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Posts posted by mrtcat

  1. I have had a pair of Art 722a and a pair of 745a and they are like night and day. The 745s are absolutely immense. From what I gather the 735s are much closer to the 745s than the 722s so you should notice a big step up. That said I really liked the 722s and can't really imagine how loud the rest would have to be to make it difficult to get the vocals to the front of the mix. Are you using backline or is everything through FOH?

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Witters said:

    How do prospective guitarists contact you?

    All our ads have my email address on as I'm the main point of contact. Obviously people responding to fb ads can message me direct and if anyone on here wants me or knows anyone who might be interested they can get me at [email protected] 🙂

    41 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    If you're a function band - also try out StarNow

    Gumtree, fBook etc will give you wider reach 

    StarNow for semi-pro / pro players and vocalists 

    Thanks for this, I will defo give StarNow a try today. 

    7 minutes ago, chris_b said:

    You find them amongst the guys you know from other bands.

    Yeah this is definitely a sensible shout. It's exactly how we lost our current guitarist and I'm sure there's a fair chance we'll find his replacement in a similar way. 

  3. Awesome thanks Mark.

    We are based loosely around south Northamptonshire (Silverstone) but cover a large area. 

    Our band profile is here:  https://www.alivenetwork.com/bandpage.asp?bandname=Hypersonix

    Gigs are usually 4 a month but we  will happily do several a week if incomes in. We have only recently joined with Alive Network and they're starting to fill our diary for 2019. Min fee is £150 each but the agreement is that once they have put lots in the diary it will go up to around the £200 mark. 

    Many thanks 


  4. Where do you find your band members when someone leaves and you need to replace them?

    We need a new guitarist and are going to use Gumtree, Facebook, Bandmix, JMB and word of mouth. Is there anywhere else we should be looking? We are an established function band with good agency representation so want to find someone with decent chops. 

    Any suggestions? 


    Only selling as I now have three of these - which even I can see is a little bit silly. 

    Absolutely smashing bass in really great condition. The best "P" sound I've heard when the p pickup is solo'd and like a fatter version of a jazz bass when both pups are blended.

    Lovely action, fully working truss rod and a medium/slim neck with satin finish. All in all an absolutely top drawer bass for really very little money.

    Comes with a tatty case which is fully functional. 

    Pickup from NN12 (south northants) or delivered / meet up within a 25 mile radius. Postage within mainland UK included in price. 







    • Like 2
  6. What it says! This is us https://www.alivenetwork.com/bandpage.asp?bandname=Hypersonix

    Current guitarist is heading to pastures new with a Travelling Willbury's tribute show so we need a committed, reliable, pro standard guitarist with BV's and transport aged somewhere in the 18-40 range. 

    Plenty of gigs, all paying min £150 with agency keeping us busy.

    We work with in ears so must be comfortable with that.

  7. If you're struggling to find a band then it's really worth paying some attention to how you market yourself. Some quality footage of you playing and a tidy FB page etc can go a long way towards generating some interest in you as a player. If you have a good presence and plenty of media to support it then you will be more desirable to established bands looking to replace a departing bass player. Also networking is really important. Put yourself out there as a dep and take everything you can. You'll find that being known locally as a decent player and a good reliable person goes a long way to helping you find a band.

    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, attackbass said:


    I'm looking for new IEMs. I managed to step on my Shure 215s and knacker them at a gig over the weekend so think this is a good time to upgrade a bit.

    I have had in the past custom moulds IEM when I was touring a lot and found them uncomfortable and wasn't impressed with the seal. I think I have quite small ear canals.. I struggle to get foam earplugs in but found the rubber tips with the 215s fitted well and gave a really good seal.

    So I'm looking for universal fitting monitors with a max budget of £350. I've been doing a lot of reading and read a lot of mixed reviews of the UE 900s and the Fender Ax7? I have also been considering Westones UM30s and earsonics. I don't want to spend more as I am likely to break them at some point! There also seems to be a lot of contradicting advice on how many drivers are best etc

    I'm running wired to the desk via a presonus headphone mixer and splitting my Di out from my Hellborg pre to the desk and to the presonus so I can mix in my bass my self (I found getting the bass from the desk didn't work for what I like to hear)

    I found the 215 by Shure actually ok - I think maybe I found it quite hard to balance my bass with drums and with guitar, synth etc as well in the mix I found there was a lack of space and definition and it could get quite loud/fatiguing.

    Any advice on what I should really consider and really not consider would be much appreciated. I also found playing without them at function/weddibga type venues hellish so don't have the time to go with moulds at the moment.




    ZS10s will only cost you £40 and I prefer them to UE900s and are a big step up from the Shures in terms of sound quality. If you can get the right tips on them then you'll save a fortune.

  9. 14 minutes ago, drTStingray said:

    However FOH bass drum sound is often a problem - should it be a thud or a boom - the latter is a real problem especially if mixed too loud. As I don't play in marching bands I really don't understand anyone who wants the bass drum to boom - and it sounds like that's one of the problems the OP has...... 

    Yeah boom is not what you want. A nice little push around 60hz  and then a bit of high end to give definition is usually all you want - much of the rest can be dialled out. I have to say that I've always found that running subs on aux makes it much easier to achieve this. More often than not, unless it's a really big venue, I just bleed in a little bit of low into the subs from the kick and it fattens up nicely. I also find that putting kick through a PA without subs usually sounds worse rather than better. You're asking a lot of your tops if you want them to do the whole 60hz bit. There aren't many relatively affordable tops (RCF 735/745 & BF FR800s excluded) that I've come across that can really cope with that.

  10. 23 hours ago, EBS_freak said:

    Heads up - at London in Olympia with CIEM co at the drum show if anybody wants to have a listen to stuff.

    Cheeky question but are there likely to be any "deals" at the show. I'm possibly coming with my drummer and would definitely be interested in some UE6's. Reduced price ear impressions maybe lol?

  11. 10 hours ago, Al Krow said:

    So what was this favourite colour of yours then? (My money is on white simply 'cos that's my Yammy colour of choice! :) ) There seemed to be a bit more choice with the x24 range on finish than there is on the x34; in fact the number of choices on the top end BB34 is pretty woeful...

    Yep, it's a white 1024x actually. I'm going to keep that one and sell one of the two identical 1024 s I have that are both the tobacco burst. I've grown to love the burst but two identical basses is a bit silly 😋 

  12. 1 minute ago, Al Krow said:

    How did that happen?!! 

    Did you manage to buy a couple whilst you weren't looking? Got home and thought "oh yes that's another 1024, great bass, I've got a couple of those already"?

    Reminds me of when I would pop into a record store (remember doing that anyone?) and think "yup, I'm sure I'll really enjoy that album". Well err...yes, I'd already previously bought a copy which was sitting on my CD rack so clearly it was music I was going to like!

    Haha, I bought one and loved it so I bought a second one as a backup. I forgot to remove my post in "Items Wanted" and someone approached me with another which was the exact colour I'd really wanted from the start and at a good price -  so I bought that too. All three are pretty much mint too. I'd keep all three but kinda need to free up some cash. 

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