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Everything posted by dan670844

  1. [quote name='Ashdown Engineering' post='1196330' date='Apr 11 2011, 10:38 PM']Evening Chaps, Just thought I should jump in and clear up a couple of points here. First of all the MiBass has been a long time in the making and we have waited until we could source a power section that we felt could deliver the goods properly, often in the past the power section has always been the weak link in the chain in any class D amp. The power amp that we are using in the MiBass blew us away in testing and is much more warm and powerful than any class D poweramp we have used in the past and also has handled anything we could throw at it during months of soak/play testing. The front end is an evolution of the Little Giant preamp with a few nips and tucks under the hood, yes it isn't fully parametric but the controls do all interact with one another hence us describing it as semi parametric, we will however now simply describe it as an interactive eq if this will make people happier ;-) We think that its a great pre amp and offers a huge range of tones that can be shaped very quickly, deep bassy dub tones up to bright slap happy sounds no need for filter knobs or limiters, We had great positive feedback from the guys who tried it last week at the Musik Messe but would urge that you hang fire on opinions until you can actually try one in a shop first. Finally the optional front panels.... Wow this seems to have stirred opinion! We have done lots of custom amps and cabinets over the years in different colours and finishes at the requests of artists and often regular gigging Joes who want something a bit special and more personal. We thought with the MiBass due to the way the front panel is an overlay it would be nice to offer people the chance to either pick their own colour for the front or design their own incorporating band logos or whatever they fancied. The key point to make here that this is optional and if you don't want to change anything then you don't have... Thanks guys been interesting reading peoples opinions, any more queries just ask.[/quote] Cheers Guys Mark or Dan? .... 1/ I always liked the eq on the LG its the nuts for dialing tones quickly, as you say very versatile and very quiet great. superfly was also great. 2/ I have tried all Class D amps as I am a lazy bugger And have found them all wanting, as they lack dynamics and well grunt, if the Mi can deliver on that regard great I am sold. 3/ I like any colour as long as its black Cheers D PS If you ever want to try stuff out, there is a certain pub in london were a lot of well knowns / senssionets hang out on a certain day . PM me if you like and I will tell you the name. Their house rig is a very early ABM I it played it last night......... sweet....
  2. [quote name='eude' post='1195683' date='Apr 11 2011, 01:26 PM']To be fair, the man from Ashdown couldn't have looked more nervous, gave a fairly wobbly interview, but you're right they really need to think about how they're marketing this, and it may already be too late! Changeable front panels is the norm with £10 Pay (through the nose) As You Go phones these days, they should just make the colour an option when you order it and that should be the end of it! Why oh why do they not focus on the B&O power section and the fairly obvious high build quality?! The pricing is about right on these, but I fear they won't be in line with the current competition and I doubt they'll be all that popular if it's the tried and tested (read same old) ABM/MAG front end. I really hoped that they would try and do something like this but with the front end from their new Valve series which is apparently the dogs danglers... Oh well. Eude Eude[/quote] Beats me, I'd do the marketing for them ha ha, they always seem in such a rush to get stuff selling, strange, they should slow it down a little, to get it right, the lg and the superfly were great ideas poorly executed, in a rush, they could have been great amps esp the superfly. I don't get it, have they not heard of beta testing, Marks old company the green T did a lot of trialing before they launched their new range.
  3. [quote name='Wooks79' post='1195233' date='Apr 10 2011, 11:49 PM']I was wondering about this and thought I would ask... Why is the ampeg 1x15 (Svt-15e or b-115e) only able to handle 200 watts at 8 ohms? It just seems ridiculously low, and after looking at the specs for ampeg heads, I can't find any of their amps that would be able to be used with just a 1x15 at 8 ohms and not be too much power for their 1x15 or even any that would be fine at 4 ohms with 2 of their 1x15's! As far as I understand, a lot of them mean that I couldn't even combine a 410 and 115 as at 4 ohms, most amps would still be giving it more than 200 watts?! Is it just me that finds this silly, or have I got something wrong? Eg, if like I do, I have 2 1x15 8 ohm ampeg cabs, the list of their amps that I CAN'T use is - B2RE, SVT 3 pro, SVT 4 pro, SVT 7 pro, SVT 8 pro, SVT CL, SVT 450h etc etc... If I am wrong, please site right, but as far as I can read it, I for example, couldn't put an SVT 3pro through my 2 ampeg 8 ohm 1x15 cabs??[/quote] I don't know about the 15" but I have some emminence drivers from an ampeg cab they are the BP102's they have a pretty high sensitivity so they don't need to have a lot of juice to be loud and produce a good full range sound i.e good bass response, they sound fantastic, I use them with a valve hifi amp, I built 6V6 SE (with a little bit of top from a little crossover tweater) I guess a lot of their stuff is designed to be used with SVT valve stuff i.e. 300 watts. I think that is the secret to why the svt's were so loud. The BP102 is an amazing speaker even now, but for the late 60's very remarkable!!
  4. [quote name='acidbass' post='1187224' date='Apr 3 2011, 10:51 PM']So now that Guitar Emporium has shut up shop - where do we get CIJ basses from? Always fancied one of their reissue Precisions. Danny[/quote] The word is Fender are tightening up the agreements with all the distributors for all their brands worldwide, the fact is they do not want unauthorised CIJ in Europe/USA as they have the Mexican plant to feed. This has been the case for a while, but they are really trying to prevent it happening now. Possibly they may have said (may haha) that anyone selling to outside their region (may or may not ha ha) will get the chop. They have also (may have said) to all distributors that there is now possibly a minimum selling price to all products which may come into force this year, type stuff, regardless of retail or internet. But for secondhand guitars this is no problem
  5. [quote name='leprechaun' post='1185039' date='Apr 1 2011, 05:58 PM']How about a used SM58? Amongst tons of other chanters, Bono has been known to use one in the studio...great workhorse mic...[/quote] +1 they are bombproof
  6. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1184730' date='Apr 1 2011, 02:03 PM']I need to sound like an upright but have (and can only really play) an electric. I have a Precision and a Jazz Deluxe, I have flats on the Precision and it is ok, but rather flat sounding and thuddy, doesn't have that resonance and tone of an upright bass. Any recommendation for some strings that would help? I'm assuming some type of flat wound, but not necessarily the case. Thanks[/quote] Try tape wounds
  7. [quote name='chris_b' post='1184655' date='Apr 1 2011, 01:08 PM']A few years later John McVie also did the same thing on some live shows. He would be standing in front of 2 900 watt SWR stacks but FOH was being fed from a backstage SWR Baby Blue in an acoustic box.[/quote] I built a fender champ 5E3 with negative feedback for just such a purpose I run it through and old hartke 1x10 with a Emminence BP102 in it sound fantastic! Ill post some pic of it if anyone interested..... no i am not gonna sell it ha ha
  8. [quote name='chris_b' post='1184655' date='Apr 1 2011, 01:08 PM']A few years later John McVie also did the same thing on some live shows. He would be standing in front of 2 900 watt SWR stacks but FOH was being fed from a backstage SWR Baby Blue in an acoustic box.[/quote] Haha and you think anything is different now ha ha ha. James johnstopn the biff for example 1 Little bastard 2 BTA 300, if you like the sound of the LB preamp surely the logical step would be to use a 2x 427's the same preamp as the LB ha ha ha ! same with Geddy lee 2 x AB200, and a 320U rack full of effect and poweramps haha!!
  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1184602' date='Apr 1 2011, 12:39 PM']Partly... mostly others. years ago, I used an Electric Blue combo which I had no problems with. Then came the small combos (After 8, 12 & 15) were (IME) junk. The Superfly was a disaster (based on others' experience) Very few people have anything good to say about the Little Giant. They used to be a premium brand.. the Aguilar, Genz, TC, Mesa, Markbass etc. of their time. Now? Nowhere near.[/quote] I entirely agree but.... I would give em the benefit of the doubt now, they started out mustard, their early stuff is great and most of it is still around, which speaks vols of their quality back then. then they tried to go the volume route, bit of a disaster, now they are back doing what they do best making premium quality gear, their new valve range is great, I don't mind paying a bit for good kit, which is what it is, and no I won't buy a chinese made little bastard!!! but thats me. i am like that with cars too! I just hope this mi, fits their original business model and is not made from cheap ar£se bits. No one wants a bass amp that only lasts a year and has f00k all resale value, its false economy, I learnt the hard way ha ha !!
  10. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='1184082' date='Mar 31 2011, 11:12 PM']I wouldn't do it.You can't predict that you won't need an extension cab one day,plus it may lower it's resale value.As an aside,I'm fairly sure that Trace Elliots used Eminence speakers.[/quote] +1 on the advice. Trace used ``celestions or in the early days Fanes, I would just buy a replacement from Lean business
  11. [quote name='Beedster' post='1184094' date='Mar 31 2011, 11:19 PM']And don't forget the magical ingredients; the denim, the hair, and the weed [/quote] Hahaha tight denim at that does things for your playing i've heard
  12. [quote name='Balcro' post='1183903' date='Mar 31 2011, 08:58 PM']Ah! so that explains it. The English soft bass and the drier faster attack with stronger fundamental of the American gear. I can remember back to about '67 & on to 74 and wondered why it sounded different. Marshall ruled the roost back then but if you couldn't afford Marshall then it was Sound City. If you had some cash to spare you used Orange or Hi-Watt. Balcro.[/quote] And I am forgetting the B102 from Eminence used in SVT and such like still a very good speaker, but back them pretty amazing...
  13. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='1183845' date='Mar 31 2011, 08:28 PM']The production of it has alot to do with it too. I'd say you're not hearing the actual sound of the amp and bass. It's gone through a process via the mixing desk before it gets to you [/quote] True but most instruments were recorded live in those days using microphones and the effects available on the desk aside from a bit of valve compression were fairly limited, but you are right they used a lot of valve powered mixers, I guess they coloured the sound a lot with valvey goodness Telefunken 7025 need I say more!!
  14. [quote name='dan670844' post='1183750' date='Mar 31 2011, 07:28 PM']I think possibility its a microhead almost pedal size, kind of LG preamp thing, based on Amplifier on a chip technology 150-200 watts possibily.... ha ha just rumour I have heard he he. If they have based it on the chip I think they have, it should be pretty good, as the sound quality is great, same tech that is used in roberts dab radios which have excellent sound quality maybe[/quote] just hope it doesnt overheat haha ha!!!
  15. [quote name='Paultrader' post='1183592' date='Mar 31 2011, 05:25 PM']I've got a playlist on my Ipod of 60s and 70s American music. Bands like The Allman Brothers, Little Feat, The Byrds, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Steve Miller, Canned Heat etc. I love this stuff - I've always thought that the Yanks make amazing music. The tone of the bass, and the placing of it in the mix, fascinates me. It sounds like pure P Bass sound to me; warm, deep and filling out the lower register - quite indistinct at times. Also, full-on playing. I know that recording techniques were different then, but it feels quite different to the British sound of the time which I always think of as edgy and tight (excepting the Entwhistle roar perhaps). What do you all think - does anyone else share my love of this particular sound? In both my bands, the others are always asking for 'more treble', consequently the Jazz is my first bass for gigging because it has that grunt and edge, but last night I took my 76 P bass to the practice, and the tone filled out the sound as only a P can - magic! Cheers, Paul[/quote] Tone of the bass, Maybe it was a bit to do with the amps...... just a theory, Americans used Beam tetrode in bass amps 6550 (Ampeg) 6L6 (Fender) most of the UK amps of the time used EL34's a Pentode. I have always thought the ole E34 was pretty sh*te for bass as it has a saggy bottom, that lacks definition at the lo end and the high end, . Good for guitar though. Probably totally wrong, but I love the sound of old Bassmans and SVT and B15's. Feel free to get the cheese grater out on my theory though!!!!
  16. [quote name='ras52' post='1183536' date='Mar 31 2011, 04:49 PM']This is tangential to the "Does anyone else avoid open strings?" thread... does anyone else avoid the (unopen) G string? I've been playing an accompanying line in Dm with a range of a 12th from the low F to middle C and I'm racing up and down the bottom 3 strings (of a 4-string). Playing the C on the G string just doesn't do it for me. Is this nature's way of telling me I need heavier-guage strings? I'll quite happily use the top string for solo passages (and of course religiously practise my scales all over the board), but it occurred to me that I'll typically only use it in octave passages in a "regular" bass line.[/quote] All the strings all the time, I am very economic with movement ha ha, I think its important to have some nice balanced pickups, which are set up right, to give the right volume and tone. Also using hybrid string helps I am into the Fender 7250's at the mo, they have a very balanced sound across the board, they are prob just Ernies!!! but they sound good, Roto's are also good for this, but to me they are like saw wire
  17. [quote name='eude' post='1183365' date='Mar 31 2011, 02:30 PM'][url="http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150448535510394&oid=29324345560&comments"]http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=...60&comments[/url] You don't need a facebook account to see it. What are they up to...? Discuss. Eude[/quote] I think possibility its a microhead almost pedal size, kind of LG preamp thing, based on Amplifier on a chip technology 150-200 watts possibily.... ha ha just rumour I have heard he he. If they have based it on the chip I think they have, it should be pretty good, as the sound quality is great, same tech that is used in roberts dab radios which have excellent sound quality maybe
  18. [quote name='Doddy' post='1182246' date='Mar 30 2011, 02:16 PM']Is that from Idiot....sorry Expert ( ) Village by any chance?[/quote] Ha ha when I am feeling sad its a great pick me up watching that tripe, still havent got over the 18" incher ha ha!
  19. [quote name='Bankai' post='1127808' date='Feb 15 2011, 12:23 AM']Hello. I decided to start this for my own interest but I suppose it'll prove interesting for most of us. What I'd like you to do is copy the form below and reply with it filled in. In a couple of weeks I'll collate the responses and we'll see what's out there! -Your [b]first bass[/b] is fairly self explanatory. -Your [b]go-to bass[/b] means the one bass you'd take to cover all bases in a way. For example you get called to a gig blind and you need a reliable workhorse that'll be able to do anything and work well. -And [b]'Your' / signature bass[/b] means the bass that gives you YOUR tone, The one bit of wood that's your signature. You can only put ONE bass for each category, no matter how much it might pain you! [b] First Bass Owned: 'Go To' Bass: 'Your' Bass: [/b] EDIT: Thanks for all the replies so far, please make sure you only give ONE bass for each answer, and that you answer all categories, otherwise I can't use your infos [/quote] Easy Jazz bass Japan still have a nice bass! Jazz bass USA Jazz bass USA
  20. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1181314' date='Mar 29 2011, 08:18 PM']Basically, with an isobaric 2x12 like the Orange one, you get all the volume of a 1x12, in a box 'twice' as big. Twice in quotes as only the box behind the rear speaker counts. Most bass cabs are undersized for their speaker loadout, so the perception it these boxes are very bottomy. But you could make a standard 2x12 at the same price, and eq in some more bottom, as you'd have twice as much useful power handling, and sensitivity, because you have twice as much speaker touching the air, but the box would be necessarily bigger. Edit: Another way of picturing it: You are sticking together two speakers to make one speaker that is twice the weight, with twice the motor power, but with the same air moving ability as one speaker.[/quote] Ha ha so what everyone is saying there are no advantages ha ha!!! I always thought it was something to do with weather........... wind!!!
  21. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1180629' date='Mar 29 2011, 11:49 AM']So, is the consensus that these are ok - but with some horryfing exceptions - but that there are definitely better options available in the lightweight space? Assuming I would need to scale my budget up/stop drinking coke to fund, with the usual suspects being GB, Orange and Markbass? £600-£700?[/quote] Yes they are ok for the 'money' I have learnt by bitter experience over the years just not to bother with cheap gear, when I didn't have quite enough money ha ha I went through quite a few bass amps, no names mentioned, what I should of done at the time (a long time ago hahah) is just buy the best, the best at the time (that i liked) solid state was trace elliot. If I tot up all the money of these other amps compared to the trace, i prob spent double or triple the cost of the trace unit. I still have this bass head a Trace Elliot A200 Series 6, it still works great after 20 years...... Higher end stuff is generally more reliable, even more important, fixable and when you have had enough of it floggable and you will suprised how little you loose on residual value. I would get your Hartke repaired, then if you really want light go uber, you want Aguilar, Eden, SWR. Genz (higher spec models) Markbass, etc yes I would be honestly looking at £6-700 minimum. I would prob go for the eden trav or something like that. But also never order online, if you spend a day going to Bass Blah whatever you will be able to try em obviously, but also you will be able to haggle some serious discount!!! The LG were out for a couple of years ask around how many people are still using them, I wonder why as they sound pretty good............
  22. [quote name='indiegrungesound' post='1179745' date='Mar 28 2011, 05:03 PM']I've said this before on here, but I'm afraid I'm in the "Not a Big fan" camp re: the Little Giants. I waited 7 months to get hold of one of the first of the amps-if not THE first-in the country back in 2009(So I stumped up the deposit back in 2008). Finally got it. It sounded great through the music shop's Warwick 4x10". Thought it'd be the perfect replacement for MY Hartke HA3500. After that, it got increasingly worse over the course of the year. At one gig, Some the buttons fell off & the DI didn't work. 9 months later, It packed up at a rehearsal a few hours before a gig. 3 months after that, the same thing happened at an audition. I could have just had a bad one, but I wouldn't recommend one without you at leats trying it first. Even THEN, I say go for one of the MANY other small amp options.[/quote] Mine has seen at lot of use, you must of had a dodgy one......, but i echo your comments they are low rent items (cheap parts) but produce a decent sound, if you can get over their inherent design defect (pre power amp loading) and you treat them with kid gloves they are pretty good. What I cannot understand is the little giant and for that matter the superfly were partnered with the superfly cabs , which where high end UK made cabs of good quality, that were expensive, bit of a mismatch. Would have been better to do a good quality lightweight head like everyone else as the Preamp on the LG is pretty good, then they would have a bench mark. But I guess they don't care as the LG /Superfly sold pretty well. If I had to buy a lightweight I would be looking at a genz shuttle or mark bass secondhand. Cheap gear is a false economy, my LG1000 has been retired from front line rehearsal duty unless i have to get the tube, for the most part I use a 1992 series 6 trace Elliot head, bought it new, never had any problems with it apart from a few dry joints, reckon I have got my coin out of that, quality counts, but quality costs money
  23. [quote name='dan670844' post='1177168' date='Mar 26 2011, 02:03 PM']1. Torzal twist bass very cool 2. Gibson EB just cos i have never tried one 3.German Warwick streamer stage 11 when I get round to finding a good one 4. Fender Bass V ok is not really a bass but would like to find a decent one 5. Yamaha BB2004 a yamaha with mojo Bass I have tried that I loved but never got round to buying 1. Mark 1 Wal amazing Thanks Colin! 2. 60 Precision growly monster at manny's guitar 3 Early Warwick Thumb 4. Mark 3 Wal again very nice 5. Guild starfire mmm!![/quote] Ok the reasons 1. Torzal twist bass , because it is different and hopefully solves an age old problem of wrist ache and they a quality made by a guy who puts everything into every instrument 2. Gibson EB never tried one would like to try and tame the beast! short scale as well 3. Warwick streamer II quality and tone, clear as a bell 4. Fender Bass VI cos oftentimes has to play bass parts written by guitarists................ 5. Yamaha BB2004 love the shape of the neck on these, fits the hand like a glove well at least mine, jazzy tones But then again I do love my current stock of jazzers, so..............
  24. [quote name='Gust0o' date='Mar 28 2011, 11:36 AM' post='1179290'] I'm considering some options following iCastle's kind repair of my Hartke 3500 head. Whilst I'm considering lightening the bass collection, I'm also looking at lightening the amp too - possibly leaving the Hartke at the rehearsal space where it can do some good, and picking up something light yet powerful for playing live. My requirements would run as follows: [list]Light Powerful (c.350W or more) and able to be used in small venues Ease of use Bag over hardcase Good rock tone [/list] It was suggested that something like the Ashdown Little Giant - in either 350W or 1000W incarnations - might do the job. Was hoping we'd have some users on the forum able to share their experiences. I use a LG1000 occasionally, I was given it! the preamp is a great sounding one, sounds very much like a trace elliot series 6, the eq is really easy to use once you get your head round it. Flat its middish, typically tracey series 6 sound, which would give you a rockish tone, but its pretty clean, with a great deal of fidelity. Has two presets a deep, which turns it into a very old school thump, very warm (well for a valve less ABM ish sound) then it has the typical trace type preshape i.e boosted lows, scouped mids, boosted attack. The problem with the preamp is you have to feed a pretty strong signal into it, so when I use it with older jazz basses I usually boost the input signal with a Art valve mic preamp, sounds great. Now onto the power amp, I have not tried the 350watt but the LG1000 does not feel like 1000watts, I would say with both side of the power amp up into diff cabs (they cannot be bridged) it feels like 300 watts amp max, this is with most other cabs I have tried in rehearsal studios etc (obviously I don't run it like this, but in the interest of science and what not). But I have found this with all of the lightweight stuff I have tried, it doesnt have enough transient response for me, but for rock it should be ok. Having said all this if you can find one or two of the superfly cabs, they are a fantastic little setup, I have a Superfly 484 which is basically 2 x 8 cabs in one cab 500 watts a piece fantastic. I think these drivers have a very high SPL. I have since tried it in a old Ampeg 8x10 which BP102's in it sound great and as loud as you like, but hey I guess thats pretty pointless. All I am saying is you need a good high spl cab to go with it. If I had to buy this kind of thing I would be looking at a 300 watt shuttle prob best of what I have tried (of course there are high powered ones but £). Orange terror is also ok but £
  25. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1178432' date='Mar 27 2011, 04:25 PM']I love tiny little rigs and am always interested in seeing what can be done with stupidly small bass rigs - ie micro heads and 1x10 or 1x12 compact cabs. I put this setup together a while ago after using my Superfly with another small cab. It's tiny, loud enough for practices and weighs next to nothing. It comprises: Ashdown Superfly - £199 new EA CXL110c with Deltalite - About £200, off here and Blue Aran Obbm 50cm Speakon cable - £8 off here So watcha got? Anyone gig a minature rig regularly?[/quote] Ha I saw someone giggin something like that in a club in covent garden he was using a Eden lightweight head though, big club, guitarist had a full on marshall jcm stack, it looked so funny, he was obiously di'ed, but he had enough for him to hear himself i guess
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