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Everything posted by dan670844

  1. Oh and I forgot to say they are silent ( when you are not playing) even when dimed no hiss hum bliss.....
  2. No contest all of above knocked into a cocked hat by Ashdown CTM300 is everything you ever want in a valve amp, can do ultra clean high fidelity, roaring ampeg mids, bassman tones and its own beautiful tone. It has a high end too, it dirties up very nicely better than an svt. It is every tone you ever wanted and then some, very simple to use, dial in, easy to look after, you dont need matched output tubes. You can bias it yourself change tubes without taking it out of the case in minutes. The best thing about it is the transformer derived DI like the LB30 so all the lovely power tubeness goes to the pa Soft start so you cant strip your cathodes It has serious power, rib rattle Properly designed heavy dutyt component board by someone who understands high voltage and heat! Hand made in Essex England by one of three people the designer is Matamp! (Dave Green) = Beautiful sound, Reliable, easy to live with a workhorse that you can use everyday. It is without doubt the most versatile, lovely sounding amp I have ever heard and I have had SVT's High end trace elliot back in the day. Baseman's, B15s It came out in the 60s it would be an icon enough said Only caveat is you need very good quality cabs, like Ashdown CL it will mincemeat lesser cabs in minutes regardless of wattage!
  3. [quote name='Pow_22' timestamp='1346787939' post='1793322'] My Dream Amp!!!! Youre too far away from here for me but im sure itll sound awsome. Im just saving up for one as we speak. You say £1200, ive not managed to find one less than the generic £1599 [/quote] dont worry dude we are playing Manchester before Christmas I will let you know where when, if you turn up early with your bass you can do the soundcheck with Sinclair
  4. If you are one of the many people who emailed me about my Ashdown CTM 300 and how it sounds, well I will be playing with the band Fonixx at the New Cross Inn, London on Friday 7th September we are headlining, on at 10pm its free so if you are about feel free to come and have a listen before you part with £1200 quid! Either will use a LB2x12 or a CL 6x10 dont know never been there! the 6x10 might be overkill haha! Real treat for me as taking the chair on the drums is Sinclair Seales lee scratch perrys drummer. www.newcrossinn.com fonixx on facebook Should be a laugh although we havent rehearsed as everybody has been touring with their proper bands!
  5. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1345644577' post='1779927'] Aston Barrett mainly used 410's, so 15’s and 18’s isn’t the only "sound" of reggae. Those old 80's Peavey BW 115's were wonderful. If they were a quarter of the weight I'd still be using mine. I briefly used their 215 cab but it didn't sound as good to me. [/quote] Family man generally ( In the past) used an 8x10 and a jazz bass, a good reggae tone is what you take away not add. I.e rollaway the top and leave the bottom end alone, gives a fat defined tone . Big cabs like a 2x15 and 6x10 8x10 usually have a natural 100hz bump emphasis, which helps this. Aston's and others, tone comes from the fact that he tone bleeds his jazz. Basicially if you turn both volumes down equally on a jazz it rolls the top end off giving a righteous fat Ashanti tone!!
  6. I love mine I use it with the LB212, well loud enough for monitoring and the DI FOH takes care of the rest. This amp is the perfect amp for me, as you can get the old school slight scoop but with a flip of a switch it pulls the low mids up, perfect for a jazz bass really gives it some punch and growl. The preamp is also proper sensitive, great for passive basses can leave the boost pedal at home now! The LB212 also has fantastic dispersion for such a tiddler you can really hear your playing. Can't see me finding anything better.
  7. I heard somewhere that a 2x15, 6x10 and 8x10 will give you a naturally pronounced hump at 100hz. I guess as a result of the coupling effect of the multiple (same drivers). Could be a load of chuff though!! Also I have always been impressed with the old peavey stuff, it sounds very cool and is loud and reliable. Do not think the same of the newer amps cabs thoughno where near as good. Also where was the amp if it was in a corner of a room you will also get a enhanced bass response.
  8. I regularly gig with my all valve Ashdown LB30 in my side project band, Its DIed for FOH, and for monitors, but I find it more than loud enough for monitoring on small / mid size stages. Its all to do with volumes, the drummer and guitarist play at realistic volumes, so I can be heard the FOH makes the noise. The tone is lush! I have never found 'that tone' from a class D amp.
  9. If it helps I am pure jazz bass I have 2 three knob jazzes and two stack knobs, a reissue and an original. Both stacks have less top end and a smoother rounded tone they also have a better low end definition, if thats your thing then go for it. Great for motown and reggae I guess. Not so good for funk etc. There is not a great deal off difference but there is a difference. If you are looking for that bright punchy bridge for funk I would stick with the three knob. Also With the three knob job there are a wider range of tones. You can emulate the stacked treble roll off on a three knob by rolling of the both volumes equally a little to get the tone bleed, thats basically what all the reggae dudes did like aston family man. I use the stack knobs more because of the necks they both have 7.25" slab board necks. If I have been playing a lot they are godsend they fit you hand like a glove and are very easy to move around and fret. I can get my tone from both styles of jazz, but my core tone is pretty std. I use valve amps( LB30 and CTM300) they both have enough preamp sensitivity to make a jazz sing. I would imagine you have to boost the signal on most other amps to get the signal level right with a jazz to give it a nice tone and punch. If your pickup installation is shielded properly you should not encounter any higher buzz from the stack knob config. As you know all jazzes hum a little when pickups are soloed. If you want to emulate a period correct stack knob they made them between 1960- to mid 1962 the body shape is slightly different and the neck profile is wildly different from later jazzes with clay dots as markers and a huge slab of brasilian rosewood. They are as rare as rocking doo, not because they are the ultimate jazz bass, morever because they were at the time very expensive and the neck design was such that that most of them suffered neck twist and the pots where dodgy so a lot went back to fender for remanufacturing. I guess thats is why they changed to the three knob style. The ulimate jazz bass is for sure the 1963-1965 three knob i.e the one that John Paul Jones played in Zep
  10. Hi I am interested send me a private message cheers dan
  11. He is my pedal board.... Thats it, dont use one anymore since I changed to my pure valve set up. degrades the tone from my jazz and the CTM and LB30. But then I have gone ultra old school at the moment!
  12. Well if there is a south east bash soon i will bring it, it really needs to be tried! It does amazing hifi clean modern sounds, but with tube warmth, also old school is there if you want it, it even slaps pretty good not that i am a slapper! has a great top end, push a button and its an svt killer, push another button and it has a higher gain structure for your rock thing, it cuts through guitars like butter. The passive tone stack is amazing, very versatile and the power amp is very dynamic. The amp is also very easy to look after, you dont need matched sets of tubes as each tube is individually biasable,So simple to bias you can do it on the stage without opening her up. Its amazingly well built and built to last and loud it isnt the word! They have very wide bandwidth output transformer so have ultra deep low if you want them. They are big, but not that heavy, no where near as the last svt I had it was a back breaker. This amp will cause a stirr, just wait to see whos gonna endorse this amp! And people still nail Ashdown, why? Look who is using their stuff now, JJ Burnell, Mark King (has) Norman Watt Roy etcetc and all these artists pay for their gear, they dont get it free, or get paid to stand in front of it !!!!
  13. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1336776841' post='1651082'] I just got my first amp and it's a MAG 300 EVO II combo - love the sound, certainly loud enough for my audience which is made up of my two dogs. I did take a while to decide which amp to get but I'm glad I didn't jump and get the first one I considered (it was a GK MB112) as the Ashdown sound is far more in keeping with the type of music I listen to. I posted on another thread that I didn't get the amp I was expecting when I ordered this one from Thomann, but it's all good . Hope you remain as delighted as you currently are! Deb [/quote] Mags are nice amps esp with jazzes and precisions nice tone!
  14. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1336600832' post='1648404'] Congratulations on the new arrival . My new Ashdown amp arrived yesterday and I'm also very happy with mine - big thumbs from me too [/quote] Wadda get? only Ashdown now for me, got rid of everything else I got ancient ABM, Mibass, UK LB, and now this, cabs I got a LB212 CL610 and Im after a mibass 12 cab when they are about. 99 % of the time I use my LB30 just love that amp, gonna be buried with it. This CTM is over kill for me a LB200 is probably all I need, (if they existed) but you gotta just do it and these have a valve driven transformerated di like the lb's and the plugs on the front, hell yes! Loud it is!
  15. [quote name='phatbass787' timestamp='1336601153' post='1648410'] It's a custom shop one of these by the look of it - http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?section=valve&ID=267 [/quote] Its a prototype CTM voiced like a little bastard, It kills an SVT stone dead, and ive had a few SVT's!!
  16. Amazing amplifier, wonderful clean tones, eq amazing, beautifully handmade, extremely powerful, its Number 3, cant wait to put it to work this summer!
  17. Any Mark V or series 6 are great amps, they also can be repaired fairly easily in the unlikely event they go wrong, dont discount the 7 band stuff, 12 band is awesome but the amount of tone shaping is unreal, and until you get used to it you could make some seriously bad sounds! Later Smx are also ok, but very complicated, compressor on the smx is the muts. Aviod the older cabs now they sound amazing but they are very heavy, better off going barefaced me thinks, or Bassysteme www.basssysteme.de. Few lightweight amps (unless they are very expensive) can drive the lows like these old amps Left-field have a look at the Ashdown Labs MK500 or JJburnel job, its essentially a Series 6 GP12, with modern components, but built to the same quality and very much the same sound. Apparently a few users of The old series 6 GP12, ganged up on Mark Gooday, (owner of ashdown and former part owner of trace elliot) haha to get him to make a replacement for their ageing amps, so its essentially the same amp, with a series of endorsers Mark King, JJ and others to come...... This is the way I would go if you are using it a lot, some of the old trace stuff is approaching 30 years old!
  18. My LB 212 is defo feels around 15kg which is astounding considering its output,( I am actually going to weigh it on some scales, will get back to you with the definitive) I am not saying the VS are heavy either, when you compare them with similar offerings in the market. Both the VS and the LB are great cabs, they really sound fantastic and because of the shape of them they are easy to move through doors etc and have great on stage dispersion. But who is going to be the first to run two VS212 ? ha ha that would be silly loud!
  19. [quote name='phatbass787' timestamp='1334962987' post='1624265'] Oooo! Do tell! [/quote] I will show all when it arrives!
  20. nope it must be a typo I have one defo got two jazz pickups, and stack knobs, great sounding bass.
  21. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1334939940' post='1623851'] With them opening up their "custom shop" they'll make you anything you want these days [/quote] Good on em! I know they are making me something just at the moment, hope they finish it soon, big amp less at the moment!
  22. LB212 is a great cab powerful, light, tight deep lows, made in uk, exquistly made (well mine is) very well balanced thoughout the range, outstanding value for money. vs is good but heavy and looses 100 watts power. I guess if people starting going on at ashdown they will make some more lb's. They do listen! This could be clever marketing, their UK made stuff is lush. I would have paid £100-200 more for my LB it is a great cab.
  23. Edie Brickell and the new bohemians stranger things a great album that everybody should hear!
  24. Olá Litos, bem-vindo, como vai?
  25. I have a LB212 a really great cab, It sounds fantastic, light and beautifully made (in uk) it has great lows and good mids / highs even though its got no tweater. It is also very sensitive so its loud, great dispersion. It also is very clean, it handles rated power nicely. The VS series, I was told are identical except the vs is chinese made (still fantastic build quality) and has custom made ceramic drivers rather than the uk made neos, bit heavier but still a great cab, 112 are also great cabs. There are quite a quite a few lb112 still around, you can pick them up at the same price as a vs equivalent which is a steal, considering the price of the drivers in them. In hindsight I would have gone for two VS/ LB112, as it gives me more options for rehearsals etc. But I am happy with the LB212 its seriously all you ever need for most gigs, it has a great on stage dispersion, and sounds fantastic from any angle, happy bunny here. I am using my Di'ed LB30 and 212 for most stuff I am doing, ( we are all miced / di ed even the drummer, I cant be arsed with stupid on stage vol) . But I have got some big shows lined up in the summer, so have got a CTM300 and CL610 on order, cant wait. LB30 CTM300 are seriously ground breaking amps (these are the work of Dave Green, the ex Matamp designer) the VS LB and CL cabs are also fantastic, they need to be to keep up with these amps. I also like the MIbass def, the best lightweight amp around at the moment, esp if you use it with an optical valve squasher like a EHX Blackfinger, blows all other lighweight stuff into the weeds.
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