Birmingham. But I really dont like used things.. It messes with my head knowing that someone else has used it. Even if barely. You think I should go for passive then? Sounds good and simple in comparison to active. I've had a look: Squier Standard Jazz Bass. (i've heard good things about) Epiphone Les Paul. [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/p.php?n=45"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/p.php?n=45[/url] - thats the page im lookin at.
  3. [quote name='danny-79' post='833217' date='May 10 2010, 04:35 PM']It wont do them a lot of good or even sound that great, lets put it like that. (i don't no the technical info but its a bit like putting a Bass through a Guitar amp, you will end up killing it) Set yourself a limit (i.e £50) an keep your eyes open in the for sale pages on here, ebay, or even your local cash converters, there are some cheep bargains to be had in there an all).[/quote] Hm, okay. I'll get a cheap, small amp. Probably THIS. [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/behringer-bt-108/68588"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/behringer-bt-108/68588[/url]
  4. [quote name='danny-79' post='833168' date='May 10 2010, 04:00 PM']If i were just starting out in playing, id rip this guys arm off!!! (what were people saying about the forsale adds )[/quote] wow. I didnt see that the first time. I'm not a MASSIVE fan of the looks though.. and I'm looking to do jazzy kinda bass. And collection isnt possible. I have a question about the Vox Amplug thing.. My dad is telling me that if I were to use that connected to my speakers, they would probably be messed up by the bass.. As in the speakers not being able to handle them. Is this true? I think my speakers are 30w with a subwoofer.
  5. [quote name='Metalmoore' post='832794' date='May 10 2010, 08:39 AM']Mate, your best off getting some sort of PJ Bass with a amp and bag as the PJ gets you the best of both worlds and as mentioned before is very versatile. eBay used to have loads but now there seems to mostly be P basses. If your interested in a metal bass i got one for sale [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=68378"]HERE[/url]. If your not 100% about playing bass start cheap, i got my first bass, amp, strap, tuner and cable for 60 quid just under 4 years ago.[/quote] Cool, great post. I might just get a Dean Edge 10a. That's PJ, its cheap, good brand (as far as I know). Then I'll have more money to spend on a good amp, tuner etc. Also, this Vox amPlug thing sounds really weird but cool. How does it work?
  6. [quote name='Narcissism' post='832683' date='May 9 2010, 11:36 PM']Typically, Ibanez will put a "G" in front of their lower end models. So the SR is going to have higher standards built into it than the GSR. Same goes for RG/GRG, S/GS, AX/GAX for their guitars. Active electronics require a battery and have more output/headroom. However, some will say that they come out "stale" or "generic." I personally disagree, but whatever. Passives have less output, don't require a battery and stereotypically have more response with the wood that they're plugged into. The previous is arguable, but that's my personal take on it. The BTB is a very nice bass IMO. You're gonna have to go out and try em all out and see which one you want to invest in though![/quote] they need a battery? that sucks. what if it runs out? and i cant try them.
  7. [quote name='JordanRLS' post='832524' date='May 9 2010, 08:16 PM']I can recommend these, as i own one and i really like it. I can't compare it to the GSR though as i've never played one.[/quote] Gaaaah theres just too many to choose from! I'm finding more and more possibilites like Epiphones and Fenders and stuff and its all very confusing haha. I would've loved a Fleabass, cause Flea is awesome and they look great, but they're just too expensive for a beginner IMO. ESP LTD EC-54? ESP LTD Viper 54? Dean Edge 10A? (this also has PJ pickups.) Ibanez GSR200? Ibanez SR300? Dean Z Series? Epiphone Thunderbird IV? Someone choose for meeee! (also, I could try really hard and get an Ibanez BTB300 FM, or a Yamaha RBX374) Also, whats the difference between active and passive?
  8. [quote name='Narcissism' post='832331' date='May 9 2010, 04:38 PM']That GSR200 isn't a bad bass. I still have mine from 11 years ago... God I'm getting old... I've modified the hell out of it, and it started out as a GSR100, but turned into a 200 when I added the J pickup. The one I have is also made of Alder... I think they converted to basswood around 2002 or something like that... so the sound may have changed a bit. For what you're getting into, pretty much anything with a P/J configuration in a beginner package will give you a pretty wide range of sound. Later on, you can look at humbuckers, extended range pickups, etc. I say take a look around your local shops after you've got your first cheap bass and have a feel for what the instrument plays and sounds like. Then you can start really looking at what you're trying to get out of an instrument by playing in the shops through different amps and effects etc.[/quote] Awesome. Thanks. I'll be getting the GSR200 with a practice amp: [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/86334"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/86334[/url] Hows this?
  9. [quote name='The Burpster' post='831963' date='May 9 2010, 09:39 AM']The M stands for Maple and that refers to the fretboard material, Maple as a generalisation has a slightly brighter tone than rosewood but that is not an exact science. Both those models are excellent basses for what they cost - budget Ibanez and Yamaha are by far the most consistent and reliable VFM in their price bracket. Of your 2 above , I'd personally go for the GSR as the P and J style pick ups can be be IMHO more versatile then the 2 soap-bars in the SR - the other key feature that I'm not keen on in the SR is that Strat style jack exit. Looks very prone to chipping body work to me, and if you find bass is not for you, chips and dings are easily seen when you come to sell it on.[/quote] Thanks for the great answer man, I think I will go for the GSR now. Also, just for interests sake, have you tried one of [url="http://www.mveducation.com/invt/37231/"]these[/url]? They look SWEET. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' date='May 9 2010, 11:31 AM']All of these starter basses will get you going just fine, but I'd personally steer clear of the tiny amplifiers. They're fine for making [a] sound at home, but you're going to need more poke when you want to get out playing in a band or with your mates. Have a look at the for sale section on here for a cheap bass and a cheap used bass amp like an Ashdown Electric Blue 180 or something along those lines. As a teacher, the starter packs have always seemed like false economy to me. You're always better off getting something you can actually get out there and use live from the outset. For example, most of my younger students at the moment have used Fender Mexican basses, new Squier basses, or new Epiphone basses & either Ashdown Electric Blue or Roland Bass Cube amplifiers.[/quote] Thanks for the recommendations, but the cost of these amps is more than I wanna spend on the guitar and the amp together! I need something around the £50 mark, just a practice amp. The only time I'd play with friends is at school, and they already have amps there. Big yamaha ones. Something like this: [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/40759-ashdown-tourbus-10-practice-amp.html"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/4075...actice-amp.html[/url]
  10. [quote name='JackLondon' post='831627' date='May 8 2010, 06:03 PM']Get the Ibby![/quote] Think I will be. Its either the SR300 or the GSR200. Also, what's the difference between the SR300 and the SR300m?
  11. [quote name='Musky' post='831142' date='May 8 2010, 12:16 AM']I don't think you'd do too badly with any of the basses you've mentioned, though of course the set up and build quality can vary hugely with budget instruments. It's well worth your while to have a quick try of the actual bass you're going to buy, even if it means paying a little more in a shop. For what it's worth, I went shopping for a bass for a friend's son just before xmas and was very impressed by the feel and playability of the Zodiac even though I usually prefer a wider neck than it's Jazz-like profile. In the end I decided on a Dean Edge 10a for him, in part because I thought he'd prefer the looks. Incidentally, I've just realised the Zodiac I tried had two pickups in a P-J configuration. That's something else to bear in mind - starter packs often have basses that are actually cheaper variations of the instrument that is sold on it's own.[/quote] Is the Dean Edge 10a any good? Or maybe this? [url="http://www.fairdealmusic.com/guitars/bass_guitars/4775_dean-vintage-series-z-bass"]http://www.fairdealmusic.com/guitars/bass_...e-series-z-bass[/url]
  12. [quote name='danny-79' post='831130' date='May 7 2010, 11:40 PM']You should be able to pick up a used, no frills, practice amp for about £50.ish that would be your best bet[/quote] Yeah I'll probably pick up a practice amp. The Ibanez SR300 sounds good.
  13. [quote name='danny-79' post='831091' date='May 7 2010, 10:27 PM']Out of the lot mentioned in the O.P id personally go for the Ibanez given the choice of the three, mainly because its close to my first bass (Aria) , but as mentioned in this thread, keep your eye out on the for sale thread, local paper, music shop etc an you will get more bass for your cash S/H then start looking for an amp to go with it. Try not to get pulled in with the whole package thing as a cheep, badly set up bass cant be difficult to play and be off putting to a beginner. My advice is save your cash and look out for something half decent, just the bass and then go from there .[/quote] Yeah, I'm still not decided, but I'm considering the Ibanez GSR200. I could spend more I think.. and I've already got some decent speakers at home, with a subwoofer etc, and they're like.. 30w or something.. Will they work as an amp?
  14. [quote name='JordanRLS' post='831055' date='May 7 2010, 09:34 PM']cheap amps... well that depends. If you're going to be using it at home only, and you don't want it to be particularly loud, there are lots of cheap practice amps on the market. However, if you want something a bit beefier there is always a bargain to be had on here (safer than ebay because you know you're buying from a like minded person.) It all depends on what you mean by 'cheap' really! good luck[/quote] Well, by that I mean a practice amp for home use. And by CHEAP I mean preferably around the £50 mark.
  15. [quote name='JordanRLS' post='831039' date='May 7 2010, 09:17 PM']I'd reccomend the ibanez, then. But i'll always agree with the basschat for sale section ![/quote] Infact, I might go for the one up from the GSR190, the GSR200. Any recommendations on cheap, good amps? Also, I'm a complete noob. - Is it possible to plug headphones straight into your guitar with a special screw on connector for the headphone lead? .. Or something? Or maybe plug into laptop to play through speakers?
  16. But I don't want like.. something AMAZING. I'm not even sure I'll get into it properly yet. I don't own a guitar. I just want something that sounds good, plays good funk, and preferably with a thin fretboard/really good action to make frets easy as my hands arent the biggest in the world. Also, I kinda have an OCD thing about buying used products. Please try and recommend and share your first guitars, but under £200. Maybe over if the amp comes with it etc.
  17. By the way, i'm looking to get into the Heavy metal/rock/funk genre, from RHCP to Cradle of Filth.
  18. [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/19657-dean-edge-09-bass-classic-black.html"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/1965...ssic-black.html[/url] How's this? I've been scanning the net and this has got good reviews everywhere I've looked. Not too expensive either and I love the looks.
  19. Hey guys. I'm new here, and to bass overall. I've been listening to some RHCP recently, and I just love bass generally aswell. But Flea's awesome grooves have inspired me to get into bass playing. I'm a complete beginner, and I'm looking for a beginner bass. I've been looking at complete starter packs with amp included, etc, and I've done across a few. Please tell me what you think of these links and please recommend what you can for me to get started with! [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/Bass_Guitars/Beginner/sc1113/p8611.aspx"]http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/...1113/p8611.aspx[/url] [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/Bass_Guitars/Beginner/sc1113/p2284.aspx"]http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/...1113/p2284.aspx[/url] [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/Bass_Guitars/Beginner/sc1113/p7237.aspx"]http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/...1113/p7237.aspx[/url] Thanks. -DreadAlert-.
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