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Everything posted by SJA

  1. yeah, that's Matlock on "Anarchy". Steve Jones played the rest of the bass on Never mind the Blx. actually, remembering that Tony Wilson show where they played it live, Matlock was playing a natural maple neck P (fingerstyle- very un-punk?) and got a pretty cool tone out of it.
  2. "aggressive green" good that the seller's included a pic of the back- the chunky trad neck block makes it clear that it's not one of the more expensive ones.
  3. "It’s even Herbie’s bass playing at the beginning of The White Stripes ‘Seven nation Army’." hmm. are they sure about that?- last year I recorded a demo at Toerag studios where the White stripes did the Elephant album (inc. seven nation army) and the engineer there said there was no bass used- Jack White put his guitar through an octave pedal for basslines. they have a couple of old Burns basses strung with flats in the attic area.
  4. - and their strat copy is £39.75 [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HARRIER-CIRRUS-guitar-in-S-BURST-JUNGLE-GREEN-XL-ST1_W0QQitemZ320169151983QQihZ011QQcategoryZ2384QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HARRIER-CIRRUS-guita...oQQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  5. cheapest new 6string , surely? Shine SB56 for £139 [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Brand-New-Shine-6-String-Active-Bass-Guitar-Sunburst_W0QQitemZ270192410071QQihZ017QQcategoryZ4713QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Brand-New-Shine-6-St...oQQcmdZViewItem[/url] Rondo sell these under the Douglas brandname- [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/product1197.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/product1197.html[/url]
  6. what's the cheapest "buy it now" price you've seen yet? £49.99 for P and J copies here- [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/harrierguitars"]http://stores.ebay.co.uk/harrierguitars[/url] can't be much worse than the korean Squier I started on.....
  7. ah, got it. when i put together my Warmoth P I put in a 5 way rotary switch for pickup select (1 neck, 3 both, 5 bridge, and inbetween sweetspot blends using presets pots- quite complex to figure out the wiring, but very simple to use) and a push-pull vol pot that bypasses the vol and tone.
  8. nice colour combo- trans blue on swamp ash, black guard and rosewood board. how are the pickups selected/switched?
  9. [url="http://www.brandoniguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.brandoniguitars.co.uk/[/url] the Rockson superstrat looks like an old 90's Vester.
  10. is that an XLR socket on the front? how are the EMG selects, particularly the B string tone and output? I've got a PJ set in a precision plus and the J buzzes a bit (with no 2nd J to humcancel against), great growly tone though. I've been interested in the squier P 5 because of the wide string spacing, and acoustically the ones I've tried sounded great, but the B string output was weak- I hear because they use 4 string pickups and the polepieces don't cover the B enough.
  11. hopefully they'll get cheaper and lighter now.... :ph34r:
  12. that's it- it's got me gassing for a blueburst Rick or copy now- particularly that Greco rick copy a Talkbasser posted pics of. I'd prefer the pickguardian plate to have the raised bit in line with the 2 small screws to make a thumb resting point.
  13. [url="http://www.gearslutz.com/board/so-much-gear-so-little-time/68183-jules-bass-mrs-robinson.html"]http://www.gearslutz.com/board/so-much-gea...s-robinson.html[/url] "It was a Fender bass I am almost certain." hmm, you'd have thought a world-famous producer would be able to tell whether it was a P or J just from the tone, if not remember it?
  14. [quote name='JD1' post='97738' date='Dec 2 2007, 07:29 PM']Lemonheads - Mrs Robinson - was that a P with a pick?[/quote] sounded like it. re. that track, i found it funny that the guy who produced it, Julian Standen, uses it as his main credit- but it's such a trashy, raw production- anyone could do it!
  15. I'd like to have a Rick-alike bass that had all the looks of the original, but with the fake bridge pickup surround that looked like the real thing from a distance, but was actually flat, like a chrome scratchplate, so you could rest your thumb on the pickup unhindered. maybe a photo of the real thing under a piece of perspex to go round the pickup, and a similar thing to go round a conventional bridge too...
  16. IIRC Krist used a Ripper on Nirvana's Nevermind- the tone with both pickups on sounds like that, with new strings and a pick thrown in. quirky vintage mojo
  17. when I saw them I thought they were pretty good, but the bassist's "oo-waa-ooo" falsetto on every song got a bit repetitive. yeah, they fit in a bit too conveniently with the likes of the Pigeon detectives, Holloways, Fratellis etc., but I suppose that's what you have to do to get on playlists and thus in the charts. the flipside of that is when the scene changes, the record label might tire of them rather quickly....
  18. nice tone- I've been listening to the Comsat Angels and I think Kevin Bacon (not the guy in Footloose...) used an L2000 on most of the tracks eg. "Island heart"- he's using one in the video for "Independence day".
  19. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='97539' date='Dec 2 2007, 11:09 AM']The only thing I don't really like about a pick is that it robs you of a lot of control. Great for chugging 8ths, but not so good for anything that requires damping or ghosting. Or maybe it's the way I play...[/quote] you mean controlling the note length with your plucking fingers? it's a bit harder doing it with a pick, but possible, or you use your fretting hand to cut the note length, or damp the note with your palm at the bridge. eg. playing a staccato rhythm with 16th notes. I stayed away from using a pick for years, but finally gave in and put pick holders on my basses so i can quickly grab one when that tone's needed. the limitation of a pick for me is I can't get artificial harmonics when using one (maybe it's easier with distortion like a guitarist does).
  20. there's a whole load of gold fenders here- [url="http://www.gear-review.co.uk/ggc/index.html"]http://www.gear-review.co.uk/ggc/index.html[/url] white pearloid on a gold strat- [url="http://www.guitarsandeffects.com/guitarimages2006/fen_sh_st/shoreline_gold_stratocaster_003.jpg"]http://www.guitarsandeffects.com/guitarima...ocaster_003.jpg[/url]
  21. see it now. white pearloid maybe? rosewood or maple neck going on it?
  22. I saw the Wombats last year at Islington Bar academy, and the bassist used an Antigua P, IIRC maple board. I went to see the support band, Blah blah blah, who have an excellent bassist (but he uses a Jazz), a bit like Norman Watt Roy. yep, a precision, rounds and a pick is the "can't go wrong" rock bass sound. some others- Derek Forbes with early Simple Minds eg. Theme for great cities, Tim Butler with the Psychedelic Furs eg. pretty in pink (original version) & mr Jones, Tony Butler with Big country eg. look away. not forgetting The Ox on Live at leeds, of course- he probably was the first to get that sound.
  23. clear perspex pickguard? (can't see it either)
  24. here's a review of that 10-string- [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/Tennessee/10+String+Bass/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...tring+Bass/10/1[/url] "I've been a musician for 20 years, worked in music stores, bought top of the line and a lot of cheap Japanese/Chinese/Korean instruments, but this is the biggest turd I've ever laid my hands on."
  25. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/H-S-Headless-Doubleneck-Double-Neck-Bass-headless_W0QQitemZ270191425214QQihZ017QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/H-S-Headless-Doublen...VQQcmdZViewItem[/url] doubleneck headless, fretless 4 on top, fretted 4 beneath, for £229. the pickups and hardware look the same as on the "Riverside" cheap headless Steinberger copies. Hohner B2/B2A's are pretty expensive in comparison, wonder how these compare.
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