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Everything posted by SJA

  1. check out this review of the 10 string version- [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/Tennessee/10+String+Bass/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...tring+Bass/10/1[/url] "I've been a musician for 20 years, worked in music stores, bought top of the line and a lot of cheap Japanese/Chinese/Korean instruments, but this is the biggest turd I've ever laid my hands on." they've gone bigger and worse!
  2. it says elsewhere he used it on a recording in 1975. I've an old copy of Bass Player that lists basses he used- I'll have to dig it out to see if it says when it was made.
  3. [url="http://www.jacop.net/hammock.html"]http://www.jacop.net/hammock.html[/url]
  4. Jaco Pastorius had a 5 string acoustic (with a high C), I think in the 70's...have to dig around for a pic. ps. who made that acoustic? I presume a UK custom builder- Fylde, Manson, Kinkade, Button?
  5. I like some of BP's april fools jokes- eg. a product profile of a 6 string short-scale piccolo bass, tuned eadgbe- with a pic of a strat.
  6. I think Laney still make their valve gear in the UK. =pay a premium for UK manufacture. maybe the veblen goods exclusivity will make them more desirable.
  7. fretless P action- [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4P3UO-gmWQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4P3UO-gmWQ[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phB4qgwN0Ug"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phB4qgwN0Ug[/url] (mini solo at 3.45)
  8. in 1994 when they revamped the US standards (when the graphite reinforcement and thru-stringing was introduced), it was the other way round- there was a lined fretless P but no fretless J.
  9. Four tops- the same old song quite a good practice exercise for 1 finger per fret, as you can play the entire line between the 2nd and 5th frets across the strings.
  10. I think I'm going to have nightmares about that 15 string bass- of getting to a gig, and then opening my gigbag to find that thing inside :wacko:
  11. could be a bass roll-off.
  12. chunky die-cast bridge (but still original), like the type later used on G&L basses.
  13. I'm using Peavey .88 , er, green ones. a bit like Dunlop Tortex. I find that gauge is a good compromise for me between percussive clang, and "give" when playing fast alternating style. but how hard you pick, and how firmly you hold the pick will affect what gauge you prefer.
  14. JJ Burnel also had a Wal pro with (leather?) scratchplate- it's in the video for "bearcage" [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CldS6LHsCu0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CldS6LHsCu0[/url] and I think it's on the whole "gospel according to the meninblack" album.
  15. "changes" by Yes uses an 8 string, but Chris Squire has it tuned differently- 5ths on the D & G, octaves on the E and A (or the other way round- can't remember!)
  16. check out this site for examples of intervals, and songs they're in- [url="http://www.musicalintervalstutor.info/listenpg.html"]http://www.musicalintervalstutor.info/listenpg.html[/url] major 7th, I remember from Devo's "girl you want".
  17. ps. there was a live archive set from Bow wow wow on 6music the other day, and I'm sure Leigh Gorman was using his Wal pro. unfortunately his tone/setup was a bit rattly for the notes to come out clearly on "go wild in the country" (excellent bassline)
  18. ah, there it is- [url="http://www.trevorandthea.eclipse.co.uk/wal_specifications.htm"]http://www.trevorandthea.eclipse.co.uk/wal...cifications.htm[/url]
  19. IIRC the guy's name was John G Perry? the bass was a cross between a Fender mustang and a Guild- pickups and hardware cannibalised off both.
  20. [url="http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2008/feb/28/guardianmediagroup.radio?gusrc=rss&feed=media"]http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2008/feb/2...&feed=media[/url] JazzFM to relaunch on DAB? hurray! but DAB is in trouble- [url="http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a5c32e60-ea3f-11dc-b3c9-0000779fd2ac.html?nclick_check=1"]http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a5c32e60-ea3f-11...?nclick_check=1[/url] looks like the beeb has to switch radio 1 and 2 to DAB only to encourage take-up of the technology by consumers.
  21. obvious difference- the Joe Osbourne has 20 frets (3 dot/block markers past the octave), the Daryl Jones has 21 (4 markers past the octave). it's a JO.
  22. bah, didn't spot the arrow between drummer and bassist go both ways.
  23. [quote name='josh3184' post='151820' date='Mar 5 2008, 04:11 PM']I KNEW IT. Thought a bassist that good couldnt be in a band that ass...[/quote] -it's "pretty little ditty" (on Mother's milk) sampled for Butterfly.
  24. [quote name='Bass_In_Yer_Face' post='151713' date='Mar 5 2008, 01:48 PM']Are Derek Forbe's new outfit any good?...i love that early simple minds stuff[/quote] it's mainly Minds and Big Country covers, but they're working on new material too- [url="http://www.fourgoodmen.com"]http://www.fourgoodmen.com[/url]
  25. ps. my choice of one pedal would be chorus, for the 80's bass sound- New Order/Cure/Cult/Siouxsie/and pseudo-fretless sound.
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