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Everything posted by dan670844

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1214791' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:41 PM']Feeling very down at the moment.. just got kicked out of a band.. im thinking lately that im loosing direction with my playing... they said im lacking structure in my playing, and i know what they mean.. ive been thinking it for a while any advice for a wavering bass player... im thinking i need to start reading.. thats if i dont just give up playing...[/quote] Think about your anchors pivots and leading tones, they are far more important. Anchors are your root notes, usually on beat one, beats 2 and 3 is your chance to get creative, your pivots (the movement from one chord to the other), four is your lead or bridge to the next chord. Split the notes from quarter to 8th even 16ths if you can get away with it . It obviously helps to have knowledge of chords, scales so you don't hit the stinkers. Try learning them you will have this licked pretty quick 'cos you are probably already playing the patterns, as they fit your ears. In the old days people worked this out by ear, they didn't go to music school. There are many ways to get from one change (chord) to the other, as I said people used to work it out. Music used to be far more inventive as a consequence, now i think it has become more 'uniform' . If you think in this way rather than a complete chordal approach your bass playing will become a lot more powerful, as you will put emphasis on 'tension and release' , which is what music is really about. The tension created by moving from the key centre of the song and the release, created by returning to it. Its a very powerful thing which pulls on the listeners soul . You are on the right track, just keep going its all part of the journey.......
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1214791' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:41 PM']Feeling very down at the moment.. just got kicked out of a band.. im thinking lately that im loosing direction with my playing... they said im lacking structure in my playing, and i know what they mean.. ive been thinking it for a while any advice for a wavering bass player... im thinking i need to start reading.. thats if i dont just give up playing...[/quote] Dude this kind of stuff should just make you stronger................... your face ain't gonna fit in every band................. just get more determined!
  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1206720' date='Apr 21 2011, 08:33 AM']No disrespect to your band or your singer because I applaud (quite literally) anyone prepared to get up and do it live as opposed to the bedroom warriors or those who simply practice/jam with their mates and never commit to actually performing BUT aside from the lyric reading (most bands I've been in for the last 20 yrs have had singers with lyric sheets as it's a crutch) I get the feeling from the short vid that your singer isn't an out-and-out 'Rock Chick'. She can patently sing and does some of that stuff well but (IMHO) I don't think she's comfortable with the whole ROCK/Performing side of things! I can imagine her being very good at Lounge music or even less rocky material but her dress/mannerisms/persona don't give me the impression she's 100% in with what you do... I stress this is simply a snap-shot decision based upon a 2 min vid, so don't go getting the hump with her as it may not be the case and I could quite easily be wrong. Even if she is out of her comfort zone it's not her fault and I'd suggest that you could do far worse for a singer, so maybe look at the whole band package! Where's my seat on these bliddy talent shows? [/quote] +1 I think it's just a mismatch, your singer is out of her comfort zone, her voice is really a disco, funk 'acid jazz' smooth diva voice, find some middle ground music for all, plenty of choones/ bands that combine both genres check out some betty davis (miles davis's wife, she was supprisingly a hard funk rocker!) janes addiction, chilis, living colour, fishbone, spin doctors, mother's finest or even write some stuff. Would be a fun for you as some great bass lines in this genre. Head over to youtube and check out some of the music. But well played anyways good stuff.
  4. [quote name='JayPH' post='1213099' date='Apr 27 2011, 08:28 PM']Hi all This might be common knowledge but I've just discovered how awsome my new jazz bass sounds with the following settings: Neck p/u @ 100%, bridge @ 0, and the tone @ 0. Absolutely brilliant for reggae. Really mellow. How do you set your tone and what are good settings for different genres of music?[/quote] It depends on the jazz, the pickups employed as they have a big influence on my decision, Jazzes from different eras sound totally diff. I just fiddle till i get the tone in my head. One jazz i have is always fully open its a jap jazz 62 reissue with wizard 84's its a great sounding bass
  5. [quote name='Stompbox' post='1214529' date='Apr 29 2011, 08:09 AM']Interesting topic - I have a CIJ 62 Reissue Jazz that I bought new when they were first made/issued - must be over ten years now. It has been my main bass since then & I love it. The feel of it is excellent & I only recently got a USA Precision - 2007. Again an excellent instrument - but now I have it I see what the member above - Mr. Fudge - means by the "not enough OOMPH". The USA Precision has an indefinable "Better" sound. I think I'll get some fresh pickups for my Japanese guitar - I had thought of looking for a USA set - but what does anyone else suggest - obviously the Wizzards above - it's a brand I hadn't heard of. Regards, STOMPBOX [/quote] Wizards are great £70 pound a pair, don't let that put you off (too cheap) they are fantastic, well balanced, smooth and punchy. 64's have the classic jazz sound, i.e. a Fullerton jazz sound very smooth, mucho clarity. 84's are much hotter, rude, with a lot more low, the lows are very tight and focused. Both are great depends on what you like. I just tried them on rec. and I am very impressed, they seem to be much clearer and more balanced string to string and high to low than most pickups I have tried so far. They are wound by hand, which makes a big difference (scatter wound) which produces better results in most things with coils in i.e. transformers, pickups chokes.
  6. [quote name='acidbass' post='250131' date='Jul 29 2008, 04:57 AM']Too true. My ABM 2x10 combo doesn't suffer from this at all thankfully![/quote] Could it be because the 15's are a low range cab for low range extension? they don't really publish data though, just summising. Most of the Trace cabs were with a few exceptions and were matched to the 2x10 and 4x10 for this purpose. Laney also have this setup with their Nexus range i.e. 70Hz+ for the 4x10 and 35Hz+ for the 15" but importantly they are matched so you can mix em.
  7. [quote name='jakesbass' post='249149' date='Jul 27 2008, 09:35 PM']I had the unexpected pleasure of playing an Ashdown ABM 500 (?) I did a gig at Canary wharf in the park in the middle (so outdoor stage) and the provided backline was the aforementioned Asdown combo. In the past I have nodded and agreed with threads that have said they are wooly. Well Jeez this one wasn't, I don't know what the difference was with the last one I played but this one did great service to my Alembic, the bottom was tight and defined and the mids and highs were smooth and audible. I know a lot of it is down to the bass but it was more than just ok I thought it sounded great. So now this adds to my headache of choosing a rig DRAT!![/quote] I played a mag 300 210 combo the other day with a 1x15 underneath, it was great, I used it with an old jazz bass and it really brought out the detail and had a lovely solid but smooth and warm tone. I initially turned my nose up at it because it i thought it would be low rent, really a one tone wonder, but it was really nice, almost valve tone, I picked it up just to see how heavy it was and its was supprisingly light. I thought they had particle board cabs (heavy) obviously not. If I was just playing blues rock stuff I don't think you could go far wrong. I think you need the 1x15 to beef it up but thats no problem as that was pretty light too.
  8. [quote name='Waldo' post='275685' date='Sep 2 2008, 06:27 PM']It was a small series due to the Gibson takeover and subsequent liquidation of the company. I had a chat with Andy Ewen, and ex-trace employee who was selling off old stock on ebay, here's what he had to say about them:[/quote] Andy designed the V type preamp................... that makes hime some type of god or something ha ha!!
  9. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1209251' date='Apr 23 2011, 03:52 PM']Following on from my earlier thread - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=132709"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=132709[/url] I bought a couple of these here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=102699&hl=capacitors"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;hl=capacitors[/url] I went for the green ones. I've kind of fitted them as instructed by the very helpful Silent Fly, I've soldered one each between the two wires from the pickups. I will get them properly soldered next week by someone who knows what they're doing, I'm really rubbish at soldering. The result is quite pleasing, and has removed a lot of the harsh brightness that I disliked. It's certainly 'warmed' up the sound. I was wondering what difference fitting other capacitors would make ? There are these here [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220547693533&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_2802wt_759"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...T#ht_2802wt_759[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-x-047uF-400v-SPRAGUE-ORANGE-DROP-CAPACITORS-Pair-/350310462554?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item519021745a#ht_2802wt_759"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-x-047uF-400v-SPRAG...a#ht_2802wt_759[/url][/quote] The paper in oils that you have are like the originals that where fitted to early precisions jazz bases etc. They are very good prob the best for the money, the orange drops are what they fit to modern P's they are good but not as smooth as paper in oils. Caps used to be made as paper in oils, the oil is the insulator inside them. Good but when they were used in valve circuits and they dry out (200-400volts electroytics) they tend to explode haha. The best caps for audio tend to me plastic type e.g polystyrene. The value on the caps basically affects the tone, depending on the circuit. Those paper in oils are a good deal, if you don't believe me, have a look at audiocap. But if you are running everything wide open, it doesn't really matter what you use. Thats why some guys just roll off the tone a little to bring the caps into play. To answer you question, changing caps will affect the sound, as to them being an improvement that really up to your ears, the answer is experiment, try different values, different types. with soldering dont forget to tin the wires. Basically put solder on all the leads before you join up, you find they go together rather easy that way
  10. [quote name='tommorichards' post='1208816' date='Apr 23 2011, 12:37 AM']Im looking to pickup some caps (high voltage, aka drop caps, aka orange drop caps) for my bass project, and seeing the discounts for multiple items, im wondering if anyone here in the UK buys a larger than normal stock of these for lutherian purposes or such, and sells a few here to people who only need one or two of the damn things. At the moment, i am looking for: 0.47uF cap 0.001uF cap 500k res (can you se what im doing?) As well a a few DPDT slide switches (ala, Jaguar) Possibly some Spdt normal switches (ala G&L) And maybe some M3 10mm screws (for sed slide switches) Ive found bitsbox.co.uk to be a good source for some stuff, but seeing as how my order wont be shipped until tuesday no matter when i order before monday, i figure i may as well ask round here for some sourcing advice.[/quote] I will have a look i defo have some organe drop 0.47's the resistor what are you looking for carbon film and what wattage?
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1146090' date='Mar 1 2011, 06:23 PM']:hyper: Mark at Bass Direct is a legend... it got here double-quick from the first batch in Europe, I believe. Just had 20 minutes on it.. obviously it's too early to draw any conclusions, but it sounds glorious so far. The highs are lovely and rich, and I love that 220hz mid control. Two gigs this weekend, so it'll get a decent workout. I'll see how it compares to my RH450 and Promethean... [/quote] This is great I think on the head the preamp runs high voltage then to the power section via a little transformer, should be great as the valves are actually working properly haha instead of just being there for show!
  12. [quote name='paul_5' post='1206664' date='Apr 21 2011, 02:31 AM']I've heard mixed reviews on the Digitech squeeze thing. I would recommend the old Trace Elliot SMX pedal (pick these up on eBay for not a lot), but I think the same guy designed both the TE pedal and the Ashdown one so that's probably not much good to you. Sorry 'bout that.[/quote] +1 Go for the Trace Smx they are the muts, many still use them live. The problem with the ashdown is headroom, and I think they spent all the money on the case and not on the important bits inside.......... The trace is a 18volt monster which can take anything you chuck at it so it compresses evenly and its not to harsh, its only good for live work though its far to noisy for recording. Its great for tightening up the low end, best settings are low compress halfway up and leave the high off. This gives a very tight punchy sound, with great definition and clarity. I only use the high band as an effect, to bring out notes add a bit of sustain etc. Just remember green light good red light bad. Green light comes on when you are feeding enough signal into it, red when you are not, you can't really overload it, not from where it should be in your signal chain anyways. If you like what the smx does and you have coin go for a FEA labs dual band, its the modern hard fi equiv of the trace. The SMX and the FEA are really the only stomp squashers I would use they work on just the right freq. The EBS you can get to work pretty good, but you have to fiddle with the trimmer pots to get it working great. The Mark bass compressore is ok, but don't pay attention to the valve it don't do much as its LT
  13. [quote name='Beedster' post='1203978' date='Apr 18 2011, 07:24 PM']Mmm, if you're right it's worrying stuff, and makes you wonder how many cherished vintage basses might have been knocked up in China or Eastern Europe. Or the UK [/quote] I have old basses / guitars genuine ones that I know the history, even down to when they were bought, family heirlooms you might say! one thing I can say is they don't really age like all these relics etc. All the parts seem to age at different rates, even things like pickup covers age differently. On a strat I have two looking like dot cottons teeth whereas one is still white. Some of the relicing looks a bit too authentic............ To echo another poster, I would never pay the money for these old guitars, the fact is the modern ones are better made, on CNC lathes etc progress has been made! the only thing I would say is the old pickups are better as they where handwound rather than machine wound. I think a random winding like on transformers produces a better result. But you can buy handwound (scatterwound) pickups like wizards, so no problem and some manufacturers like seymour are offering machine simulated handwounds with good results. I guess its a fashion thing, if that is really your bag buy a roadworn .................. can wait for the next fashion, hope its Aria clicky-clack 80's sounds as I have a loft full of those to shift ha ha
  14. [quote name='Beedster' post='1202809' date='Apr 17 2011, 06:26 PM']On so many levels it worries me that 'luthiers' are doing this, and that unlike Ric, who'd be all over it, Fender doesn't challenge it? OK, it doesn't state 'Fender', and the stamp doesn't tie in with the description, but as if it's not hard enough to verify vintage Fender gear already, you get guys faking Fender neck stamps and openly selling on eBay? You gotta wonder how many are on the market that aren't acknowledged forgeries? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RARE-Pre-CBS-64-jazz-neck-clay-dots-aged-bass-/150587027342?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item230fafaf8e#ht_500wt_922"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RARE-Pre-CBS-64-jazz...8e#ht_500wt_922[/url][/quote] This brings me onto the wider issue as I said before there where not as many pre cbs fender basses as people think, esp Jazzers. Combine that with worldwide sales, natural attrition and what not. There seems to be many more basses around than there used to be and this has come about just as old fender iron has got popular and valuable. Fender basses were very expensive in the early to mid sixties and I would guess the average bass player would make do with other offerings, I don't think they flooded out the gates quite as people believe. Torwards the end of the decade i.e 66 onwards this was prob. different as yes CBS did take over, but what they did was invest heavily in the fullerton plant to automate production etc etc. and no I don't think quality suffered, if anything it probably improved as they stopped using '50s technology in production and they got cheaper. There is a lot of snake oil about pre cbs stuff, yes the pickups are wonderful, but you can get modern reproductions that sound just as good, at least i can't tell. The early ones as I have said can suffer from neck curl, CBS sorted that out. I cannot for the life of me understand why a bolt on neck, mass produced plank commands such high value. Values on par with a hand crafted kalamazoo instrument, which has had may hours of love put into it, by a real person not a belt sander! But I do love my jazzers, they are a great play but I would never pay the current value for the old ones.
  15. [quote name='plumbob' post='1191719' date='Apr 7 2011, 01:50 PM']Korg PX4B multi effects bass unit , with power adaptor, and belt clip. Great little unit for , playing, practicing or recording. Easy start pdf here [url="http://www.korg.com/uploads/Support/PX4BEasyStart_633916330232480000.pdf"]http://www.korg.com/uploads/Support/PX4BEa...30232480000.pdf[/url] [attachment=76896:P1050055.JPG] [attachment=76894:P1050047.JPG] [attachment=76895:P1050050.JPG][/quote] Have a bump on me!! great little unit and has the essential power supply!
  16. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1199136' date='Apr 14 2011, 10:32 AM']Fair enough, maybe it's the bass [b]and[/b] the amp![/quote] Yes I think so as I said I love the sound of the classic chanel on that amp it really is nice, so warm, but i think it loads up the low end a bit to much, well its does on a jazz bass so i guess its true with a ray too. Then you have the ray to contend with el thumpo ha ha. Maybe those little eq pedals could be an option for you with this combo, you could just stomp it in when you use this bass and amp channel.
  17. [quote name='Paultrader' post='1164631' date='Mar 16 2011, 05:51 PM']Hi Everyone, Here is a picture of me playing my first bass at Crawley Bandstand in about 1972. I bought it for a fiver and it lasted me quite well. It was a Framus, I thought it was a Star Bass but it can't have been. I've never seen one since or found a photo anywhere of such an instrument. Has anyone ever come across one of these? Note the home made control plate - the original chrome one kept falling off because the screw holes wore out and it was sellotaped on for a time till I made a new wooden one. Those were the days! The amp was an Impact 60 and the speaker cabinet homemade with a Goodman's 18" speaker in it. [attachment=74935:Crawley_...stand_72.jpg][/quote] cool pic
  18. [quote name='chrisAngryman' post='1198384' date='Apr 13 2011, 04:30 PM']ok chill mate, nearly all stingray owners who also have this issue can't be wrong can they ? I will try everything like ive said before, theirs no point in me doing this at home as it's only a problem when playing with the band[/quote] i wasnt being funny, I had the same problem with that head at a gig with a jazz bass the old channel is nice but its has too much low end just cut it a bit
  19. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1185085' date='Apr 1 2011, 06:35 PM']Perhaps they're looking forward to the implementation of an EU concept that would ban combustion-engined vehicles from town centres, then we'll all be stuck with using public transport. As if gigging wasn't hard enough as it is. I sincerely hope it was an April Fools Day type prank, but the fact it's EU related means anything's possible...[/quote] Thy may not do that but there is only a matter of time before they impose some kind of weight lift limit for the general public already the case in industry ...
  20. [quote name='MB1' post='1198532' date='Apr 13 2011, 06:53 PM']MB1. Ashdown Superfly Cabs (for Trade at present) Lightweight Neodymium speaker 1x15 4 ohm Cab 400 watt/weight 20kg Lightweight Neodymium speaker 2x8 4 ohm cab 500 watt/weight 14kg Both cabs in immaculate condition Trade preferences would be a Ashdown ABM Mini 4x8/1x15 (later series with bigger badge) Ashdown ABM combos EVO 2/3... im a bit of an Ashdown Nut! might be interested in other gear?.... WHY... i can only say no. U.K trade only. Pics to Follow..[/quote] You prefer a 4x8 tp the 2x8 1x15 superfly?
  21. [quote name='4000' post='1198083' date='Apr 13 2011, 12:47 PM']I use the "deep" switch all the time. I never use a compressor/limiter (don't like 'em). I actually think the custom control panel is pretty cool too. FWIW, my old ABM500 (pre- Evo) consistently dusts everything else I throw against it (no idea where the "woolly" comes from either, unless you're trying to be Brian Bromberg). I'd love something lighter that sounds better (or even as good) but I haven't found it yet. Of course it depends to a great degree what you're putting through it and what you're playing it through....[/quote] +1 I love ABM tone very warm, punchy, rich, I always cut the lows and push the mids a little to balance up, apart from that everything el flato. Makes me laugh when I pull the ABM out of the cupboard at the place where I am in the house band and seeing some of the Eq's that people have used. I really think a lot of people don't get It.... fook its simple.. how? no wonder the soundman is very often a little miffed
  22. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1197950' date='Apr 13 2011, 11:30 AM']Ok, the wealth of Basschat decrees tinfoil. Thanks for the reply Dave. I wasn`t aware that Jazz single poles buzzed so much. I did know unshielded basses picked up mains and RF buzz. I have started to shield the cavities with copper etc so no prob. The pots I reckon are correct also, logarythmic is it? That`s just the way they are with perceived change over 10%.. I may change these for linear at some point to compare. Pickups.. hmm, i1ll be changing these for humbuckers at some point, I just dont know enough about the choices just yet. And I`m skint All in all this bass is great,I`ve lowered the action a little, changed the strings for some d`adarios and it`s great. I`m just being an extra pedantic picky bastard coz it`s a bass forum and I`m allowed. Dave.[/quote] Probably why they 'ad covers on them originally! the ole ashtrays, but the trouble is they make them unplayable....... The old ones also have an external bridge earthing strap on them which makes a big difference, but it does look very sh*te
  23. [quote name='Bigwan' post='1197836' date='Apr 13 2011, 09:42 AM']OK - after an extremely uncomfortable walk from the train station into work this morning with bass on back, normal little work bag in one hand and what felt like a very large bag of builders sand in the other (actually an Ashdown ABM400RC in one of those generic silver tool boxes) I've decided it might be about time I investigated the possibility of a lightweight head. The real kicker is that I'm as pleased as punch with the sound said 'bag of sand' produces. Can anyone suggest a suitable replacement that would sound similar? I run the ashdown with the preamp all the way to valve, gain pretty well up, preshape on, eq off, volume to taste - plug P-bass in and we're away (through my Tech 4x12 which lives in practice room)! I'd thought perhaps the Orange Terror Bass (although I'd prefer something that's fit in my big gig-bag pocket) or the new Genz Streamliner (but I'd prefer something cheaper!), but what else is out there? Suggestions?[/quote] From what everyone is saying why don't you have a crack with there new Ashdown MI thingy. lightweight head, supposed to be quality, have the power and dynamic of a mosfet system i.e your abm. But very light. It has the LG type preamp on it which is very good, if you like valvy warmess try an art valve pre amp they are amazing.
  24. [quote name='chrisAngryman' post='1196321' date='Apr 11 2011, 10:33 PM']thanks fellas, I didn't realise it was a common problem with stingrays, it's been buging me for a while, i really don't want to change it so i'll try and find a solution i guess[/quote] It not your bass its the eq of the amp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. [quote name='chrisAngryman' post='1196302' date='Apr 11 2011, 10:15 PM']Hi guys Not sure if i need some help or am going slightly deaf. i play a musicman Stingray though a Marshall MB450 and im really struggling to hear anything i play on the D and G strings. I have adjusted the pick up so that it'shigher to those strings and further away from the low strings but i can't get any clarity. I don't believe it to be the bass as when i pratice at home I use a tiny peavey and it's crystal clear. im using the classic side of the amp. I have a trace elliott equaliser pedal should i try this? any idea's any help would be great[/quote] I think this is a Eq issue, I have always found marshall amps and Ashdowns to have a lot of low end poke / power and this is a good thing, (bottom end stuff) not a problem, just cut your low end eq a little leave the rest flat, sound any better?
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