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Everything posted by badboy1984

  1. A good light weight 2x12 is the way to go now it seems. It covers 90% of the gig without a problem. If doing bigger gigs then most likely you will be DI and your 2x12 cab will be use as a monitor.
  2. Sometimes is a MIA text that makes us think it sound better. Some does sound better but not all of them. The price of the bass makes us think it sound better. Whether MIA sound better then a MIM is very subjective.
  3. It seema the sizzing noise is the radio interferance. As i turn up the treble to full i can hear the radio. Turn the mid down i get more sizzing noise. It maybe to do with my house that can pick up things like that. I need to try the pedal else where to see if same problem occurs.
  4. Anyone know where i can get my MXR M80 repair?
  5. Did more testing this morning. Is not the pedalboard or other pedals that causing the problem. Is the MXR M80 have problem. I've just run the m80 solo and the pedal sounds ok when it is in bypass mode. When i engage the effect it start crackle and sizzing. When i run the pedal on parrellel output it sounded fine. I guess the Di might be ok but i'm not sure. Could be a bad jack on the pedals output? Might need to find a pedal repairer to sort this out.
  6. The buzzing is crackling suzzing is not on the distortion channel. Happen when engage the pedal.
  7. Thinking to replace that M80 with a normal Di box instead.
  8. Anyone experience problem with their M80 pedal? My first problem occur is when using the M80 DI live where the pedal picks up loud radio signal when DI to the PA. Got rid of the radio signal by pressing the ground lift button. Second time the problem is loud sizzing noise when using my pedalboard and the M80 was last on the chain. Line output to the amp. Once the pedal engage the sizzing noise is loud. If by pass the pedal then everything else is normal. This is how the signal goes: Bass -> Boss tuner -> Boss compression/sustainer -> EBS reverb -> EBS chorus -> Dunlop bass wah -> Dod fx25b -> Boss EQ -> MXR M80 -> Ashdown LB30
  9. [sharedmedia=core:attachments:184140] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:184141] Here is my MIM Fender Classic 60 jazz. Didn't like the j-retro on it so converted it back to passive system. I've also changed the stock pickup to dimarzio dp123 jazz set.
  10. I personally think a High way P will do the job. Should say Fender P bass would do the job. I do quite like the look on the RW bass. If I'm remember correctly, it has a Seymour Duncan pickup and badass brdige i think. The glossy maple neck is something I really liked. Talking about badass bridge, I think the HW bass uses badass bridge. I had similar situation 2 years ago, I ended up just modding my MIM P bass. Swap them for a duncan pickup and swap a maple neck to the p bass. Altho I choose a jazz neck over the precision neck.
  11. Interesting point. I really do like the red grill on the LB212 because it matches well on my LB30. The LB2x12, VS2x12 and BF cab suppose to do the LB30 justice.
  12. I'm still searching for a matching Ashdown 2x12 for my Little Bastard 30. Since getting a VS2x12 prove to be difficult, was wondering is the Root Master 2x12 is the same as the VS2x12? Not bother about the weight because my trace elliot 15" is not exactly light.
  13. I use compression. Is something I shouldn't hear a different in terms of my tone or playing. If I hear changes to my tone or volume drop then I'm definitely using it wrong for my purpose. Compression helps me clean up peaks when I striking the strings or certain effects that could potentially peaks.
  14. If only this doesn't have fretline then I'm defo interest I guess it is on its way to the new owner lol.
  15. Could it be the strings on the 3 bass is different i.e different age and the action on those 3 bass is different as well? I know when I tried a stingray in the shop, it sounded absolute rubbish but when I bought the bass, the shop set it up for me to my spec and the choice of my strings, it sounded fantastic straight away.
  16. Standard MIM fender I can't comment too much but anything like classic 50, 60, roadworn onwards. They all good.
  17. Bump for this. I used to own one of these and it is absolutely loud and clean in my ears. The EQ is also very powerful to get alot of tones.
  18. I personal think is a good concept of rehearsal and practice amp. You can always run the amp with another cab or just use the head only.
  19. I've got a dod fx25b, was wondering what Kind of EQ is good for envelop filter. I.e cut low, boosy mid etc. I'm kinda struggle to get the tone for the song "Rip it up - Orange juice" live version. The live version sound like it have a nice clean bass tone with filter on but it doesn't color the original bass tone.
  20. I will give them a try. Bright on the jazz is good, I always have the mid scoop jazz problem lol.
  21. I will probably put a lighter gauge on my jazz. Had the 45 on my p/j bass which works well, but the 45 on the jazz doesn't feel right in my hand. Just like a fretless bass, 45 or higher sounded bad on my fretless. When I strung a set of 40 on my fretless it sounded nice. Might have to do the same on my jazz.
  22. Another amp might made a different but i run my amp flat and by pass most things. I only use the graphic EQ very subtle.
  23. I can't advice you too much on which bass but I personally thinks a 5 string active is better then passive. Don't ask me why. Amp wise I would would say get something light weight that can easily port around for gig. If a Markbass CMD2x10 combo available I would go for that. Light and loud.
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