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Everything posted by SJA

  1. [quote name='Doc B' post='108796' date='Dec 24 2007, 08:47 AM']Another option would be to make a pedal board with an attached 4 or 6 way extension socket to power everything. You could plug the amp into the board's multisocket. Having a pedal board would save time connecting up all your FX, tuner etc.[/quote] that reminds me of what the guitarist in my previous covers band did- he had a pedalboard made of sheet steel, wedge-shaped, and fitted his pedals on the top surface,-actually drilled holes through them and screwed them in place he also did the same with a mains 4way in the hollow underside of the pedalboard. yes, he drilled holes THROUGH THE 4WAY to hold it in place guess what eventually happened? setting up at a gig in Holland, in '99, mains voltage through the pedalboard, and a fried Digitech Whammy and Morley wah would you believe the guy works as a builder?
  2. Simple Minds- glittering prize, waterfront, new gold dream, big sleep, changeling, I travel.....pretty much any of the Derek Forbes era tracks.
  3. brilliant. you can just imagine a cut to someone in the audience, looking at disbelief at that bass, and then looking at the bottle he's drinking from, á la guy on the beach in The Spy Who Loved me seeing Rog drive the Lotus Esprit out of the sea
  4. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/81/17169981.html"]http://www.gumtree.com/london/81/17169981.html[/url] not mine BTW. no stunner, but you can't go much cheaper for a starter fretless.
  5. The Cure- fascination street IIRC there's only 7 note pitches in the whole thing throughout, but it's the hook of the song. Stranglers- nice n' sleazy Joe Jackson- is she really going out with him (as ripped off by the Raconteurs) The Cult- resurrection joe Elvis Costello & the attractions- I don't want to go to chelsea
  6. +6 so that's 1034.5?
  7. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veblen_good"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veblen_good[/url]
  8. yep, he's charging what the market will bear. but his claim that supposed rising materials costs is a contributing factor seems like BS to me.
  9. usually front/P-bass pickup, for rock, metal and most pop stuff, I go towards the bridge for snappier staccato funk things, and the end of the fingerboard for a dub tone, or for emulating a double bass. I also sometimes use a pick for rock/pop, and pick near the bridge.
  10. if it's pedals that need powering I'd reckon it would be more worthwhile to fit a power supply in the combo, so all you need would be 9v cables to connect the pedals, rather than adaptors etc. I'd be surprised if that hasn't been done by an amp manufacturer.
  11. "Solder increased 116% in the last 15 months alone. Copper has almost doubled since 2005, affecting brass components as well." if that's the case, how come the price of electronic goods hasn't shot through the roof too? how much solder and copper is in a bass or guitar, and how much in, say, a television? I seem to recall that printed circuit boards have copper tracks.
  12. can Rick charge whatever price they want, and the market will bear it? the old "reassuringly expensive" appeal of exclusivity. veblen goods, as wikipedia puts it. despite solder, copper, brass etc. prices going up, how come korean and chinese instruments just get cheaper and cheaper........
  13. "the price rise is due to increased costs" the cost of all the legal action against Rickenfakers...
  14. Somebody else's guy sounds like a Jazz being slapped (Forget-me-nots was a P-bass)- could be Marcus Miller.
  15. today I saw that quintuple neck guitar in the window of Macari's- the brandname used was Hutchins, price £499. wonder if they'll get a doubleneck guitar/bass in...
  16. I reckon a Warmoth neck would change the tone slightly too- the heavy steel reinforcing rods make the fundamental more prominent, and add sustain- the trade-off being less resonant snap to the mids. you could also get a luthier to build a graphite-reinforced neck for you. (I reckon it would cost the same as having the existing neck fitted with rods)
  17. Garry Goodman's experimenting with a 12 string with triple octaves- root, octave, and an octave above that- [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umw3LGc0keM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umw3LGc0keM[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-oO16rRtd8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-oO16rRtd8[/url]
  18. guess what- Billy Sheehan does that a lot he says it has an advantage for getting certain harmonics because your fingers flatten out more, but it seems more like a visual prop. once I saw a bassist do this at a gig, but he was just playing root notes on the E-string
  19. Billy Sheehan demonstrates his version of sweep picking on his Bass Secrets vid- turn your hand more parallel to the strings, pick each string with each finger (using 3 fingers, and you could add your thumb and little finger- I think Abe Laboriel does this, maybe Matt Garrison, Wooten etc. too) going from low to high, and then you can tap high notes as well to extend the range of the sweep.
  20. Warmoth P, because I built it. my Hohner B2A isn't really worth anything either (pretty chewed up now), but there are so many mods/quirks of my choice on both basses that it would be a pain to recreate them.
  21. [quote name='radansey' post='98360' date='Dec 3 2007, 07:42 PM']EMG Selects are good, giving a nice tonal range. The B-string output is OK, but the G-string is a tad weak. The Selects use blade pole-pieces of 2 7/8" and 3" for the neck and bridge pickups respectively - the overhang of pole-pieces is only slightly wider than the G-string to B-string dimension. Hence, whilst the other strings each sit over a pole-piece area of 1/2", the G and B's only 'see' 1/4" The trick I found that works is to crank-up the treble-side a tad to compensate - this means obviously that the B sits lower, but due to the mass of the string it seems to work (if this makes sense!)[/quote] thanks for the info, it sounds like standard width J pickups just don't have the coverage for a wide-spaced 5. I'm thinking whether a squier 5 could be routed for soapbars, or wider J 5 string pickups. Squier did do a previous P5 that had soapbars and 5-inline mini machineheads (IIRC the Protone Precision 5), but I think it had narrower spacing.
  22. [quote name='mcgraham' post='105242' date='Dec 17 2007, 10:45 AM']I'm just not sure how comfortable I feel about having the neck hacked open for a new fingerboard and/or reinforcement, even by a pro. Has anyone here had such a thing done? If so how did it turn out and how much did it run?[/quote] I had graphite rods put in the neck of a Fender Precision Plus (rosewood board), and an ebony fretboard put on, by Martin Petersen at the Gallery back in '96. the mod cost £250. the neck's a bit more stable (it's pretty slim), and there's a bit more sustain, but I don't really think it was worth it. a learning experience for me. in your case, i wouldn't recommend it, as your Geddy Lee has a one piece maple neck, and planing it down so rods can be put in, and a new fretboard put on top would be pretty drastic. a new neck- Warmoth, Status graphite IMO would be a better bet. plus you've always got the original spec neck to put back on if you want to sell it.
  23. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ROBERTS-GUITARS-ELECTRIC-GUITAR-1190-MM-NAT_W0QQitemZ280183902574QQihZ018QQcategoryZ2384QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ROBERTS-GUITARS-ELEC...4QQcmdZViewItem[/url] £75 for a Floyd rose EVH rip off?
  24. is that a see-through P-bass behind the Alembic? wonder what happened to that one.
  25. I smashed the '91 squier P I started on- after checking out a new squier I was so pissed off by how bad mine was and how much frustration it had caused....
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