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Everything posted by SJA

  1. [quote name='jazzbob' post='101796' date='Dec 9 2007, 05:23 PM']so I will ask the guy who fitted the Fender SCN's to take another look and maybe see if it is possible to entomb the pickup casing in copper too.[/quote] I meant the line the pickup cavity with foil, not the pickup itself!
  2. sounds like the pickup cavities & control cavities need screening. line them with conductive screening paint or aluminium, or better, copper foil, and connect the screen to ground. what's happening is that you're acting as an aerial for interference, but when you touch the bridge/strings/jack socket sleeve it is sent to ground- taken out. screening the pickup cavities + control cavities minimises the interference picked up , by the pickups and wiring- hopefully leaving just the string vibration signal. in some of the pics in the build diaries forum you can see the use of screening foil/paint. but some people have a quirky way of getting around it (maybe on vintage basses that can't be modded)- using a wristband going to a crocodile clip attached to the bridge- in effect grounding the player all the time.
  3. learning songs by ear, and from a chord chart, for me, in my limited experience outside of playing in bands. I'm very doubtful that anyone would tab out a part for you to play though- they might as well get a bass and play it themselves.
  4. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='100985' date='Dec 7 2007, 04:11 PM']I have just realised I have an S1 precision and as we all know, the switch on those is about as much use as a bottom without an orifice.[/quote] yeah, my '92 Precision Plus (PJ) originally had a series/parallel push button for the Lace Sensor P pickup. all it did was drop the output in parallel mode. useless.
  5. ideally the pickups cavities and control cavity should be lined with screening of some sort- aluminium or copper foil, or screening paint, connected to ground. I used Maplin self-adhesive aluminum tape, does the job, but copper foil is better, plus you can solder directly to it. re. checking earthing, use a continuity tester or multimeter between the jack socket ground and whatever point you need to test. sounds like your bridge is grounded fine though. I'd have thought your Jazz would be fully screened already though- maybe the ground connection to the screen somewhere has come loose.
  6. i like the bass riff he plays in the intro/end alongside the mandolin.
  7. [url="http://www.basscentre.com/product.asp?pID=261&cID=3"]http://www.basscentre.com/product.asp?pID=261&cID=3[/url]
  8. Peter Cooks guitar world have the contemporary one for £349. [url="http://www.petercooks.co.uk/clearance.php"]http://www.petercooks.co.uk/clearance.php[/url] IIRC the Bass Centre had it as well, but they've made their site really difficult to navigate now.
  9. did Ron Wood play his Zemaitis fretless acoustic bass on that? it does sound like a guitarist playing bass- not really holding it down, but throwing in blues licks here and there.
  10. BTW, Bassassin, is Lemmy's maple board Rick (with the star inlays) a real Rickenbacker? did they actually do maple board 4001/4003's? I know they did a maple 4004 cheyenne/laredo or whatever it was.
  11. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='100152' date='Dec 6 2007, 12:48 PM']Potentially controversial, I know, but I just don't have any empathy towards amplification at all.[/quote] I think I'm in the same boat as you. I practice and record at home through DI into a mixer and headphones. I'm happy with the DI tone of my basses, sometimes with effects and eq as needed. I've got tired of lugging a 4X10 cab & head around to gigs, and since I'm no longer in a "volume battle" with the guitarists I play with, I don't need the power anymore. and there've been times in the past when I've hauled my amp onstage, only for the soundman to tell me to turn it down to the point I needn't have brought it. for original band gigs in central london, an amp's like a ball & chain with scarce parking, the congestion charge etc. I'm planning to get a Roland Cube 100 to simplify things.
  12. the Cube 100 has a DI out. I'm planning to get one soon.
  13. ps. has anyone done a session where they were given tab to play from?
  14. [quote name='bassbloke' post='100226' date='Dec 6 2007, 02:20 PM']I'd also like to add that 1 finger per fret isn't the be all and end all. If your hands are big enough to facilitate it then fine, but anyone concentrating solely on using 1 finger per fret runs the risk of injuring themselves. There's nothing wrong with 124 fingering. Upright players have been using it for centuries.[/quote] yeah, but the problem i encountered a few years ago was I had to double a fast guitar riff- a scale run-down over 4 frets, all 4 strings in 2nd position. 1 finger per fret was the best way to play it cleanly. I'm comfortable with it now, but wouldn't want to try it on extra-long scale basses. on a 5string you could play it higher up the neck. re. tab, I think working things out by ear is very important- a good ear saves a lot of time when learning original songs in a band. also it comes in handy if you have a vocal part that's difficult to remember- if you can place the note to remember by name. and it's annoying when guitarists can't pick up a riff I play to them.
  15. looks like it takes standard single ball end strings, and you have to chop them off at the clamp.
  16. I'd have learned to play scales with 1-finger-per-fret - especially articulating between the ring finger and little finger. also learning conventional fingerstyle from the start would have helped, rather than spend a year with an odd thumb-plus-fingers style as i did. but I'm very glad I learned songs all by ear, off the radio, CD, tapes etc. and stayed away from tab. not bass-related specifically, but I wish i'd had piano lessons as a kid- this would have made learning to read music a lot easier- it's only now that I'm starting to overcome a mental block regarding standard notation.
  17. that's really weird, because Toerag studio is completely analogue, all except for the CD burners. unless Jack White brought in a sampler, and then getting Meg White to play in time with it would be impossible..... I reckon Herbie probably did play a bassline just like it long ago, and Jack White copied it/ripped it off. I'd love to hear the original, if anything just to reinforce my view of how unoriginal the White Stripes are.
  18. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='100022' date='Dec 6 2007, 10:10 AM']I may be wrong but don't these basses have some sort of block on the end of the neck that slots ino a recess in the body for more stability - therefore reducing the need for 4 bolts.[/quote] the MK1 Attitude had that- an aluminium block, but there were 4 visible bolts on the back of the body, with 2 inset plates. on the MK2 they did away with the block. Andy67, you've got one of each?
  19. more cheap stuff- [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/nowthenourkidshop_bass-guitars_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ16QQftidZ2QQtZkm"]http://stores.ebay.co.uk/nowthenourkidshop...6QQftidZ2QQtZkm[/url] P copies, acoustic bass and a PJ 25fret bass for around £50, and cheaper guitars.
  20. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='99652' date='Dec 5 2007, 03:28 PM']never realised these basses only have TWO neck bolts?! strange...[/quote] the other 2 must be under the neck pickup, and going the other way into the body.
  21. I was watching the BassGuitarMag (US one) review of the L2000- [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT4AP58jC5o"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT4AP58jC5o[/url] the tones, good though they are, all seem like a much of a muchness, despite all the options. I wonder, has anyone modded their L2000/L2500 with single coil options, or even swapped out the front pickup for a split coil humbucker like a P pickup? (maybe Bartolini offer a drop-in replacement?)
  22. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='99358' date='Dec 5 2007, 08:59 AM']I think Weller has had his day.[/quote] I agree. his solo output has got really dull now. and that "wild blue yonder" song of his was a complete rip-off of America's "horse with no name"!
  23. currently owned; Warmoth parts precision, heavy ash body, maple neck, P and double-J humbucker Hohner B2A with added Kent Armstrong humbucker Yamaha RBX270F fretless Hohner TWP600B acoustic, defretted Fender precision plus, PJ Dearmond Jetstar special, currently in bits while I decide what to do with it- nice neck, but the body is too light. previously owned; plywood Korean Squier precision, my first bass (horrible - neck like a bit of pine) Eko hollowbody
  24. in Denmark street you often see new P and J copies, sometimes with the Rockers name on them, sometimes no name- they look the same as the Bass centre's no-name basses, and they have Jim Deacon branded P and J copies that look the same. they probably all come out of the same big factory in China, or Korea doubt they'd be made by Tokai- they'd fetch more if they had the Tokai name on them.
  25. [quote name='bremen' post='98750' date='Dec 4 2007, 12:41 PM']Is it true that Chris Spedding played the guitar? Great sounding record.[/quote] don't think so- it's not exactly difficult stuff, and Steve Jones is credited as playing on some on Generation X and Siouxsie & the Banshees tracks- he's a basic, but tight rhythm guitarist.
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