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Everything posted by TomTom

  1. Here's one from a band practice a few weeks ago. Its pretty much the only one where im not moving or making a stupid face lol
  2. TNIT, you're pretty much coming off as repressed. Perhaps it might not be such a bad idea to open your mind a little. I usually listen to Metal, but i pretty much like a little bit of everything. Elton John included, and i refuse to believe that someone can hate every song in a repetoire of an artist as diverse as he is, without there being some kind of prejudicial foundation. I depise Lady Gaga, i think shes everything i hate about celebrity tbh, but for me to say i will absoultely hate every song she's ever gonna write, would be childish, and i'd only be lying to myself and everyone else. Ellie Goulding has a good voice, is a decent song writer, and as stated before, a multi instrumentalist, for which she has my respect. Im not gonna run out and buy her albums any time soon though.
  3. TomTom


    I have a 4 string Mav and they really are excellent. And LOUD.
  4. Rio, by Duran Duran. Awesome.
  5. I could have traded a bass for this less than a week ago, and now you put it up for sale? Would you be interested in any trades? I cant justify spending any more money on instruments, but i REALLY wanted this bass.
  6. I am very annoyed at you. Snatching the ESP Jazz away from me, and now tempting me with this! I cant part with my CIJ Jazz though, its just too good.
  7. GUTTED! I should check the F/S section more often.
  8. PM'd
  9. TomTom


    I wish i had £90 spare
  10. [quote name='Vinny' post='926540' date='Aug 16 2010, 03:12 PM']I tend to agree with most of the posts on the subject of "awful", I don't ever remember seeing a band and thinking 'Even I'm better than him' etc. Having said that... Snow Patrol, anyone....?[/quote] I think i could play every section, on every instrument, of every song they have released - and id class myself as awful. But, people lap that sh*t up. And i have to say, as crap as i think it is, id rather listen to it all day, than some of the jazz stuff that gets wailed about on here. I cant stand it.
  11. Ill take the case for £50 inc p+p?
  12. Have you thought about a soft case? Im gonna be ordering one of these for my new jazz: [url="http://www.dv247.com/cases/skb-1-skb-sc44-rectangular-bass-soft-case--42261"]http://www.dv247.com/cases/skb-1-skb-sc44-...oft-case--42261[/url] Only a tenner more and seem to offer a lot more protection.
  13. Im pretty sure i havnt played it yet. Ive had a few basses, none of which were expensive, and my favorite out of all of them is my Ibanez Ergodyne. I just like the way it plays, although im really hoping the CIJ Jazz thats currently on its way to me will blow me away. If not, ill be replacing it with another Ibanez probably.
  14. I always play in drop c with my band and i have my ibanez set up for it. I normally use Elite 110s which sound pretty good for me, although next time ill be trying the DR DDT's.
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='911437' date='Jul 31 2010, 07:23 PM']After trawling through the thread listening to all the suggestions, I've concluded that the answer to the OP's question is.... no. [/quote] +1
  16. FML. You had to wait till ive JUST bought a new bass before you posted this. Lol. Bump for an awesome bit of kit.
  17. Im currently in the process of aquiring a Fender Jazz, and when it arrives, im gonna need something a little more substanial that a gig bag to keep it in. I like the look of the soft cases, and have found a couple that seem reasonably priced: [url="http://www.dv247.com/cases/gator-gl-bass-lightweight-bass-guitar-case--34870"]http://www.dv247.com/cases/gator-gl-bass-l...tar-case--34870[/url] [url="http://www.dv247.com/cases/skb-1-skb-sc44-rectangular-bass-soft-case--42261"]http://www.dv247.com/cases/skb-1-skb-sc44-...oft-case--42261[/url] Just wondering what peoples opinions of these two are, and if there are any alternatives people would suggest. Thanks, Tom.
  18. I Think there is a good deal of snobbery - Ibanez and Esp barely ever get mentioned on here it seems, and i own one of each lol. Maybe im just too metal for my own good.
  19. BUMP
  20. What a guy! Iv also got a maverick that i need to sell, but the lack of interest is astounding. Some real snobbery going on here.
  21. Where are you based? Very interested as i already have a cheaper ESP B series, which is a delight.
  22. Cant justify keeping this bass as it never gets played. I cant gig without straplocks as i move around too much, and i cant fit them to this. Also, I just love my Ibanez too much. Its a great bass, very solid, very fast, and VERY LOUD. Really versatile in terms of sound, loads of sustain. As far as im aware, they were made in korea, and built over here. The whole package just feels great quality. Its hard to write too much about this bass because Maverick are no longer, and im afraid i dont know much about it, other than it looks good, plays good and sounds good. Couple of reviews from HC: [url="http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/93000"]http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/93000[/url] [url="http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/100719"]http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/100719[/url] Its hard to know where to price it, so ill say £280, but im open to offers. The Bass is MINT, doesnt have a mark on it that my eyes can see. [url="http://img96.imageshack.us/i/dsc0118dp.jpg/"][/url] Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url] [url="http://img704.imageshack.us/i/dsc0119d.jpg/"][/url] Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url] [url="http://img138.imageshack.us/i/dsc0120vi.jpg/"][/url] Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url] [url="http://img35.imageshack.us/i/dsc0121zn.jpg/"][/url] Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url]
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