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Posts posted by mrtcat

  1. If it's what his regulars have asked him to do then absolutely fair enough. Most of us are bored of playing them anyhow. If it's just his personal taste then by all means he has every right to request you don't play them but on his own head be it. We know too well how some of the less music concious punters in many pubs will be miffed if they don't get what they want.

  2. We do weddings, functions, pubs, beer festivals and parties.

    I am solely responsible for our FOH sound as everyone else in the band would happily settle for a crappy cheap system. I'm an authorised BFM builder (although my day job has recently curtailed much of my building - to be fair I am usually bombarded with enquiries for custom built gear by people expecting a bespoke build to be far cheaper than an off the shelf solution) so as you can imagine all our cabs are self built.

    I have 4 x BFM DR200s and 8 x Titan 39's, a mackie 1640i desk, a Behringer DCX2496 crossover (best on the market by a country mile due to it's brickwall limiters), a Behringer DEQ2496 (again exceptional value as it has RTA function built in which is essential with BFM cabs), three crown XTi amps (1 for subs, one for tops, one for monitors) and a bunch of rack mount plugins (reverb, eq's, compressors etc).

    We get tons of bookings on the back of the sound quality. I always start by soundchecking drums, then add bass so it fits nicely on top, then guitar and finally get vocals to sit on top. To be fair these days most settings stay the same and I just tweak to combat venue acoustics.

    As I built all cabs myself and scoured ebay/gumtree/basschat for electronics our entire rig cost less then a pair of mackie subs and tops (Mackie SRM450's are undeniably the worst speakers I've ever heard - so so harsh).

    Is it any good?

    Oh hell yeah it's f###ing killer.

  3. [quote name='ken_white' timestamp='1345835761' post='1782324']
    The trouble i got with my drummer is he's my brother and i can't kick him out.
    He has trouble keeping time, And it throws everyone out, and to top it off he has a massive ego and will argue with any help or constructive critism! He just plays the same roles out of time!

    we're only a covers band, but i spend hours practicing and trying to get things perfect, and feel quite deflated when i play with him.

    Any suggestions?? I'd love to play with a brilliant drummer!!

    Very tricky but you either confront him, put up with it or leave the band. You know him better than we do but if it were me I'd seriously consider the last option as you're clearly frustrated.

  4. We just shifted our drummer out as he was a complete @r$3hol3. He was always banging on about wanting more money and then would cancel gigs last minute if it was too far away or not paying enough. Turns out he cancelled a gig to rehearse with his old band as they're doing a one off reunion gig next month. When I found out I told him to try get his old band back together cos he's done with this one.
    Now to find a replacement. Luckily we have a solid dep (the drummer from my other band) who's killer but he can't do two bands so he's only a temporary fit. Been advertising recently but had no real promising takers. One guy asked for an audition today but turned him down as he said he had no kit and his wife wouldn't let him buy one. He said he knew someone that would lend him one for gigs as long as that chap wasn't using it himself. WTF!!!!!

  5. When learning covers for my regular band I usually do it by ear and then practice by playing along.
    I've now joined a second project (another covers band) and the standard is really high but several songs are going to be played in a totally different key to the original recording. Is there a piece of software or hardware I can get hold of that will change the key of a song so I can practice along to it at home?

  6. We are an established rock/pop rock covers band with gigs (including weddings) booked. Just lost our drummer but we have a pro dep who's filling the gaps at the mo. We need a quality drummer to step in. In return he/she will get an equal share of all earnings and the benefit of walking into a good busy lively band with an excellent singer.
    We have a huge pro PA system, our own lights and transport.
    It's a fun yet busy band. We're all in our 30s but age is not important. We won't waste your time and expect the same in return

  7. [quote name='vsmith1' timestamp='1344887552' post='1770726']
    Just a bit irritated by the blatant tape covering Ampeg on the head and cab, then noticed that Ashdown was covered up for Madness bassist, then Fender covered for Pete Townsend back line. I didn't notice that the Logo Police had covered up the RR and Spirit of Ecstasy on the three cars!! I was wondering whether they'd have to cover Fender on the headstock of the Strats.

    All non Olympic sponsor brands were banned from any Olympic event. Any logos not covered would have been left visible as the manufacturers would have paid a handsome fee to the IOC.

  8. Got the very same cab. Best buy EVER. Very sensitive so goes very loud when needed but at all volumes sounds beautiful and never fails to cut through. Good luck with the sale although I tell you now - you'll regret it.

  9. design features of pretty much anything money can buy have been selected based upon basic economics. amps with silent fans or water cooling would cost more to produce and therefore more to buy. The company making the amp would expect to sell less as essentially it's more money for the same amp (albeit one where [b][i]some[/i][/b] people would appreciate the silent cooling system). Amps with passive cooling would be larger and less likely to compete well against micro heads. Decisions about parts and designs are all part of an in depth cost/benefit exercise. Most manufactures will ultimately calculate which design will give them the best return.

    Personally I've never noticed a fan noise on any amp as I only use them when gigging.

  10. Played a Sausage and Cider festival yesterday. I also ran sound for the day with my pa system.

    We were first band on and all went well. Crowd grew and grew through our 2hr set as the weather was perfect and widespread dancing broke out in the second set . Was nice to be able to let the PA run at war volume for a change and it was a goodshowcase for all my BFM cabs.

    Following us there were three other bands. The next after us was poor tbh. They described themselves as a pro function band but with the exception of the drummer (stand in pro) and the bass player (lovely sound from a fretless J) who were good the rest of the band were dull, out of tune and laclustre. I did my best to get them a nice sound but was clearly an exercise in turd polishing.

    Next two bands were great tho. One an indie covers band with a very energetic singer and a guitarist who works for musicman and has organised some free strings for me. The last was a folky rock band from Nothampton with a smashing bass player who demonstrated that you don't need to spend a fortune to sound good. He had an old Ampeg BassRocket combo and a fender modern player telecaster bass with flats on. He sounded awesome. Perfect for his band too. They were real gents too who all took the time to thank me.

    All in all a good day but more than anything enjoyed hearing my BFM PA system from out front. Oh yeah several gallons of scrumpy and loads of sausages also helped.

  11. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1344196507' post='1761138']

    [b]Nobody[/b] puts a drink on MY amplifier!

    +1 anyone in the band should know better and gets short shrift for this behaviour. Anyone not in the band has no business on stage and gets removed swiftly. Their drink gets my chewing gum in it for good measure.

  12. Used to frustrate me when I only used expensive guitars. I have recently found a bass that I bought purely because I love the sound which coincidentally was only £130. It sounded so good that at the first available oportunity I bought a 2nd as a spare (well at just £130 why not?) and now have that a semitone down so I can easily play along to bands that are -1

  13. I can vouch for a tc head with a berg AE212. Berg cabs are beautifully made and sound gorgeous. I'm keen to hear why you don't like Barefaced cabs tho. If it's aesthetics I totally agree as i think the rippled cab finish is awful and cheap looking. Sound wise tho they have a cab for all situations, can be ridiculously loud and the sound quality is excellent. Oh and holy crap they're unbelievably light.

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